News - Mwz - 5 Minutes Of "elite" Tips & Tricks. Warzone 2 Zombies Secrets Explained

best mw3 zombies tips

Fastest way to run

5 minutes of elite Modern Warfare 3 zombie tips let's go also how you me The best way to move around as fast as possible and to avoid all enemies is to slide. This means to sprint, slide, and then hit the jump button. There isn't infinite sliding in this game like there is in Black Ops 3 Zombies, but if you properly combine sprint timing with sliding, you can work out a nice rhythm to move much faster over time.

Repeat this loop.

Earn double points for contracts

If you're ever forced to run around the map If you have double points active when completing a contract, you will get double the money for it. This means that if your contract is paying 5, 000 points, you will get 10, 000 points.

Get dog meat fast

An easy way to get meat for doghouses is to utilize Casmir grenades; these will suck up everything around them and drop tons of meat.

Similarly, another method includes using explosive weapons.

Blood burner bike

Like the grenade launcher, the Bloodb burner bike is an extremely rare vehicle to come by that features incredible health and damage to zombies, plus bosses drive pretty fast and overwater with no issue and doesn't require any fuel. The thing is, though, that only one spawns per game, and from what I hear, it can spawn anywhere.



Real quick, huge thanks to the sponsor of this article, u4gm. They're a Cod Pro-boosting website that can easily help you get all Modern Warfare zombie schematics consumable items and cases of camels like Borealis.

Use exfils to farm kills

Joe XVs are fantastic for farming mini-boss and zombie kills. For whatever reason you may need to kill certain enemies, whether it be for Missions Dog Meet or just a challenge, Xville spots are a decent place to try out.

Compass ping marker

If you ping something, you don't need to keep pulling up your T map to see which direction you are going. You can just use the marker displayed on the compass at the top of your screen. It's extremely useful when the marker doesn't show up on the gameplay screen in your Tac map or you just aren't in quite the right situation to pull out your Tac map, in fact, in a place like the dark ether.

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This tip is so helpful because the tactic markers quickly disappear. Just follow the compass marker instead to get where you need to go more quickly before having to return to a location.

Dog house meat minimums

You don't need to give the dog house four pieces of meat for either a dork ether or a tier. Three dogs, rather than three pieces of meat at minimum, is just fine despite the minimums to get a dog. For example, one piece of meat in the Gry Zone dog house If you give the dog four pieces of meat in any zone, it will give the dog more health.

Gold wall weapons

Gold wall weapons

You can get a guaranteed gold wall weapon every single game from the Red Zone. This is useful when you're out of tools but really need to do something challenging.

Worm boss fight health scaling

Like the worm balls fights , the worm balls fights adjust the number of players you have. This means that if you're solo, it will not be as hard to kill the bosses, at least in terms of health, as it would be in a six-player game.

Melee to share weapon

By knifing a weapon that's yours sitting in the mystery box, anyone else can pick it up.

Kill manglers faster

By melting Andor and shooting at the mangler's arm, you'll be able to kill him much more quickly.

Ammo mods kill bosses faster

ammo, Mods do more than just give special effects to zombies; they can actually help you kill bosses. Faster brain rot will deal bonus damage to mimics and certain versions of the Abomination. Dead wire will help to take out disciples faster; naon burst will help you kill manglers; faster cryofreeze will help you kill dogs.

Keep camo after pack a punch

Faster by meleeing Pack-a-Punch, you prevent the Pack-a-Punch camel from being applied to your weapon as of now.

Go afk in mwz

By going to the cranes, most notably in Zeravan City, you can chill out at the top without any worry of dying zombies, either not or minimally. Attack you here.

Ammo mod effects tips

Ammo, Mods can affect more than just zombies, apart from the fact that you can deal additional damage to bosses, most notably with brain rot, where you can turn dogs into manglers and disciples, and mimics; also, shatter blasts help to destroy armor on all types of enemies in the chest.

High-tier loot from aetherium chests

High-tier loot from aetherium chests

With purple sticking out of it, it seems to always have much higher-quality loot than traditional ones.

Get free perk easter eggs

Never pass up on them; you can get all nine perks in the game for free via the various free perk Easter eggs available to you. I have a full article on my channel showing you how to get all of them in one article, as well as each perk individually.

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The funny thing is that many YouTubers rushed their articles and didn't include Elemental Pop in theirs.

Save weapons for next game in mwz

I waited till mine had it that one was two pieces of information in one, the elemental pop-free perk An Easter egg actually allows you to carry your weapons over to the next game. In a sense, by paying respects to the grave in Tier 3, you will be sacrificing your weapon, and in return, a porter will spawn with the chance of an elemental pop and an ether tool of the same rarity.

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Nothing is ever guaranteed, as this Easter egg is a play on randomness. Of Elemental, pop, but there's a chance that you get back a gold ether tool and a Tier 3 Pap Crystal from this game, ready for you to use next game and apply to the same weapon again from your contraband. Being this fortunate is extremely rare, though.

Death perception is amazing

Death perception is a fantastic perk because it allows you to see loot and enemies through walls, so if you're doing something very meticulously, like the key Easter egg and the dark ether, it could be huge when deciding whether or not you want to waste time getting a key for a certain door. If there's no wonder weapon case, why bother?

Vr11 repair vehicles

Vr11 repair vehicles

The vr11 allows you to repair the health of your vehicles, and yes, this includes escort vehicles as well.

Repair health of gas mask

You can repair the health of your gas mask and refill your grenades from the ammo crates around the map; they are not just for ammo, so make sure to use them as much as possible, as they are always on a pretty generous 60-second.

Tier 3 armor vest guaranteed

Timer A three-plate armor vest is always guaranteed.

Weapon rarity vs pap damage scaling

From a mercenary stronghold weapon, Rarity and Pack-a-Punch both increase the damage output of your weapon. Here's a chart showing roughly how improving each of these components of your weapon will scale the damage.

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