News - Modern Warfare 2: New Secret Update Patch Notes & Gameplay Changes. Warzone 2 Update


They're up in your menu but not in the game, but they're not being removed, so at least they're not being removed, but obviously if you're trying to access certain things with key cards or you want to bring in certain equipment, that is something that is drastic to Corey's game place, so hopefully that one is fixed here soon.

They're also aware of an issue where the insured weapons are not equipped when loading into a match, and this is an issue that can actually mess you up big time sometimes. If your insured weapon doesn't load in you, you know, x-fill or you die, then it deletes your insured weapon and you get that two-hour countdown yet again.

dmz changes

Sometimes that happens. That doesn't help either, but it is a very big problem because obviously, that's like the main component of the DMZ: having your insured weapon if you're doing certain challenges where you know you have to have a weapon you can trust. They're also aware of a tacking map bug in Building 21 where it doesn't show up correctly, and we've actually got some very interesting stuff to talk about with the tacking map in Building 21 coming up in a future article, so stay tuned for that.

You're not going to want to miss that one. They're also aware of an issue that kicks some party members out after a successful x-fill as well, so just some simple UI stuff there with the party and x-filling together. All in all, there are a handful of new fixes that are already live in the game, and some very big ones are getting work done here for some future updates as well.

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Peace out, Hi,

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