News - It's Time To Remove Sbmm / Eomm From Warzone 2 And Warzone

It happened with MW2, happened with MW3, happened with Vanguard, and happened with Black Ops Cold War. They never get that reinjection of players now, of course, a little different with Black Ops Cold War when it became free to play through the PS+, which was awesome, and a lot of players went to play that, and they're like.

This game's actually way better than what we have now, but that's neither here nor there. That's the difference here; that's what they have to realize: that when you have these hurdles and these deterrents tearing them away, you should create a better experience for your players and create a positive player flow into your game, and they're just so against it for whatever reason.

I don't really know why. I hope we'll figure it out at some point, and hopefully they can. Make these changes; they can even just take up sensors, make one little suggestion, and have a weeklong. Spmm free world for Call of Duty and see if it is everything we remember it being, because I think it would be.

But that's what I'm going to leave you with today, guys. I'm very curious what you think about this whole skill-based matchmaking debate. Obviously, it's been a debate we've had before, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts. Do you think it needs to go? Do you think some form of it needs to stay?

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Let's just try something out for fun. Remove SBMM and EOMM to see if they it makes the player base increase. Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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