News - Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded - New Modes / Weapons / The Boys Collab And More

black ops 4

I hope you guys are doing well we finally have some news regarding, season 1 reloaded for Modern Warfare 3 finally it seems as if we are getting some information about this game it only took them a full month after releasing season 1 to talk to the community again so let's go over what we know so far, for season 1 reloaded it will launch on January 17th which was speculated and honestly, is pretty easy to tell when you look at event tabs and you look at the Battle pass, everything is timed out to end or begin on January 17th so it makes a ton of sense, so what are we going to be getting with season 1 reloaded well first and foremost I think we all know that we are getting the brand new 6v6 map Rio.

I haven't been able to personally play it, but I'm hoping that it is very reminiscent of what we've already had with both grease and meat, which I feel are half decent maps. I know people are a little bit mixed on Grease, but hey, it's a brand new map, and honestly, it doesn't play that badly. Now, when it comes to game modes in season 1 reloaded, we're going to be getting three new game modes: team gunfight headquarters and infected.

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Now the latter two I am excited for. I like Infected; it is an easy way to just relax and play Call of Duty, and you're not really caring about how you do it. Personally, I hope they treat it the same way they did with the event during Christmas, where your wins and losses don't matter. On top of that, I didn't think that there was much skill-based matchmaking either, so I hope they go around with that same mindset this time as well.


Of course, with headquarters, I am a huge fan, and I am glad to see it return. It should have been in the game at launch, but at least it's coming now, so hopefully more of these old classic modes will make their return here in Modern Warfare 3. I'm looking at you, Demolition, and I'm looking at you, Capture the Flag.

Hopefully those two modes find their way into Modern Warfare 3 at some point this year. There's also going to be team gunfights, something that I'm not extremely excited for. The new boys collab is also going to hit Modern Warfare 3 during season 1 reloaded. You guys know how I feel about the boys in Call of Duty.

I think it's entirely gimmicky; I think it's silly, but I'm sure there's going to be people that are pretty excited for it, so there you have it. On January 17th, you can go spend your hard-earned money and reward the lack of communication in Modern Warfare 2 or, pardon me, Modern Warfare 3 by spending money on The New Boys collaboration.


Alongside the new boys collaboration, there's also going to be an updated version of Kill confirmed where Fallen operators will drop doses of temp. I don't see myself playing this. I'm going to be completely honest; there's no value to this for me, but it could be something that you enjoy. Now into what I'm most interested in, which is multiplayer-ranked play, which is going live on January 17th.

We knew league play was coming. But there's some caveats this year, which I'm actually kind of excited about. Normally, with ranked play, it was just, Hey, load up the game you get to play with Modern Warfare 3; you have to be level 55. To enter ranked play now for most people; they've already accomplished this, but for those of you who've either not played a ton or who are hacking or cheating, this is a barrier to entry, which I don't necessarily hate.

xtz ferocity

Again, though you're probably already playing ranked game modes considering the fact that skill-based matchmaking is so strict, what excites me about ranked play and why I'm looking so forward to it is that it will follow the official CDL rule set, and Call of Duty through the CDL is a ton of fun. I've seen that before with league play on games like Cold War, even on Modern Warfare 2, it had its bright points because the CDL play set restricts a lot of the cheese that Call of Duty has to offer.

It also makes you turn up your sweat meter, which is also fun at times. Because for once in this game, when you actually have to try, you're earning something; you're earning a rank, unlike skill-based matchmaking, where there's nothing really to earn; there's just frustration to be had. But anyway, that's another comment.

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Another article for another day. You guys have heard me rant enough about skill-based matchmaking. There's also new weapons coming to Modern Warfare 3 and War Zone in Season 1 Reloaded. The HRM, 9, SMG, which is unlocked via an armor challenge, and the TAC evolver, which is an lmg, which is unlocked via a weekly challenge, don't know how I feel about a new lmg in the game.

I mean, lmgs are already really strong here in Modern Warfare 3, but I mean more things for people to unlock. I hope they've balanced this because, yeah, the weapon balance needs some work, and I'm hoping that we hear something regarding the weapon balance in season 1 being reloaded as time moves.

What I can tell you, though, is that there is a weapon balancing update coming to War Zone. This is something that War Zone seriously needed, and Raven Software has confirmed it with this tweet saying tomorrow's War Zone update addresses balance concerns with the MTZ Interceptor, alongside several other bucks.

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Next week's season 1 reloaded update will include a more comprehensive balance pass for weapons we've been monitoring, so I'm hoping that this is also going to lead to more comprehensive balancing in multiplayer as well, not just in the war zone, because multiplayer needs some serious work too. But that's about it for new content coming to season 1 reloaded.

You know, we're getting new weapons, a new map, and a brand new boy collaboration. Although I'm not excited for that, maybe there's a new mode coming, which excites me way more than anything that they're doing with the boys. So what does this mean for you? What does this mean for the community? Does it mean that there's enough here to bring you back if you move away from the game?

I think you're going to have to wait and see wait and see if there's been improvements made to the matchmaking, the servers, the spawns, and the weapon balance. Through the patch notes, don't just look at the shiny new objects that they're throwing at you; look and see if the foundations of the game have improved.

Because that's what's going to make the game more fun. You can add as much fluff and junk into the game as you want, but while the foundations are laid to be brittle and bare, it's not going to make the experience any better. I'd love to sit here and tell you guys that season one reloaded is going to be fantastic.

All the features of Season 1 Reloaded is finally here. New modes, weapons and a new The Boys Collab is on its way! Thanks guys and gals for watching.
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