News - Is The Perk Balance Any Good Warzone 2i. Beta Feedback

Gloves seem weak but fine so far

Gloves seem weak but fine so far

Next, I just want to mention the glove category. I think so far all of these gloves are quite weak and fine, as long as they're all weak in the same category.

I am very curious to see what other gloves we end up seeing at launch, and I'll probably revisit this topic at that point, but as of right now, there's no real obvious choice in the glove category, so I think they're fine as is, even though as a category, gloves are pretty weak Finally, let's move into the gear category, and with this, we'll start off with the LR detector.

L/r detector not working properly?

And with this, the description says it warns of hostile laser and radiation sources, and you'll notice the little icon that's attached to it is the high alert icon, so for me. I thought this was essentially high alert with just a bit of a weird description. However, I've used it a little bit in the game, and I can't figure out what it's actually doing for me at all.


It definitely doesn't appear to be working like the high alert perk, and while I don't know what they mean by radiation sources, there's probably going to be some gear or kill streaks or something in the full build of the game that maybe gives us a little bit of a utility. In its current state. I don't see any reason to be using this over the other perks in this gear category, because there are some very powerful perks in this category, so honestly, as much as I'm not a fan of the high alert perk in general.

I think this probably should be working like high alerts. I think it would make sense balanced against the other perks in this tier, and I wouldn't really mind somebody having high alert if that means they're giving up, like EOD or ghost, for instance.

Bone conduction headset bugged?

Bone conduction headset bugged?

Next up, just a quick note on the bone conduction headset. I think this is just not working as intended in its current state, and this will likely just get taken care of for the launch of the game, but in my opinion, the bone conduction headset shouldn't be boosting teammate footstep audio.

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It should boost enemy footstep audio, and I think it should essentially just cancel out the covert sneakers, so there is that counter for those that need to rely on footstep audio for their awareness of what's going on around them, but it definitely shouldn't be boosting teammate footstep audio as well.

Ghost needs a buff?

And finally, within the gear category, let's talk about ghosts. I do think there's plenty of room for optimization when it comes to this ghost perk. Now, before I provide this feedback, I want to be clear: I definitely prefer this style of ghost perk that requires movement in order to activate.


And you'll actually be popping up on the enemy radar a lot more than you might think while using the ghost perk. Even if you're trying to stay active and on the move, if you stop even for just a brief moment, you're now exposed to the enemy uavs, and the ghost perk isn't doing anything for you, so it's only actually working for you when you're actively in the process of moving around the map, and in my opinion, that makes the ghost perk quite weak compared to the other perks in this tier, and when we look back to Black Ops.


Cold War is the most recent game to have this style of a ghost perk. While this didn't give you a huge amount of forgiveness, there was at least a short delay before that ghost perk would deactivate. And for optimization. Sake. I'd like to see something either more along those lines, or I wouldn't even be opposed to slightly more forgiving to give you just a second to stop on a piece of paper, take in your surroundings, maybe start Gra having a reload or something, without constantly stressing that every time you dip below that movement threshold. Your ghost perk is no longer working for you , and with that, that's going to wrap it up.

Wrap up

Wrap up

Those are the main areas for improvement that I've noticed when we're talking about the perks that we had access to, at least throughout the beta build of the game. Overall, like I said at the beginning, I'm actually quite happy with the overall structure of the perks this time around.

Also read:

I'm very curious to see what other perks and vests we're getting in the game, but so far, things are looking good. I'll talk to you guys

Modern Warfare III has an interesting perk system and structure that I'm liking so far but now that we've got a bunch of playtime in the Beta, I've noticed room for improvement with several perks so today, I wanted to provide my feedback.
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