News - How To Unlock New Priceless Camo Warzone 2 (easy Guide)


Interstellar, what I know, I know, I know, the game has been out for months now, and I know my bad. In today's article, I'm going to show you how to unlock the Priceless Camo Challenge and what you need to do if you want to get there. We're going to go through every category of weapon in this game. We already did the assault rifles in a previous article, so go check it out real quick and then come back to the article.

If you enjoy it, okay, now first we got the SM SMGs. Don't even trip about any of these; let's just focus on these three strikers. Get three kills without dying 10 times now for people that struggle a little bit more playing bigger maps and definitely playing slower will benefit you, and as soon as you get to that second kill, camp a corner, get your guarantee, and finish the challenge.

Now the WSP form is a tricky one pretty much because you want to get 10 fire kills while the enemy is affected by your tactical, in this case the stun or the flashh. Now the hip-fire kill is kind of weird. All you got to do is literally the first SMG challenge that we talked about, but in this case with the hipfire kills, don't ads.


Just literally, hipfire kills, and then obviously, striker 9. I mean, it's only 15 long shots; they're pretty simple; they're pretty easy. I wouldn't play shipment on this one, to be honest. Terminal is a really, really good map for long shots. A good spot for you to get long shots is probably the burger, the side of the terminal where you see that little burger store that is a perfect way to get there, or even the big windows looking literally at the plane; those are probably the best spots on the terminal, but technically, for long shots, just camp a window and look literally across the map and try to get long shots.


It's an SMG, so it's harder, so you should be playing hardcore. Okay, now it's time for the battle rifles, which, in my opinion, might be the easiest. Category in this game now as the standout camo is literally get 15 head shot kills with the battle rifles if you guys are looking for tips doesn't really matter if you're playing hardcore or core but if you are playing hardcore you should be aiming a little bit above the head and then pull your aim a little bit down towards the chest and if you're playing core it's the completely other way around so you want to aim to the chest and then move your analog up and that way you'll get the head shot done, is super easy to do so thankfully we don't have to do 100 anymore, now for the Gilda challenge we got three operat kills with one magazine 10 times again super easy what you want to do is have probably the biggest magazine possible I would say probably play hardcore so you don't waste any bullets.


And yeah I did this one on Shipman if you don't want to do this one on Shipman you can do whatever map you want honestly if you want to play Slow you play slow if you're capable go hard go on shipment finish that in literally one game and you'll be done with that now for the forge camo challenges, we got three different ones one for every single batt rifle I'm going to be completely honest they're all super easy you get 10 multi-kills pretty much 10 double kills with the best B go play shipment go ahead play shipment hardcore shipment core and, yeah don't need to say anything else now the side Winer get 25 operated clean kills or operator one shot one kills easy just go on hardcore shipment get 25 kills done you're welcome now last but not least MTZ 762.


All you got to do is get 25 kills while ads in full attachments get a class with five attachments and get 25 kills, or just play until you get the 25 kills done because you're going to ads anyway unless you're a psycho that literally just hip fires everywhere. We're not going to waste much time. Here onto the shotguns, as a standout camo we got 15 double kills now this is the way you should be always playing with shotguns go on shipment core do not play hardcore because that doesn't make sense you pretty much have a one shot one kill weapon at all times if you go play hardcore you pretty much lose all the advantage so shipment core is probably the easiest, and the best option for you when you're doing the shotguns 15 double kills super easy to do next the Gilda challenge is getting two kills shortly after sprinting in one life again shipment core, super easy done all the you got to do is get a double kill after your Sprint try not to Camp a corner because probably that's not going to count just run around on shipment obviously don't run like a crazy man just try to Sprint for a little bit and try to look for players literally after the Sprint shipment core done now we get to the forge camo challenges, now for all of these challenges I'm not going to waste your time play shipment play core you'll be good okay now the Haymaker hip fire kills kind of sucks because it is a semi-auto.

It's not one shot, one kill, so you just need to spam the weapon—literally spam. If you want to try this one on Hardcore, it will be easier for you, but don't forget that anybody can use any weapon and be a one-shot, one-kill on Hardcore. Yeah, less balies, 25 multi-kills, 25 double kills—the same; it's the same.


And now it's time for the LMGs. Here it comes—probably the most annoying and trickier. Challenge: of the common camos, get 10 penetration kills with an LMg. I'm not going to lie; these stink. So pretty much what you want to do is get a wall bang these can be frustrating as shim is probably your best bet for wall bangs so I got this little spot here literally behind this container all I did was look at the flag through the container, and yeah just keep shooting until you hit somebody as soon as you get the hit marker you just let it fly yeah these ones suck for the Gilda challenge two kills without releasing the trigger 10 times again for this one I would advise you to play hardcore now getting two kills without releasing the trigger is super easy just get a big ass magazine, 200 bullets it doesn't matter usually setting up behind a ha glitch is probably the way to go as soon as you get the first kill just don't let off the trigger literally just keep shooting even if you're not hitting anybody even if they're spawning behind you just keep shooting yeah trying to find somebody else on the map now the forge camo challenges, for the lmgs.


Super easy the two you should be focusing on are obviously the bruan. The bruising is not hard, but you do have to put a suppressor on and get a head shot. Head shots are always annoying, so do what I said earlier, and you'll be good now. The tech erator, arguably the best lmg in this game, gives three kills without dying 10 times.

Here's a little guide to make the path to Priceless a little easier for you guys, next up. Interstellar camo.
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