News - How To Make Every Gun Have Zero Recoil. Warzone 2 & Warzone

I could stand all the way back here and beam this guy if I actually had good aim, and I was warmed up with ease even though this guy beamed all head shots. So if you have firing aim stability maxed out, it's going to make all of your guns super easy, so let's take a gun like the Sidewinder. As we compared earlier, this has a lot more kick than the MTZ 762, and I mean, you can see it pretty much.

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I can only hit. I can barely hit this middle guy, and if I try to hit the guy all the way back,. Yeah, no, I can't do that, but now if we build it for recoil control and firing aim stability, that's my main focus. As you can see here, this thing does not move, especially compared to the normal version.

I mean, even if I take off the scope, you know, let's just use the iron sights to keep it a little bit more fair. You can see this thing isn't really moving out much in the fire range; it looks a little bit glitched. I don't know why my optics do it where it looks like it's like skipping frames or whatever, but you can see this is a lot easier to control, and if you wanted to, you could even go a step further.

Let's say we're going to take off this underbarrel and swap it out for the Jack BFB. This is right here. I mean, if you can't control recoil with this, I'm going to keep it real. This just might not be the game for you. This helps out with your gun kick by 55%. You're horizontal by 20; you're vertical by 35.


It hurts the bullet velocity a little bit, but that's fine because if we go in right here, I'm not even going to control the recoil; I'm just going to let it take care of itself. I don't even have to pull down; let's go even further. I'm going to switch to Mouse. I don't even use a mouse or keyboard; it doesn't move.

I've never used a mouse or keyboard. I don't use a mouse or keyboard at all, as you can see right here. I mean, this is super easy, and The Sidewinder probably has the worst recoil in the game, at least horizontally, and just controls it overall. But it's absolutely nothing if you build it the right way, so let's show another gun.

This is one of my personal favorites, the RAM 7. I absolutely love this gun, and this gun, when you build it right, has basically no horizontal recoil. I don't even have this thing stacked with anything for firing aim stability; it's pretty much all horizontal recoil and gun kit control. You can see that this thing's super easy to use.

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I even got the controller cam, you know, showing how I'm pulling down barely, and I'm pretty much stopping 90% of that recoil, so now what I'm going to do is turn down my sensitivity from 77 to 33, just so that way I can show you guys a little bit more on how hard you really need to pull to control the recoil on these guns.

You can see it's still barely anything. Now I also want to get to some settings. There are some things you can change here that can really affect how easy it is for you to control recoil, and I think that the number one most important is your dead zones now for me on controller. I make sure that my right stick is there, no matter what.

Even if I have drift, the minimum is five and the maximum is 99. Now, if you have a lot of drift, obviously you might just want to get a new controller, but at the very least, I would probably bump this up to 10. I wouldn't go anything higher because it's going to make it a lot harder for you to adjust, like micro adjustments when you barely need to move to the left or right to aim and really get on point.

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If I turn this up all the way to something ridiculous like 50, you're going to try to adjust on somebody. And this is me trying to be bad, but you're going to be all over the place. I mean, look at this; it's taking me 30 shots to kill one guy, but you also need to be careful of not turning this too low if you have stick drift and you turn this all the way down to something like zero.

You can see here that I'm not touching my right stick at all, like when I put my controller down on my desk and it's moving right now, and then just as important is your sensitivity. If you got this at something like 1111, or, you know, 2020, something ridiculous, or even if you got it too low all the way at like 33.

It's going to be very hard for you to control your recoil if that's what you're used to. Keep it like that; don't change it; get used to it. I've been playing on 77 since, like, Cod 4, so I run it like this; it's been working for me. Your sensitivity multiplier is very important as well. If you have this at one, your sensitivity isn't going to slow down when you go in and aim, which is no; it's up to personal preference.

mw3 tips and tricks

If you don't want to slow down, you don't have to make it, but for me, I like to have it just a little bit slower. Just to make it that way, if I'm trying to do micro adjustments, it's not as hard, and then for mouse and keyboard players, you're just going to want to experiment a lot with these settings here at M.

I don't play mouse and keyboard often; I'm just nowhere near what I am on a controller, but if you want, you can take mine and see how they work for you or just keep using your own; it's whatever, but the most important thing for yourself is practice. If you're not playing the game that much, like if you're only playing one or two games a day, all of the recoil in this game is going to feel pretty hard to control.


I mean, it's just that simple. I mean, I've barely played keyboard and mouse; I'm trying to learn it, as you can see right here, but I can still control the recoil on this gun pretty easily; I just can't actually hit my shots. So it just all depends, man. I mean, all it is practice; it's with everything in life: the more you cook, the better you get at cooking, and the more you write, the better you get at writing.

It's the same thing with article games: the more you play a game, the better you're going to get. It's just that simple. Everybody's got all this stuff; to be honest, it's somebody who's been playing Call of Duty for half their life. Man, it's really not that hard, but if you need more help, this article has all of my settings as a controller player on PC.

Also, leave a comment if you need anything; I'll make sure to reply, and as always, make sure to drink some water.

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