News - How To Get Better At Warzone 2. 0 Today. Warzone 2 Tips And Tricks



So here we are with another installment of how to get better at Warzone 2 incredibly fast, and in today's Warzone 2 tips and tricks article. I want to give you some awesome tips for how you can get better with literally minimal effort. Today's tips are going to focus on some small things you can change right now that are going to help your game incredibly.

So without further ado, let's get on to these tips.


There's no need to use overkill on any of your classes, especially when you consider the fact that you can buy your secondary anywhere for five grand anywhere. However, what I'm going to tell you is to use the X12 right now. You will have seen a lot of clips floating around the internet of people using the p890s, or whatever they're called, inner Kimbo, and they're absolutely shredding people, but the same thing still applies to the X12s; they don't have quite as much damage, however, there are a few things that make these in my opinion the better weapon.

best warzone 2 tips

First of all, you have the option of adding more ammunition. This means that they're a lot more forgiving, and they're actually more viable in trios and quads because you can dispatch multiple enemies super quickly. But also. I guarantee that the majority of you watching this article right now already have these guns at max level, and that's because that's the gun that you start with, so whatever you do at the beginning of any match is earning you weapon XP towards these pistols.

Therefore i can almost guarantee that you're going to be able to make this loadout that I'm going to show you now, so the loadout goes as follows: a one-milliwatt laser akimbo. The 24 round magazine so that you can still maximize your movement speed with the XRK, the lighting fire trigger so that you can increase your rate of fire, and I tune this for recoil smoothness and sprint to fire since the other two are useless because you won't be able to aim down site because these pistols are a Kimbo and then the Forge dx90f. Now the next thing I want to tell you about is a setting chain.



You want to change your slide. To invert behavior, all you have to do is go into the settings of the controller. Advanced. Movement behaviors in invert, slide, and dive behaviors and turn this to invert Basically, what this does is swap it so that you no longer have to hold to dive but you have to hold to slide.

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Now, the thing is, sliding in this game is pretty much useless. You cannot cancel your slide once you start you cannot cancel your slide so there is almost no reason why you should be sliding over diving. If you change this setting, you'll be able to dive incredibly quickly, and what this allows you to do is pull your parachute at much smaller altitudes, which is great when it comes to either evading enemies and getting away quickly or pushing an enemy who is a little bit further away.

In the clip behind you, you can see that I'm traveling like 38 meters, whereas if I hadn't had this setting changed, I would only have been able to travel about three. So change this setting now because it is seriously going to help you clear distance in what is already a slow-paced game.

Car jump

Car jump

Finally, a cool little mechanic that is transferred over from Warzone 1 is something I like to call the car jump, which is basically What this means is that when you're driving at high speed in a car, you are able to jump out of the car with no animation and take no damage whatsoever. This is especially perfect.

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In your squad, basically if you're trying to clutch up when you're the last one left in your squad, basically if you drive towards an enemy, you can tap the button to get out of the car and the car will carry on at the same trajectory and with the same momentum as it did before 90 percent of the time.

This is going to trick the enemy, and they're going to keep firing at the car as it drives past them because they do not check their minimap, so they don't see that it goes from red to white. This allows you to absolutely melt them without them even knowing what the hell is going on; this is invaluable.

how to get better at warzone 2

For solos because it is so hard to take people out of vehicles, and by using this trick, you can get some really easy kills, and even if you don't have the best loot, even if you've just come out of the bloody Gulag and all you've got is a pistol and a dream, you can still use this and take someone else's loot, and then you're back to where you started before you were killed, which I honestly cannot overstate enough.

This tip is very useful, and if you learn how to use it effectively and use it a lot, you're going to get a lot further in each of the games that you play. But anyway, that's it for today's Warzone: two tips and tricks on how to get better at War Zone 2. I really hope that some of you find these useful.

For those of you who don't know. I'm currently engaged in a ridiculous slap bet with my brother-in-law whereby he's going to slap me hard in the face if I do not hit 50, 000 subscribers by the end of the year. Anyway, that's it for me today; I'm average.Joel peace.

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Do you want to know how to get better at warzone 2. In this Warzone 2 tips and Tricks video, we're going to show you how to get better at Warzone 2. 0 in just 5 minutes! Whether you're a beginner or an expert, these 5 minutes will help you improve your gameplay skills in Warzone 2.
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