News - How To Get A Nuke Warzone 3. Easy Guide To Get A Nuke Warzone


Champions Quest has been out for about a week, and I think it's time we go over exactly how to get it now. In this article, we're going to talk about maybe what cars we need to give, what good landing spots you should land at, what you're going to need in your arsenal, and how to acquire the nuke in the best possible way.

Now there's a lot of different ways to do it; there's no one specific way that works the best. This is just how I got the nuke; how it worked for me and everyone else's is going to be different. There's a lot of RNG involved in this game, so of course it's not all going to look the same. These are some basic things you're going to have to do in order for this to go as smoothly as possible.

For starters, of course, you're going to have to win five games. You can do this either by fragging out the entire lobster, or you can just turtle up and just play for the win. It kind of depends on how your play style is; it doesn't really matter. There's no right or wrong way to win. You just want to make sure the teammates that you have, whether you're doing trios, quads, or even Duos is that you guys are able to communicate with each other and play together as a team, which makes it the easiest.

champions quest

You don't want people to go rogue. You don't want people to stop listening to you. That just makes the game a whole lot harder. After you get five wins in a row, you will unlock the Champions Quest for everybody who has completed the five wins. With you, you will all get your own contract. After you pick up the contract in the game, you won't be able to grab another one until you complete the five wins again.

For starters, be is probably the most taxing of them all because, as soon as you start be, you become a high-value target with a crown on the map, and you're visible to everybody on the map. This makes everybody aware of the location, of course. So for this one, you're going to want to maybe have an LTV, maybe even a heli.

champions quest in

If you're in a helicopter, you're going to be high up in the air. The bottom line is that you're going to want to have a good mode of transportation. LTV is probably the best. Basically, any kind of vehicle will be more helpful than having no vehicle, but you definitely want to try and reach for that LTV, as it gives you a lot of protection, a lot more armor, from people that are trying to shoot you, because everybody will be coming for you when you grab that first target once you grab it.

The second element will pop up now. For this one, you're going to have to wait a while. You're going to have to crack open a safe. I think that the best option for you is to have one or two people split off, go get pu alone, and have the person who has been the one show everybody where you're at.

Go in a separate vehicle and maybe drive around the map while we wait for everyone to grab that second element, because if you're just sitting there waiting for the second element to come out of the safe, it makes it a whole lot harder because you're a sitting duck basically just waiting for everybody to jump on top of you, and it's not going to look pretty; it's going to get absolutely chaotic, and it's going to get very, very hard to get out of there when you grab pu; it'll ever so slightly take down a little bit of ticks, of your health, starting with your plates.

how to complete the nuke contract in 3

It's not the worst, but it's also kind of annoying. It's definitely manageable; you just want to make sure that whoever has it has a lot of plates on hand so that they can keep healing themselves up. The third and final element is tea; this one's a little different. The way to get T is that you have to wait for the attack helicopter to show up, and your team can shoot it down; enemies can actually shoot it down for you.

I've had plenty of new contracts where the heli's already been shot down by the enemy team, so it's a kind of good thing and a bad thing if they shoot it down. They're going to know where the element is, so you're going to want to try and get to the attack helicopter pretty quickly, so that you can scoop up that te and get to the bomb site right after you grab tea and get all of the elements.

how to finish the champions quest

The bomb site will drop in approximately a minute afterwards. It's very, very quickly, a lot different than War Zone 2, where you had to wait a long time if you grabbed it too early and were stuck waiting for the nuke site to appear. In this one, as soon as you get all three elements unlocked, the bomb site will appear immediately, so that way you can grab your stuff and head to the site.

The more challenging part about this is that it disables all vehicles, so you're going to have to find different ways to get around the map. You could use the PRD, which you could buy at the buy stations. Most likely, you're going to want to try and just find a balloon. To get around the map quickly, you're going to want to rush to that bomb site because everybody on the map will be able to see it.

It's not going to be any hidden secret; everyone's going to be rushing to the bomb site. As soon as you guys are planting that thing, it'll let them know that you guys have planted it. It'll give them a timer of 2 minutes to diffuse it, and that is where the chaos begins. You guys are going to want to have a lot of smoke.

how to get a nuke

Use thermals make sure you have a lot of explosives. You're going to also want to grab a precision air strike, cluster mines, or anything else that you can do to get them out of the vicinity of the mine for 2 minutes. You're going to want to use it at your disposal. You're going to want to make sure you keep an eye on that Target.

It takes about 15 seconds for them to diffuse, so you do have a little bit of leeway. It's not like they can diffuse it really quickly. Doesn't let you know that they're diffusing it, so you have to keep your eye on it at all times. That's why a lot of people will try and use smoke to get on it, so it's going to be very helpful if you use thermal All that being said, of course you're going to want to have everybody talking and everyone communicating.

how to get a nuke in

Being on the same page A good Instagram is always good so that everyone can follow the lead of somebody. Who knows what they are doing? That's basically it, guys. I hope this article helps. If you guys like the article, please like the article; it'll help more than you guys know. I know there are a lot of different ways everyone gets nuked.

I wish you guys the best of luck in your nuke contracts, and I'll catch you guys in the next. One, my, let's go, baby, let's go that we were shooting anybody else, godamn.

How to get a nuke in Warzone Modern Warfare 3. We accomplished our first nuke game first try.
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