News - The State Of Warzone


Qzd this is a brand new Aon Pro OLED panel that I have been using every single day for War Zone and is utterly phenomenal at 1440p. With a 240-Hz refresh rate, this OLED monitor is utterly perfect for competitive shooters. It has a 240 Hz refresh rate combined with a 0.03 millisecond response time and is also GCn-compatible.

Not only do you get the competitive advantages of the high 240 HZ refresh rate and the low response time, but you also get all of the incredible benefits of an OLED panel like Inky Blacks: high contrast in color, lower motion blur, and better motion Clarity. Now. Now. Modern Warfare 2 weapons have already been buried in the dirt for obvious reasons to make them basically nonusable in the game so that they only have to balance one generation of modern weapons in Modern Warfare 3, and that's fine, but the introduction of more and more conversion kits and more and more aftermarket parts like this new muzzle break gives you crazy amounts of recoil control.

It just seemed like Call of Duty was pandering towards Meta Extremes in order to provide new content for the game from a weapon standpoint, and I think a lot of this is ultimately just destroying weapon balance in the game. Weapon balance is something we're going to talk about a bit more extensively, but this new muzzle break is a great example.

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I feel like this is doing too much weapon content because it basically just means that this attachment is going to take any gun that could be high recoil and high damage and make it low recoil and high damage, basically completely eradicating an entire trade-off in the game that meant players who had to have good recoil control Good aim; I just don't have to have that anymore.

A good example is Sidewinder. The Sidewinder was effectively a skilled assault rifle that had a lot of recoil, but if you hit your shots, it was fairly damaging. Now it has very little recoil when you use this muzzle break in conjunction with other attachments. And it really just feels like these conversion kits and these attempts are adding more content in terms of weapons to the game and more attachments.

warzone 3

More aftermarket parts are actually at the detriment of the game and not the benefit of the game, and this leads me nicely onto weapon balance. The balance in War Zone is close but not great, the CQB ttk is still a little too quick, and I still think there needs to be lower hit boxes and lower damage for things like lower torso legs and just generally your feet.

The amount of time I've spent being shot in the legs when I'm shooting somebody in the chest is a little bit problematic, and I think something could change quite significantly. But I've already touched on this a couple of times on the channel, and the biggest problem with War Zone's balance is that they're not reactive enough.

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The MTZ interceptor is taking three or four patches to be balanced correctly. The WSP Swarm, three or four patches, and generally guns that are statistical outliers. Take too much time for them to react to and I know a lot of you are probably thinking well there'll always be a meta in war zone and you're correct there always will be a handful of weapons that are better than other weapons which is why people use them but it isn't impossible to have an open meta and it isn't impossible to have an open meta with good tradeoffs, there have been perfect examples of that at the end of the Black Ops Cold War integration when we had the Cold War AK and there were perfect examples of that towards the end of Al mazra as well where you had to choose between high damage and high recoil, or low damage and low recoil or just guns that had genuine tradeoffs, for how they worked but they all fell into the meta.

That isn't the case at the moment in the current version of War Zone, and I think certain attachments like this muzzle break and these aftermarket parts are making this problem worse, not better, and I think they need to be more reactive in taking statistical outliers like the MTZ and just burying them into the floor to let something fresh come into The Fray and something that's a little bit better moving on from weapon balance.

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We've got to talk about audio, because I've touched on this in numerous articles, and the audio in War Zone just isn't good enough; the game generally speaking is too loud for things that don't matter. It's too loud for air strikes; it's too loud for the starter plane animation; it's too loud for just so many scenarios that you don't need audio, bleeding your ears out.

Warzone is not a military simulation game; it's not a realistic shooter; it's an arcade shooter, and I don't need to hear a plane at 300% volume just because it's a C130J or because it's a helicopter that's a chin, so it's naturally loud. I don't need those things. I understand that weapons are supposed to be loud when you fire them, but I also don't need them at 300% volume, and yes.

I know an A10 warthog gun run is a very loud thing to hear, but do I need to hear an air strike coming in 300 m across the map? I don't think I need the audio mix generally in war zones; it could be better. It's a problem that's persisted in pretty much every version of War Zone, and it's something that needs to be improved.

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Next, we have to talk about anti-che. Now, anti-che is not easy; it is a cat-and-mouse game of trying to keep up with the worst offenders and getting them banned as quickly as possible. But I do think that there are some things that Call of Duty could still do to improve its anti-virus to make the game more protected and work as a better category.

I would like to see more two-factor authentications, more tied-in bank accounts or phone numbers in order to get war zone accounts created in the first place, and a requirement for every account to have 2FA to stop accounts from being stolen and being used for cheating. I would also like to see a new category of playlists for players who are new to War Zone.

The biggest problem with War Zone is not the accounts that are Level 300 or 400 and have played the game for a long time; it's players who are making brand new accounts and cheating on those accounts and getting pretty much scot-free away with it for a period of time, getting banned, and then instantly creating a new account and being straight back into the same player pool now.

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Yes, you can ban hardware and you can ban IP add dresses, but most cheaters and cheating players have ways around this, the simplest solution I see for war zone is to introduce a level cap where if you're new to the game you have to play in a certain playlist up until a certain level and whilst you're progressing to that certain level war zone already has extreme skill-based matchmaking, so people who are cheating and statistically winning games or getting lots of kills are going to end up in the higher skill brackets of SPMM.

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