News - Don't Cost Your Team $4k. Tips For How To Win Your Gulag Warzone 2

We're going to go ahead and get that kill. I'm going to clean up the second, or my teammate is going to clean up this second kill right here in a second. Now we're back in, so let's go watch it back at full speed once again and watch them commit to the right side here. They're going to commit. I'm going to confirm, then I'm going to use my lethal here to try to get an advantage, and once we have that advantage, then we really start to keep the pressure on Jump Peak in this corner.

tips for gulag warzone

I'm ready for somebody there, and then I hear him on my left side. We're going to go ahead and get that kill, and then of course my teammate's going to go ahead and clean it up, so let's go ahead and jump into this next clip right here. These are a little bit different now that we're going to talk a little bit more about gameplay strategy, so this next clip right here is all about lethals and tacticals.

now I started this a little bit after the buzzer, so we don't have the red highlights, but as we push up, I'm going to see one enemy pushing over to the left here. I don't see the second one, so just keep that in mind. I'm going to leave this guy for my teammate, and now I'm going to start thinking about where the second enemy went.

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So I'm going to cook my frag grenade, and I'm thinking about throwing it to this back corner when I actually catch his head slightly. Above this wall, you'll see just a little bit of movement here, which is why I cook it longer and am able to actually cook it just long enough and time it perfectly to get that break, at which point we can really keep the pressure on now.

tips for gulag warzone 2.0

I also want to highlight, from my perspective, just how difficult lethal and tactical weapons can be and why they are so important to use. I mean, I end up winning this Glock. It's a 1v1 at this point, but look how difficult it is. You know he puts a lot of pressure on me, which is what we're really looking to do, so as we play this back, we're going to push this left side.

We're going to leave him we're going to leave him for my teammate. I'm going to try to throw this. I'm trying to throw the frag just to get information; if I end up seeing him, then I can really use it as a weapon to my advantage to do damage. We're able to get kill number one, no matter how difficult he makes it on me, but we're still able to kind of bail ourselves out with execution.

tips for the gulag warzone 2

So let's go and jump into this next clip here. This next clip right here is all about the team Dynamic. You know, cheese and I were paired up right here; he's not part of my quad, he's a random, but he did have a microphone, so we're able to communicate; we were able to talk to each other now because we're on the same page at the end of the day.

If you have a microphone and they have a microphone, use that to your advantage because you're both trying to redeploy and you both kind of need each other now. Right off the buzzer here, we don't get a ton of information, so we're going to go both push left and To be honest with you. I did not see this enemy right here; there's one tucked right behind him that I did not see actually in the game, which is why I started to focus on this right side.

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Now we're going to go ahead; we're going to use our lethal to send Texas right back and see if we can maybe get a tag to give ourselves an advantage, and as I push up. I'm going to get smoked right here. I mean, I tagged the guy a little bit, but I am broken now, and this is where the team Dynamic, which comes in with cheese, is going to trade with me.

tips for warzone gulag

He's going to go challenge that guy because he's got full plates. I'm going to take this left side right here and just kind of wait for this enemy to push, at which point we're able to easily get out of this situation and we both redeploy, back in So as you see this at full speed, you're going to see exactly how it happens.

Watch this guy pushing left and you'll catch a quick glimpse right there, and I just didn't see that in the moment, so we focused on this back right side as we pushed up and didn't really get anything. is going to perfectly trade with me here in a second, and he's going to take on that enemy while I focus on this left side right here.

We're able to do enough damage that we're able to get out of here, and we're going to redeploy, so let's go ahead and jump into this last clip right here. Now with this last clip right here, we're going to piece it all together right off the buzzer. Here, they very clearly commit. To this left side, you can see them both just absolutely take off in a full sprint, but I'm still going to play this right side here.

tips to not lose gulag warzone 2

I'm still going to confirm it and just try to make sure that nobody's pushing now. We use our lethal weapons right here. We're going to go ahead. We're going to cook it a little bit longer because I'm assuming that they are over there and we're able to get that break now. Here's the tough part, right here.

Blue ghost is going to go down because he gets overly aggressive on this platform, just like I said, which is kind of high-risk, high-reward, and, now, it's down to a 1v2, and it's all on me as I push around. We get a little bit of lag right here, which is a little bit unfortunate, but I've got to play a little bit more strategically here.

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Don't panic; just slow it down, and keep in mind that one of them is broken, so we just kind of have to take what's given to us. As I push around, I'm just looking for an angle, just looking for a little bit of a clean kill. If you're a head glitch, always look for one because they're a huge advantage.

tips to win gulag warzone

We're able to do much there; we're able to tag just a touch, but what that actually gives me right here is if you pull this back when I shoot this guy right here and see what he tells me based on the notifications. that I get because I don't break any plates, and there is low health as well, so we're going to go ahead, we're going to reload, we'll take out number one, we'll challenge the enemy, number two, and we'll be able to get ourselves out of there.

By the way, the last thing that I will say as we're running this back is, "Hey, you know, don't be afraid to try to kill the jailer." I've done it once or twice, but be very careful if an enemy team commits. I hope you found today's article helpful. Start winning more goulash; don't be the 4000th teammate.

You know to pay attention to the red highlights and use your lethal and tactical techniques. tacticals Use what you can see to get information, and then act from there. I hope you found today's article helpful.

Nobody wants to be the teammate that ALWAYS has to be bought back so today I am going over a few tips on how to never lose your gulag in Warzone 2.
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