News - Does It Suck. Honest Mw2 "dmz" Review (new Call Of Duty & Warzone 2 Mode)

modern warfare 2

But if you die and then you don't extract with that weapon or anything like that, the weapon goes away for like an hour, and then you can use it once again. That's really what it comes down to, and when you do an extract or X-fill. I'm just going to interchange those two words back and forth because they basically mean the same thing, but if you do an extract, whatever you have in your backpack is going to go with you to the main menu right, so if you do an extract with a 74u in your backpack, well now you have a 74u in your stash, right here, that you can use in other games right, so you can decide to go right on in with a 74u, or an M4, or maybe the sniper rifle like I like to use or anything like that.

modern warfare 2 honest review

I mean, maybe they're looking for a fight, but if they're really looking for a fight, go play multiplayer, man. Go play "War Zone" like it seems like "DMZ" is. I get that's a big thing in Tarkov, but like, what's really all that great to take here? the best equipment in the weapons. You could be whatever gun you choose to go in with, like a loadout, so anyone has access to the weapons you could be hunting down, like a tier three armor satchel, but those aren't that hard to find.

You could be trying to hunt down a gas mask, but again, that's not very hard to find. You know, there's really nothing that I would overly want from another player, so why would I take the time and risk losing my AI Challenge and my mission progress by trying to kill them? You know. I mean, it just doesn't really make any sense, like the risk factor is not there in my understanding as, as the game goes on longer and longer, eventually, you're going to run out of time, and when you run out of time, the gas starts to come in, similar to Warzone.

modern warfare 2 review

Again, we have not done this; we just take all of our stuff, do our missions, and extract, but apparently, if you don't extract, it'll eventually kind of become like a battle royale where the final team may actually just straight up win, and maybe there's some sort of incentive or reward for doing that, but for me and.

I would presume, the vast majority of other people out there, the DMZ is basically just an extension of spec ops. It's basically a place where you can go in solo or you can go in with friends, or even. I guess, once again, with randoms on your team, but it seems more like a PVE co-op mode that rewards you with weapons and XP and then has a metric ton of challenges for you to do for the different factions that sometimes will give you just experience.

Sometimes they'll give you a more powerful weapon. XP Sometimes they'll give you like an XP token or whatever, and sometimes they actually give you things like calling cards, emblems, operator skins, weapon blueprints, and things like that, so for the completionist in me. I plan to go all throughout the DMZ.

modern warfare ii multiplayer

I want to do, you know, Tier-five missions for every single faction. I want to unlock every single operator skin and every single weapon blueprint. You know what I mean. And it's just a pretty chill place to go because, again, you're mostly facing AI.



I I've heard some people say the AI is tough. I don't see it, but they really do feel like recruiting is difficult. AI sometimes they do melt you. I will say, like if you're not paying attention and there's one of them hiding behind the wall and you run into the door, they shoot you in the back and you don't have any armor, then they will actually just like to tap you and you die, and that does suck, but in general, make sure you have your armor equipped if you're playing with friends, and stick relatively close together, and most of the time the AI aren't even a problem, so what is DMZ basically?


a big PVE co-op experience that occasionally has other players in it where you can do a bunch of challenges on the new War Zone 2 map, get to explore the War Zone 2 map kind of at your own pace, and the missions themselves are actually pretty interesting. The ones you pick up, like there's one where we had to go like kill a bunch of AI off of a boat, and then we had to take that boat and take it all pretty much halfway across the map pretty much so a helicopter could grab the stash off the boat, and that gave us like ten thousand dollars, and the money itself is pretty irrelevant.

It's not like a game like Tarkov, where you can extract money and then have a bunch of money in your bank and use that money for other things. Your money is just converted into experience at the end of the match, so if you're looking to level up quickly, this honestly doesn't seem like a great place to do it.

You get decent XP, but it seems like if you really want to level up your character fast, like by playing something like Shoot House or Shipment, that comes how it seems like the way to go. But like I said, in the missions, sometimes you have to hunt down these high-value targets, and the War Zone 2 map itself is pretty cool, like when we're hunting down this one target.

mw2 dmz

I hope I have footage of all this; if I don't. Will it be like the future of the car franchise? Will it be the future of War Zone 2? I really don't think so. Um, right now it's in beta, however, and I wonder what changes they are going to make going forward because I don't believe, and I might be wrong, but I don't believe The intent was to make this like a PVE co-op experience where you have a very small chance of accidentally running into another squad.

I'm thinking they want player-on-player combat to be a bit more of a threat than it is currently, and maybe they're going to change that in the future, but for right now, it's a pretty chill place to go shoot up some AI, level up your guns, level up your soldier, and do some actually fun and interesting missions.

I'm sure eventually they'll get kind of samey, and most games are like that. If you play, say, an MMO, one time you're like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." So eventually you end up doing the same thing over and over again, but for right now, the missions are pretty varied and they're pretty interesting. There are rewards for doing this, so as a result.

mw2 gameplay

I find it kind of fun, but ladies and gentlemen, there you have it, there is my review slash, impressions, of the new DMZ game mode within Modern Warfare 2 and War Zone 2.

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