News - Dmz How To Get Building 21 Access Key Card (warzone 2 Dmz Building 21 Explained)

building 21 blue access card

And Infinity Ward said it's up to the players to figure out when it's live and how to get into it. This is not a troll. Infinity Ward directly said during a call we had with them last week that the building won't be live immediately, and they have no plans to announce when it goes live, so no, it's not in the game currently in Infinity Ward; any word never directly said that, and it's just gonna kind of go live; the access to how you get to it at any point now is just gonna, you know, magically appear, and then players and the community are gonna have to figure out exactly how it's done.

It looks like it might not actually be on the Almazra map. There was a bug that some people saw when they first loaded in that showed two different options: it showed Almazera as a map selection, and it also showed Building 21. I assume you probably have to do some sort of Easter egg or maybe just get the key cards enough that they allow you to spawn into Building 21, but besides that, we know very little about Building 21.

This is the hardest area in all of dmz

This is the hardest area in all of dmz

They said it's going to be the most ridiculously armored area in the entire game, so you're definitely going to need to loot it up. They said there's going to be a bunch of loot there, but if you're already looted up, you don't really need tier 3 armor or tier 3 backpacks, so maybe there's going to be some unique items that you're only going to be able to get a hold of in building 21.

Maybe there's going to be some unlockable cosmetic items just like the Juggernaut crate if you kill the Juggernaut.

Cosmetics in building 21? (dmz mw2)

Expo: with it, you get one of seven randomized cosmetic items; maybe there's going to be some sort of other crate or something else in there if you get it in Building 21. Expo: With it, you're going to get one of seven cosmetic items to kind of add a little bit of replayability to it, and you also get a guaranteed perk if you go into Building 21 and uxville.

Perks in building 21 (dmz mw2)

building 21 dmz

No matter why you're here, you're going to get a perk just like you would in Al Mazera. If you know you will do a contract in EXO, you don't have to do a contract regardless. If this new area is in the game or not. I still think it's very worthwhile grinding the keys right now because you don't want Building 21 all of a sudden to go online and people find a way to access it and then go and get all your keys because then you're gonna have to spend an extra few hours and you're going to worry about getting your keys whereas if you have them ready to go, you're going to be able to go right into Building 21 and if you stockpiled enough, you can go into it into it into it without worrying about it.

When is building 21 coming to dmz? (dmz mw2)

They made Building 21 one of the ways to unlock the Chimera, the brand new DLC weapon. I would guess the 19th or the 21st, the 19th, is when the free-to-play weekend ends, so that would kind of make sense because people had the option to get it via shipment, but if they didn't, players can now go in the DMZ and get it.

The 21st would also make sense because Building 21 is on the 21st, and that's when holiday shipment goes live as well, so maybe kind of look out for the 19th or the 21st, but those are just guesses; it really could go live any minute; it could go live right now; I could go live an hour from now; it could be a week from now; it could be two weeks from now.

Building 21 Access Key Explained! DMZ Building 21 Access Key Farm Guide MW2. Season 1 reloaded and talked a TON about Building 21. These are all the keys needed for DMZ Building 21 and how to farm them fast.
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