News - Warzone 2. 0 - Dmz - The Best Loot Spots For Solo And Group Play



It's Triple G here again with another DMZ article. In today's article, we're going to be talking about the best strategies and loot spots for both solo and group play, as well as some tips for safely extracting from the map.

Solo play

We stream five times a week; otherwise, let's get straight into this article, One of the things I'm constantly asked since this DMZ mode has launched is, "Can you play solo?" The answer to that question is yes, but very carefully.

So, when you are on the load screen, obviously you would put Squad Phil as deselected, meaning that you would spawn in solo, which means you need to take on all the enemies as well as all the other players by yourself. If you come across anything now to do that, you're going to want to get some good gear; obviously, you can bring in a gun and some equipment to help you there, but you're going to want to get yourself three pieces of plate armor to self-revive.

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As fast as I as well now to do this, I have a little tip for you now. On the map, there are a bunch of ammo stations scattered around the map; they will usually be on the outside, but you might find a few in the center as well. Just while we talk about the center of the map, the center of the map is where most of the PVP happens, and that's where most of the armored enemies and the highest concentration of our enemies are.

So as a solo player, the center of the map is the most dangerous area for you to go, but that doesn't mean that you don't go there. But you are going to want to make sure that you are geared up before you do now. On the subject of gear, these resupplies aren't just ammo crates; as you can see here, as I entered this building, there are shelves surrounding them.

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These ammunition crates, these shelves have three plate armors as well as free play armor; if you're lucky enough, you need to search these buildings thoroughly. Just one of these buildings should allow you to leave with either an armor box or a munition box as well as free play armor, and if you're lucky enough as well, you might even get a large backpack.

You will definitely get a secondary weapon, and you'll be able to fill up on lethals and as much ammo as you can carry. This will give you a significant advantage when playing against the AI and give you some chance against the PVP players. Now that you've got your three plates of armor and backpacks, the next thing you want to do is find a stronghold key.

If you were going to take on a stronghold, the strongholds are the most reliable source of loot for you to be able to level up quickly if you didn't know that the more cash that you carry out by the end of the DMZ run will equate to XP which allow you to level up the battle pass faster, so this doesn't matter whether you're in group play or whether in solo play, the aim of the game is to get as much cash and loot as possible obviously, if you kill players you can take their gear, but at the end of the day you can only take their.

Uav towers

Uav towers

Now one of the things that is really important for DMZ is that you pay attention to your surroundings, and they have a built-in function so you can check your surroundings for absolutely nothing. These are the UAV towers that you will see scattered around the map. You will be locked in for about a second while you press the button, so you will be vulnerable for a second.

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However, once you ping this, you will see enemies appear on the map; black, dotted-denim enemies in the center of the diamond mean that they are AI. If they are completely red, that means they are players. This will give you a good grasp of who is around you and whether anyone in your immediate vicinity is free now.

If you find one of these close to a stronghold, you will also see if anyone's currently assaulting that stronghold, as well as anybody in the nearby areas that will hear you assault in the stronghold, so if you're just about to kill enemies to gain key cards or to look for keyed, it's really good to ping UAV Towers.

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If you enter a new area, you will get a good grasp on who's around you. So on the subject of stronghold cards, there are two ways to get stronger cards. The first is the easiest, which is to kill enemies randomly; armored enemies have a greater chance to drop stronghold keys, but the more enemies you kill, obviously, the greater chance that you have of actually acquiring these stronghold keys, so kill away and kill as much as you can.

I personally recommend using a sniper rifle. All of the enemies that are unarmored will be one-shot kills, and the armored enemies that you hit in the face will also be one-shot kills. Kill enough of these and you will get a stronghold key. If you are incredibly unlucky, then what you can do is go to a local game center and, actually, buy that stronghold, and, bearing in mind that you are a solo player going to do a stronghold.

One down will mean it is game over for you, so I highly recommend going for a self-revive and watching out for those trip mines that are in the strongholds. As well as the AI snapshot, grenades do really well at revealing hidden enemies around corners. I really recommend, when going into a stronghold, that you use a snapshot grenade, so.



You you've got yourself your three-plate armor, your backpack, you've hit a stronghold, you've got some good loot, you may have even killed somebody, you've got their gun, and you're smiling at the fact that you've got their dog tag as well.

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As you're approaching the extract button, make sure that you're listening for audio cues. Listen for the enemy sending more troops there and also listen for any gunfire; if there's gunfire on the map close to you, that means there's a player there because the AI don't fight AI, so make sure that you know what direction those players are before you call in that extraction.

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If you are turning up and there is a helicopter on the way, that means somebody is extracting. In front of you, they may not be standing out in the ground. A smart player will be hiding behind rocks or using the surrounding buildings to gain cover, so make sure that you either challenge that person before they get on the chopper or just let them go on their merry way and then enjoy that extract and that XP for them.

Once you have called in the helicopter, I will get into a building or surrounding area and hide you. You do not need to be standing where the helicopter lands; you are completely exposed out in the open. Go to the helicopter while it's hovering. Go to the helicopter once it has fully landed. You have 30 seconds, which is more than enough time to get yourself over there.

Once it has landed, run up. The most important thing here is to make that jump. If you are under fire and you get down, you can't get up while we're fighting for your life or while you're down, so you have to make that jump up. Remember, there are two entrances to the helicopter: at the front and at the back.

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