News - Cod Warzone 2 Zombies Hard Zone Schematics, The Easy Way To Farm Them - 2024

Last of all, I'm just going to show you before I wrap this article up. I did say it was quite long, and that's because I'm not cutting anything out; I'm showing you everything I did this live, so this last one is actually off the stream, hence the quality is slightly lower. I was trying to show somebody, live on stream, how to do this, and they actually successfully, you know, managed to get a schematic, which was quite nice.


If you're in a team, don't forget you can use Schematics. Now if you don't get a delivery contract showing up on the map like that, that's because it's got the escort vehicle showing up on the map. You have one or the other spawn, not both at the same time in the middle, so what you're going to have to do, and this is a bit of a faf, unfortunately.

Get over there, accept the contract for it, and then maybe dismiss the contract or accept the contract, start the vehicle off, and then just run off and wait for it to blow up because it'll get attacked by the zombies. This missing contract is obviously quicker. After you've done that, a short period of time later, you will get the delivery contract to show up, and you can go back and do it again.


So this route, this method, and this sort of parachuting method have got to be done. In this format, basically, you're going to go to a portal or to the highest building; you're going to go to the crane facing the actual contract, which is the furthest one out in that zone; and you're going to parachute as far as you possibly can, so you must parachute the second you jump off.

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