News - Cheater Exposed & Banned Warzone 2. Cmg Banned


Today we've got quite an interesting article. This is a small creator who has been caught well and truly using Aimbot, but some of his fan base just don't seem to understand how Aimbot works. So throughout this article, while I demonstrate how he is using Aimbot. I am going to give his supporters and his followers a little bit of a lesson on how Aimbot malfunctions, happens, and how Aimbot can be toggled off and on throughout a single kill.

So without further ado, let's crack on with the article. So we're going to start this pretty much from the start, where I figured out that this guy was cheating Taylor Scott, who tagged me in a post. And in this post, there were two clips shared. He tagged me and sent us a message saying, What's your gentleman saying?

Is this kid aim-bossing or not? He's saying it's the right stick flick. So this guy straight away said right-stick flick on both of these clips that he shared. They are going to be involved in a compilation of clips that I go through very shortly in this article, but for now, I want to take you to the next step.

It wasn't just the one guy accusing OA faded of using Aimbot; even somebody called Evan here posted another article, and again, we will break this clip down very shortly. This is literally one of the highlights of the whole story today. Okay, I actually shared that article on my Twitter account, which is Bad Boy Bean.

aydan mw3

By the way, if you want to go and follow me, you can. And I sent along with it a screenshot of the image and of the comments that Osa made to defend himself. In this clip, am I not jumping on a window sill without assault gloves, meaning I don't have accuracy while doing so? jumping, so his excuse for having Aimbot in this clip is that he slipped on a slippery window sill, right?

That's exactly what he's saying there, so obviously I put this comment out saying this MF is using Aimbot and blamed it on a slippery window sill, and right now guys. I'm going to show you why this comment is so hilarious. Let's go and break down the clips. AOS clearly you used Aimbot, so the first clip we're going to break down is the one in which I retweeted where he's shooting through the front end of the airplane, which he blamed on a slippery window sill, so keep that in mind whilst we break this down we're going to shove it in full speed.

aydan mw3 cheating

First, okay, so that was it in full speed. You can clearly see that he's missing his shots to start with, and then out of nowhere, it goes like a dink dink, which is in no way shape or form a natural mechanic in the game, no matter what level sensitivity you have on your controller, no matter how slippery a window sill is, that is not a natural built-in game mechanic whatsoever.

What you've just seen right there at that moment is this guy toggling Aimbot, and we're going to show you again at full speed. Watch, it's almost like the last three bullets that go ding ding, and it looks identical to Aimb being toggled on, so what we can see is him moving on the window still now, and he's hitting some shots right, but it goes snap, snap.

Motion, okay, even there was a little bit of a snap, so snap, and this guy is trying to blame the motion of his aim. In that clip on a slippery window, sill, I just can't take this guy seriously, who is 100% about the shadow of a doubt. Aimbot is in use; let's go take a look at the next couple of clips now.

call of shame

So this one here is very similar but very quick as well, so you can't really see it in full speed, but just for article purposes, we start in full speed, then we start to break it down, but there is a mechanical snap in this as well, which again can only be caused by the likes of Aimbot in use, so let's watch it again now.

This is slow motion. He comes through the door. Snap so it's in a one-two-motion face the ball his aims off completely then it goes next to the enemy then it snaps onto the enemy and down to the enemy, torso, okay so snaps there then there then bang, right down to the enemy torso, so again what you are seeing here is a pattern of three in the face clip in the airplane.


It was a pattern of four on the airplane clip; it went [__]. Right, on this one, it went [__[__[__]]. So again, straight lines. Nothing about that is natural if you are using a controller input. You do not get these straight line mechanics only thing that can cause that is an Aimbot toggle in those moments, so we have zoomed it in as well, guys, so you can see it up close and P, and we can see the pattern of his aim in this clip again.

So this is what we did on the airplane. Clip, everything about his aim in that moment is straight line motions. Right, it's like a right angle in this one; in the other one, it was a zigzag, so what we've got now is another clip where he does pretty much the same thing with his unnatural mechanic, so let's play this one through.

Now, that's painfully obvious for me at full speed as well, but maybe not for you guys, so we will slow it down again. Here we go. 25, Speed he does see the enemy. I want you guys to fully understand the moment he toggles, but we will zoom it in as well. He's toggled there, he's off, and he's on, so it jumps to the head twice.


If he was that good at the game and he was able to hit head shots like that, why not keep it on the head? Why toggle off and on or move off and on? So this is zoomed in now. He's off banbanging. He's off banbanging. It is so damn obvious that in this clip, he is using an aim boss in every single one of these clips that you've seen in this article today.

He is painful. Using a rage hack setting on Aimbot. But toggling it off and on, and just so you guys are fully clued up on the matter about Aimbot toggling. There's plenty on this channel, so if you are a supporter of this guy who's clearly been caught cheating and also banned from playing on CMG, Which is where you go and play wages.

Then you've got to understand, like, if you're a supporter of him and you genuinely believe he's legit and you don't know what legit gameplay looks like, go and do some research, and hopefully your eyes will be opened. So honestly. I think this guy is completely dum, but I want to use this moment as a pure and utter example of something to compare his aim to the blatant toggle aim bot being used, and it reminds me of this clip of Diaz.

modern warfare 2

Biffle, yeah, so you can clearly see how identical it is to the unnatural mechanics of it jumping from point A to point B, because nothing about aim happens like that. Behavior built into the game should cause your aim to jump to locations in that manner, unless you're using third-party software such as Aimbot.

So yes, without a shadow of a doubt, OA faded is 100% using Aimbot. If you disagree with me, that's fine; that's your decision, but I am 100% right on this. He is toggling a bit, and it is painfully obvious in just the three clips alone that I've been able to show you here today. Can I find his Twitch account?

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