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Mw2 best interface settings season 5 reloaded

Mw2 best interface settings season 5 reloaded

Finally, we are going to go ahead and adjust the interface settings here. The only thing you want to go ahead and adjust under the interface settings tab is that you want to make sure that your mini map is set to square. Some people, for whatever reason, still have theirs set to round, which is a really bad option.

Not only is it harder to actually read and understand the minimap, but it actually gives you a smaller picture, and that's just a bad idea, so when it switches to square, it's going to be a hell of a It's easier to go ahead and use the inner overall mill to figure out where people are and just attack gunfights a lot smarter now.

Naturally, you also want to go ahead and adjust the flashbang setting, which is actually a relatively new setting they've actually gone ahead and implemented in this game. You can kind of invert that, so make sure you guys have inverted flash on. It's going to be it, man. These are going to be the best settings here in Modern Warfare 2 Season 5 Reloaded.

best modern warfare 2 settings

Now again. You guys are going to really enjoy these settings. It's going to drastically improve your gameplay. It's been your boy ears, and I'll catch you guys the next time.

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