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This article is going to have the best Modern Warfare 2 settings so you can increase your aim, movement, and overall game sense.

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So, this first setting I'm going to show is a PC setting, but if you are on console, you still should stay tuned, so basically go down to have an XLR; mine is a little bit different, but basically I hear the game from the system.

You want to right-click on this, go down to properties, then go over to enhancements, and select loudness equalization. This will give you better hearing than your mother. The second I applied this, I was a way better player, especially on ranked. There were so many enemies saying I have walls; same with the YouTube comments, literally just from selecting loudness equalization.

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Best controller settings

Best controller settings

Now for the actual in-game settings, the first settings that we are going to be going over are going to be on the controller side of things. First, edit the button layout. For me. I have an Xbox Elite controller that has paddles, so I just play on the default, but if your controller does not have paddles.

aim response curve type mw2

I think the bumper jumper tactical is the best one, and again, this is if you do not have paddles, so if you swap two bumper jumpers tactical, it is going to allow you to actually be able to melee. With the B button instead of clicking down on the right stick which means you can dolphin dive by just hitting the right stick which is going to help a lot and then you actually can jump now with the bumper which allows you to jump in your gunfight, while still having very good aim before you would have to take your thumb off the right joystick, to click the jump but then you're not going to be able to aim which is why it's very nice to have paddles and so I can play on default when I click this thing this is going to allow me to jump when I click this one and allows, me to drop shot so then I can jump and dolphin dive while still having very good aim because I don't have to move my thumb off the joystick bumper.

Ping off the stick Layoff preset default, controller vibration: when I first started playing article games. I used to have the vibration on just because it felt more normal, and then someone told me to take that off, and I was a little bit skeptical about that, but I still tried it anyways, and at first I wasn't that good, but after a few games of playing without vibration.

I noticed my aim became way better, which honestly makes sense; less things moving in your hand gives you better control of your controller, so please turn this off; you will be a way better player. Next up is the sensitivity; this is a pretty big thing, and some people think the more you increase the sensitivity, the better.

best aim assist settings mw2

The better player you are, but actually you will be a way worse player. I don't recommend having your sensitivity past eight, usually. I would say nothing past seven, but I know there are some people who do a lot better with eight overall. Stay between, like, four and eight. This is going to allow you to have a very good center.

It's not necessarily for your aim, but it's more so for your centering, which is how consistently you can place that white dot on the enemy's chest whenever you're running around the map. You always want to have that white dot where an enemy could be. If you're playing at a high level, it's going to be hard to consistently do that.

Center on the enemies just compared, if you were on a low synth, then if you have a good center, you are going to usually be able to get that first shot off, and that first shot is very important. Once you get that first shot, the rest of the shots should be easy to land. Next up are ads, sensitivity, and multipliers.

best aim settings mw2

This is going to be a personal preference; he plays on one. I know some other players think Joel plays on like.85; I could very much be wrong on that, but overall, you want to usually keep this between 0.75 and 1.0. For me, I found myself doing the best at a 0.9 sensitivity multiplier. I just have this all on one; you can mess with it if you want, but those don't really matter.

Vertical aim axes don't touch that aim-down sight hold change. Zoom, but shared input; just keep that on the Sprint at school. Next up is the automatic sprint, so I play on automatic, tactical sprint, which means I immediately go into a tax frame when I'm moving around the map, but if I see an enemy and say they are not tactical sprinting, their sprint to fire speed is going to be a little bit quicker and I'll probably lose that gunfight.

best controller settings mw2

So overall, I think having this on is the best option, but if you're like me, this is very hard to get used to, and so I'm slowly trying to get used to it, but right now I'm just using automatic. Next up is equipment behavior: hold ads, plus melee, for the interact reload behavior if you're playing multiplayer.

Have this on tap to reload if you're playing War Zone. Please have this unprioritized, Interact; it allows you to loot it a lot quicker, but since I play multiplayer, I have mine on tap to reload armor plight behavior again, which is a war zone setting. Have that on apply all now. When we go to the advanced side, obviously, have your aim assist on the aim assist type.

Just keep it on default. When the game first came out, Black Ops was the best, but then they nerfed it for the third person. This doesn't matter what the aim or response curve type is. Please make this dynamic. This is going to make it so flicking into Target is a little bit easier, basically. This is giving you the S curve, and so it's going to be fast, slow, and fast, which allows you to flick onto target eight a lot easier.

best mw2 controller settings

I believe it's something like that; I could be wrong, but most players do run in the dynamic 80s. The sense multiplier is again a personal preference for me. I keep mine at 0.9 ads; sensitivity. Transition timing is instant. Have this one turned off. I used to have it on if you're like drag scoping, like, say, you're running around sniping.

It is a little bit easier to be consistent with the drag scoping if you have yours on a little bit of a higher sense, but it was kind of messing me up when I was playing ranked with a sniper because your hard scoping ate a lot, so I turned mine off. Next up, we got input. Dead Zone This one is a little bit of a personal preference but also controller-specific.

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