News - Best" Settings To Use For Warzone 2 After Update. Pc & Console - Season 2

best controller settings for

Of course, you can swap those three settings up however you want, but the main two important settings are to make sure you have affected and to make sure on 120 or anything you feel comfortable with for my camera settings. I run on at least third person and game perspective, and of course the least is very important, making sure if you're moving around the game and you're moving around the map, even though this game has absolutely zero movement whatsoever, you don't want your camera to be shaking and you don't want your game to be shaking, so make sure you have this on at least 50 percent.

Overall, those are all my graphics settings for the display quality. And as I just walk through all three of those tabs, let's hop directly into the audio settings, starting at the top. I got my PC optimized, and they told me the best audio mix for me is on the PC, but a lot of people are doing this like a loudness equalizer.

best controller settings mw2

Recently, I personally haven't done that, but I run PC with the 6D master volume. Once you drop this down, I run 0–20, 50–60, and 8—obviously all preferences. Well, you could have this as loud as you want to, and then as we keep going down, this is whatever you have plugged into your PC, and then for mono audio, you definitely want this turned off.

If you don't know exactly what it does. You can run whatever you want at this tab, obviously; this is all personal preference, same thing as voice chat as well. If you guys want that turned on, definitely turn that on for me; for the most part, proxy doesn't even work for me. A microphone, of course, is all that you want, and then the advanced audio settings are again all that you want as well.

best settings for

Test things for yourselves, see how you feel most comfortable with it, tweak it from there, and see what gets you the best audio for your setup, but for me, that's exactly what I'm running for the interface settings. I have my menu text size set to default. My text chat text size is at default again, all preferences, most of these settings are at their most extreme, and then I have 20 characters and my color customization, which is actually pretty important if you slide into this.

I have filtered two for my color filter. I have the Target color filter set on both the world and interface color intensities at 100. If you go to the element colors. I actually run this on 2525. I have it on square, which you definitely should too; there should be nobody in this game running around your mini map.

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I have mini map rotation on horizontal, compass on, my crosshairs on my hit marker visuals on my damaged base hit markers, and my player names are full names of course; that's all preference as well; and then my vehicle HUD prompts fade after five seconds, which is a pretty useless setting. My lag, my latency My packet loss gives me some information about my game and how it's running.

best settings for pc

Of course, if you really want to, you can run all of these if you really do. But I don't want to really clutter the top left of my screen that much with my label size. I have it set to default for my connection meter; I have it off. You could definitely turn that on if you want to. I have it set to default, dot scale, and then for the system mouse cursor, I have that set to give me the default mouse that you can see on the screen and my operating system for this key behavior.

From there, the only tab left is the account tab, and that's all of your settings.

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BEST SETTINGS to USE for WARZONE 2 after UPDATE! PC Console - Season 2.
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