News - Best Landing Spots, How To Get Loadout & Get More Kills. 7 Tips For Early Game Warzone 2

get more kills warzone 2

The reason I like bounty programs is that they give you that information, going back to the fact that information is very hard to come by as well as cash flow. Now that we've got the mini map open, let's talk about strongholds, right here clearly. In this case scenario, there is no stronghold that we can go to that's very far away; it's going to take us very out of the action; that's very far away that's very far away and when we're talking about getting more kills, we can't be wasting a ton of time.

You know, that's a very long time to get over there. Get our loadout then, get back in the action, and do the same thing over at these two. If it were a little bit closer, we're of course going to weigh it if it's in hydroelectric; we're going to do that real quick; if it's in marshlands, we could probably drive over that and complete that real quick, and get our loadout guns and our perks.

Bounty contract

Bounty contract

Keep in mind that we don't have perks unless we complete a stronghold or we actually get our loadout now.

What do you notice right here? We've got another bounty contract. One thing I do want to highlight is that I recognize there's no bounty contract bonus or contract bonus. Remember in War Zone One as you completed a contract each time you got extra cash, it's a straight contract here in terms of how much you get paid, so even if we complete this contract we don't get more, we just get the $7,500, so we've got the Bounty contract, we've got the UAV.

Zach is behind us; we've got to keep that in mind, but TCAPper and I are going to go ahead and approach this now, also factoring in that there are no lootable perks and nobody has perks yet, so there is no ghost in this scenario. It is a straight 2v2 fight, and you're going to see just how much TCAPper and I pinch this also.

how to get loadout in warzone 2

The first circle is very long, right, we've been doing this, we've been doing this, and we've gotten into a little bit of a groove with cash flow first. The circle is just now starting to close, and we still have four and a half minutes left, so now we're going to go ahead and push in here and watch how we split this a little bit.

Yep, they hear us a little bit, and we got proc chat, so we are, and we got UAVS, and we know that they're not here. I think that's what I want to dilate with prochat, where he says, "I hear somebody," and then he goes, "I think that's you," so they don't actually know that we're together. We're going to shoot from there, we're going to grab that guy right there, we're going to keep shooting around the corner, and there is the easy team wipe once again.

We've got really good cash flow right here; we've got the self-revive, and now we can start to push; we can start to figure out what's going on; and I think we all have three-plate vests, so now we're in a groove. We're still talking early game right here, and we're still talking about this first circle.

warzone 2 get more kills

Now what do we do? There are no bounty contracts. You know that this buying station right here isn't exactly a good one to go hit, or it is a good one to hit, but we can't buy a UAV because of the limited number of UAVs that we can buy. The way real quick is for you to just take a little quick tip.

We didn't try it out right here, but we did try it out a little bit later on in the night. There is a glitch, I think it's a glitch or a bug, where you buy a UAV, buy like one or two stacks of plates, then close out of the buy station. Open it back up; there might be another UAV there for you. So, now we're going with attack 56.

And now we can start to focus on getting guns we're really comfortable with. I got the Fennec, which is great all around. I really like it, especially in solos, duos, and trios, because of the pace of play. The biggest issue with the Fennec in the war zone was the low maximum size and fast fire rate, but you always had to reload.

warzone 2 strategies

You can get away with it a little bit more now because of the slower game. We're just wandering a little bit. We don't really know where anybody is.

Finding people

Finding people

TCAP Hey, I've got proxies chatting over here. We get information at any point in time throughout this game: early game, midgame, and late game. You've got to go ahead and act on that, because your only other option is to keep wandering and hope you find somebody. So when we get proxies, we're going to start trying to understand where they are.

We're going to think about, okay, where. Did we hear them before? No, now that we hear them, they've got to be somewhere over in this direction, and this is really where they are. It starts to become about seeing people and thinking about where they could be. I don't know where they are just yet, so I'm going to go ahead and push up a little bit, play a little bit of high ground, and let's see how we go about finding them exactly.

warzone 2 tips

I think where they are is a place a lot of you struggle with. I said this throughout the whole entire game, early game, midgame, and late game, so we're just trying to see, not for 100 percent sure, if we can check buildings to see if we can get any audio cue notice. We're not getting proc chat, and right there we got TCAP.

Reconnaissance and pump drones are very good for figuring out where people are. He's going to go ahead and ping that building, and now that I know that there are a few people around here, right? I know it's at least a full team. I think somebody came; there might be more; you know, maybe TCAP did.

I'm not 100% sure, so we're going to play this a little bit more cautiously and look at the patience of the approach because if I try to take out both of them at the same time. I'm not going to be able to do it. I can't finesse like I could in War Zone 1, so I've got to play a little bit more strategically here.

warzone 2 where to land

All of a sudden, T-caps are going to start the fight from above, all of a sudden. He gets it down on this guy over here, and now we're in a really good position. I'm going to flank around right; there's Enemy Number Two right there down and Thurston; now we can go ahead with low ammo, so I've got to keep that in mind.

But we swapped to the fennec, and we know that there's still somebody around here because we still have prox chat, so that's where we're really using proxtat to our advantage to go okay. We don't know where he is, but we know he's somewhere close, and now we've got one across that Zach went and got.

Still no team wipe just yet; note there's a wipe, but we still have that guy on proxy chat and we have no idea where he is, so we end up not being able to figure it out and we end up, you know, kind of pushing around here; we're looting up a little bit, and I'm going to go and grab the vasnab, and then I was like no.

Early game is CRUCIAL in Warzone 2 if you want to have success and get more kills so today we are going over 7 tips strategies that will allow you to get off to a better start, pick up some kills, and set you up for mid game and end game.
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