News - Best Assault Rifles For Rebirth Island Warzone Season 3

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We have the BP50. And this is a gun that is just super versatile. Very good handling for an AR great time to kills up close and at long range but it kind of has a weird drop off at mid-range, so this gun doesn't have a ton of recoil so I feel like I can use the spirit fire suppressor that way we stay suppress get that extra range and whatnot lore n heavy long barrel again is going to help with our range and recoil control which is most important on an AR ruin heavy support again same thing recoil control and that firing aim stability 45 round mag and then the Jack glassless, now these iron sights are not bad at all so you have two options here you can take the optic off and you can go with the four Bearer heavy stock for even more recoil control super low recoil with this build or what I would probably recommend is you go high grain get a little bit more range and bullet velocity, and like I said these iron sights are super clean and The Recoil is not bad at all coming in at number three we have the hoger.

556 now this is a slower shooting gun, but it is super accurate, and it has one of the better weighted times to kill on GGs, so again, because it's a low recoil gun. I think the spirit fire suppressor is absolutely fine. Of course, you could switch it to the casses if you wanted to for even less recoil control or more recoil control.

That is the Creos 6 match barrel again, adding range and recoil. Those are the two main things we look for in a long-range gun. For the barrel again, Brin has heavy support. For this one, I do like to run high grain, or you could also run high velocity. High velocity hurts your range, but it gives you more of a boost to your bullet velocity.

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This gun has great range, so you can totally run at high velocity. High grain does hurt your recoil a little bit, but I think it's okay on this gun because it's lower recoil, and then the 40-round mag is as big as you got, but it's a slower shooting gun, so the damage to the mag is not bad now if you don't like these iron sights.

I think these iron sights are pretty clean here, and I generally don't mind them; however, they totally take off high grain and then put on an optic like a Jack Glassless, and this build as well is great. The only downside to running it with the optic is that the bullet velocity is a little bit slower at 819.

warzone 3 rebirth island

Not at all bad for Rebirth Island, but something to keep in mind is that, coming in at number two, we have the MTZ. 556 i absolutely love this gun. It has a very fast fire rate and easy-to-control recoil. I do prefer to run the Cassis break on this one though the spirit fire it gets just a little bit more wobbly it's kind of like a weird shake that I dislike on this gun so I prefer to run the Cassis, again MTZ, clinch Pro Barrel now this one there is another Barrel The Drifter Barrel The Drifter Barrel gives you a little bit of recoil control, but the clinch gives you way more bullet velocity so it's almost like a 100 m/s difference in bullet velocity, with this clinch one and I just tend to prefer that so that's why I run the clinch Over The Drifter again Bron heavy support on this one I am running high velocity.

And not high grain, although you absolutely could switch it for high grain, and then the 50-round drum; now the iron sights are not at all bad on this one again. If you run a bright color camo, that center iron will be a nice color, and it's easy to see, but if you want an optic that takes off high velocity.

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I'd recommend jack glasses here instead, or you can make this an absolute zero recoil beam with the MTZ. Marauder stock, and then this thing is super low recoil; it's fast shooting and easy to use if you're just kind of a beginner-level player or maybe just average and you just want something that's easy to use; it's not a burst like the SVA.

warzone rebirth island

Right here, gray gun, and coming in at number one overall for Rebirth Island and in War Zone in general right now is the SOA subverter, Battle rifle. Now, like I said, this is the battle rifle. The downside of this gun is that it's a little bit slower. Handling, so you do have to be a little bit careful and make sure you have your SMG out in the right situation when you're running around on rebirth I do love the Cassis break on this one because it just really Smooths, this gun out of course you could switch to the spear fire if you wanted to stay suppressed Dozer 90 long barrel again adds range and recoil control that big 50 round drum and it's kind of a average fire rate so it's tons of damage for mag now the iron sights are not bad on this gun at all so you absolutely could take off the optic you could put on either High grain High Velocity or that brew and heavy support, with the iron sights I'll show you them here they're not bad they're very clean very easy to see but personally I've just found I'm a lot more accurate with this gun with the Jack glassless, now I am running the motion V2 heavy stock instead of the Brewing heavy support we look at the stats here -2 - 12 here compared to if we go to that brew and heavy support only minus 8 and plus4, so that stock just gives you overall.

Better stats, so you have to look at certain guns on some guns; the stats are just a lot better on the stocks. And that's why I've elected to go with this instead of that under Barrel. Now, real quick, before we wrap up, guys, I am going to be doing my top SMG article probably tomorrow. I do want to just cover my perks that I have been running as of late, so double time and Mountain.

warzone season 3

My perk one allows you to sprint to get around the map much faster, and then mountain here you can jump off super high buildings and basically take zero fall damage, just super great for getting away or for chasing people. My perk slot 3: I have been kind of playing around with a lot of different perks.

I keep going back and forth between Quick Fix and Tempered. Tempered allows you to only have those two plates; it's quicker plating, and then Quick Fix is when you get a kill or when you start plating, it's going to start regenerating. Here's the difference between these two perks that I want to explain: if you get down to really low health, like less than 50 HP.

Quick Fix is going to be the better perk in that situation because, as soon as you start plating and you put in two plates, you've already regenerated your health, and it's going to be basically more of a health regain than two plates with temper, and your health hasn't regenerated. But if you're only getting one to two or just all of your plates knocked off but none of your health, then temper ends up being the better and faster way to regain and get back into a fight.

TCaptainX has the TOP 5 Assault Rifles for Rebirth Island Warzone Season 3. With the Call of Duty Season 3 Warzone Update, you have a TON of meta class setups to choose from, but these 5 AR's stand out as the BEST loadouts you can run on Rebirth Island. Become a YouTube Member to receive exclusive perks.
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