News - All Working Glitches (after Patches) Update 1. 039 Warzone 2 Zombies

The other players's load out to you, and this is great for the battle pass because you cannot get these battle pass weapons in game to just xill with and unlock, and other players have to drop them for you, so now they don't have to worry about dropping them and losing their insurance spot right here.

We went through the portal, and when we came out, I had BBK's. Ram 9, and at this point I filled it, and it did unlock it for me, and I had all the battle pass skins. It also gave me his Pack-a-Punch level of level three and his Rarity of legendary, and nothing else duplicates; it's just the gun, so you're not getting any of their tacticals or anything that's in their rucksack or perks, but yes, if you want this weapon to be unlocked, you need to xfill, take the portal out, and actually go back to the Menos, and it will turn it into Contraband, and then when you go into the menus and look at the weapon, you see that it is unlocked, and you do have the battle pass skins available right here, as you can see in the battle pass r 9 is not unlocked, but it is unlocked for me in the menus.

Again, you will fill it with the duplication of their weapon; it will be contraband, and it will have the skin and all the attachments that they had on it, so it's just a complete replica. There's another way of doing this without having to quad-pack a wonder weapon and bring one in. All you have to do is completely bleed out, like get down, bleed out to the point where you have to plead, but you know, don't plead, just stay dead, and obviously have a friend with you and someone who's got weapons that's got weapons that you want to duplicate and unlock for yourself.

What I do is dive in the water and drown because you take a hard dive. That way, you don't have to worry about anything else that just kills you off the map, and then the other player needs to take the sigil or Elder sigil teleporter. Also, if you've drank Tombstone and you've got it on you right now, then you will be setting a tombstone with what you have on you, and it will be back at Ora when you come into the next game, so if you want to work that into your plan, you can, so the other player or players that are still alive need to go through that teleporter, and you don't have to vote or anything; it's going to drag you in even though you are dead off the map; it will revive you and give you the exact load out that the player that brought you in has, so whatever weapons they have in their first and second slot is exactly what you will have, and you will have their skins and attachments.

And I won't be surprised if they patch it on Wednesday with the new release. This is the unlimited spawns with the Outlast contracts; you just pick up a contract, go to the location, start the contract, and then when the progression bar gets around 95%, you and everybody in your team needs to cancel the contract what happens is the game still thinks the contract is going and it will throw a ton of zombie spawns at you but you don't have to mess with that progression bar anymore like it's off the screen and these zombies are now unlimited, another cool thing is that it turns off the elite so the manglers the disciples will stop spawning in but you're still going to get a ton of dogs and a ton of zombies number seven is one of my favorite glitches if I don't have a tombstone on the map and this one still works and it's how to keep ether blades in your lethal spot when you xfill, and come back into games this allows you to use one ether blade and craft it one time and never have to craft it again and bypass, all of that cool down time one method is to use the bad signal portal you just activate it and then you want to close game whenever you see the teleportation.

Screen right here, this allows you to keep your e-blades in your lethal spot, you keep your insured weapons, and you keep all of the stuff in your rucksack. So yeah, this one's great. One myth I keep hearing over and over again is that you can't use a bad signal during a storm. Has crossed over and that's not true you can always take the bad signal, no matter what the game timer says there's a second method for keeping your ether blades in your lethal spot and that's to take one of the story Mission xfill Choppers, this one's more timec consuming cuz you have to wait for the chopper to come in and then whenever the chopper starts to tilt up this is when I have to actually pull my ethernet cable like I can't close app with this method it doesn't work for me and I'm on PlayStation 5 some people can just close app but for some reason I can't also this is a good option if bad signal is way across the map and you just want to get out and a story Mission Chopper location is closer, this way of leaving the match also allows you to keep obviously your ether blades and any weapons you had with you and everything in your ruck sack including unex, fillables number, eight and I cannot believe they've never patched this is the god mode spot or this safe spot underneath the excavator in tier three you can get a lot of zombies by starting contracts right in this area.

This will not work. What you do is get down and take a hard down and bleed out, and then you have to plead, and then after you plead, you don't want to get revived. What you want to do now is hold down on your d-pad or whatever platform you're on and open up your ruck stack. If you hadn't purchased a jug before you did this, you wouldn't be able to open your rucksack, so that's why you have to buy it, but you just open your rucksack and drop your ether blades.

Then, you can be revived, and once you're revived, you're going to see that your ether blades have been returned to you, but they're also on the ground for other players to pick up and use. I dropped all my stuff here to show you that nothing has been duplicated. Other than the ether blades now your tacticals, will also duplicate but that's not necessary those are like the Casmir and the monkeys, but if you want to just know that yeah it will work with this but the ether blades are what's the hot item in the one that everybody needs and shout out to bman I believe he's the one that posted this I think he might be the founder as well number 11 is a whole lot of fun and a way to get some fast cash if you don't have a tombstone on the map you need to head to that location on the map right there the underground tunnel, that goes to that Easter egg with that chest board that opens up that room with those High tier chests you need a scorcher and you need to stand up against this light pole right here push forward, and Scorch her up one time then spin around and face inside of the tunnel Scorch her one more time, and then a third time you should be up on top and be able to walk freely you can walk over on top of the room.

You normally have to do all these steps to open a chest that will have two chests in it and also an ammo cache. If you just go over the top of these chests, you can open them. You don't see the PPT, but just keep using the button that you open stuff with, and you can collect all of the items. In this run, I got two 3500 gold bars for a total of 7, 000.

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