News - Alert. Fix New Settings Now Warzone 2 Haunting Update. Warzone 2 Best Settings Ps4/ps5/xbox/pc Aim

modern warfare 2

You can hear a lot of things in this game, and by maxing this out while having everything else a little bit lower, it is going to help you achieve that perfect sound balance. Voice chat volume is at 50; some people have really messed up mics, so I don't like having this at 100, but you want to hear, you know, enemies rage, and like better volume, you can put this up a little bit more, but this is more of an optional setting, and then cinematic music volume and war track volume are both optional; you can put those at whatever you want.

And then everything else here, I think, is just your personal preference. We got subtitles here, and if I weren't a fan. I would have subtitles on because having subtitles on allows you to read callouts or whatever the case might be going on in the game, whereas audio callouts could be delayed because there's a lot of action going on, especially on things like shipment.

So reading stuff is a lot better, but I just don't put it on because, as you know. I try to give you guys the best articles that look clean, and I feel like all the text on the screen might be confusing for you guys or just look ugly for the article, but I don't make content, so definitely put this on.

modern warfare 2 best settings

I feel like it can help you a ton. I used to do it back in the day, but I don't do it anymore because I want my articles to look a little bit cleaner for you guys.

Best mw2 interface settings season 6

Best mw2 interface settings season 6

And R reduced tontis sound is optionally put on or off depending on how you want to hear the game, and yeah, with that being said, let's go to interface settings now, and we kind of already talked about this color customization. You want to change the colors of certain you know objects to, like you know, like a pink or a purple or whatever, that could maybe help you identify things a little bit easier.

I just don't really mess with that personally. I think the colors are fine in this game, but in mod Warfare 3, hopefully they'll fix it for release. Something we've already talked about is HUD. Square: I like round; you know, don't do a round mini map shape because that has lower surface areas than a square.

modern warfare 2 settings

A square is going to give you a better, you know, better surface area so you can see more red dots, especially if you have a UAV up mini map rotation on horizontal compass on so you can see anybody that's shooting and read the compass that way. Crosshair is static so it doesn't bounce around, and you know, throw your aim a little bit off even though it's kind of a placebo effect.

I think it helps a little bit with her marker visuals on damage-based markers; this is all pretty much default stuff. Center dot on. I just feel like having the dot on right there just really helps me, and in terms of getting better aim, then I have the center dot scale on largest, and in elementary I have FPS Ser latency and package loss on so I can see how many frames I have, and if the lobby that I'm in is a little bit laggy, because man, there's some pretty bad servers sometimes.

And everything else, I believe, is a personal preference, including inverted flash. Do you want the black flash or the white flash? Do you want to blind your eyes or believe that your PC or console is shutting down for whatever reason? It's always fun to make that comparison, but yeah, that is pretty much all the settings that I rock here.


Make sure you guys, you know, use these settings and apply them to your own gameplay style or not. Maybe just take some of them and use some of your some of your own at the end of the day, you are going to be the best user of your own settings and you're going to succeed the way that you want to you know you might succeed using my settings you might succeed using your own settings or a mix of both, and that's what makes Call of Duty really fun we get to play the way that we want but yeah if this article helps you in any way like I said, make sure guys do drop a like, subscribe, you're new, and turn on those posts and notifications.

I really can't wait to see Moder War 3 come out. I can't believe this is like the mate's last major update too, but who knows, maybe they'll surprise us with something like this right before the Moder War 3 release. Who freaking knows anyway? Keep being beautiful and amazing, and just know I really freaking love you all.

mw2 aim settings

If you guys want to see these game plays live, then make sure you guys follow me on my kick stream at kick, Com Theem Markov, a hero. I interact with the chat, and we have a good old time roasting ragers and nuking fools. I also stream on Twitch, TV, and The Ark of a Hero, and you'll see a lot of the same action there.

Also, if you guys want to see even more articles from me, check me out on my second channel, More Hero. On that channel, you guys will see War Zone 2 Gameplay Store bundles and other miscellaneous articles that aren't here on the main channel. I really love you guys from the bottom of my heart.

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