News - 15 Rebirth Island Features That Warzone 3 Needs

And more fun, number nine is honestly short and sweet, and it's that the balloons on war zone 1 need to come back if you remember when portable balloons and redeployments were added to war zone 1, which is kind of like an apex Fortnite type feature that was ported over for war zone 1. It felt like it fit really well in War Zone 1 and added a lot of fast pace, but you could also shoot out of the air on these in War Zone 1 the amount of times that I would go up in a balloon, start shooting out of the air to knock a player and then land, which led to even faster pace, more excitement, and honestly, a skill gap that good players could do.

rebirth island

But, you know, let's just call it what the worst players had to learn, so I think this should come back to War Zone 3. And if not, maybe having a limit where you have to pull your shot and then cancel it again to shoot, unlike in War Zone 1, where you could do it right away, would make it a little more balanced.

Number 10 is also short and sweet, and that's the ability to cancel your tactical sprint a little more fluidly. We are supposed to be getting a Stam bar in season 2 or season 2 were loaded from my understanding as well as bunny happing back, but I think that we should have the ability to cancel our tag Sprint a little more fluidly, maybe allowing you to slide cancel once or twice before you have to wait to slide cancel again with your Tactical Sprint up cuz in War Zone 1 anytime you slide canceled you can immediately raise your gun, and then tactical Sprint again you obviously can't do that in War Zone 3, and I think maybe if they just gave you a little more opportunity to cancel it would add a little more fluidity.

rebirth island back

Without making slide cancellation as overpowered as it was in War Zone 1, number 11 is that we should have bunkers and other cool Easter eggs. Back in War Zone, Forance had things like the bunkers that you could go to an open for cool codes, eventually leading to the nuking of the R dank event. Reaper Thayland had the bunker that was next to prison, in Grandma's house area, and it just added some cool appeal to the game that if people wanted to go and try to complete these Easter eggs, they could do so, and it almost kind of felt like they had a single player element in War Zone, and there was almost always an Easter egg going on, so I would love for these to come back in War Zone 3.

rebirth island cod warzone

Number 12 is that there should be map changes and POI reversions. Just like there was in rebirth Island you remember when rebirth Island first Dro there used to be control center on the other side of prison, in between living quarters and making your way towards Deon and prison and that was changed to control center from construction, and I felt like it just was cool to have different changes and control center ended up being one of the best drop sites in rebirth Island there was also other changes like the prison Courtyard which went from really having no cover to having all sorts of boxes and things like that you could use for cover and I would love to see some changes to rebirth Island a little bit into the game once we get the map back so people can play it how it was and.

Then get something fresh and new—the same thing for Fortune's sake, for that matter. 13 is the return of lootable, individual perks right now in War Zone. If you get perks off the ground, it is useful that you can get your whole perks after you die. You can't get those individual perks back; you can only get the perk packages.

rebirth island coming back

I feel like we should go back to the system of being able to find individual perks on the ground if it's at all possible because War Zone 2 kind of changed the way it worked by making everything in perk packages itself, but it would be cool that could get you looted a player or looted a box, you could find a random perk that could get you closer to a specialist, and I kind of think like this one might actually be coming back based on the tweets we've seen from Raven software, but we'll have to see.

Number 14 is just the return of balloons, versus the PDS system, or whatever you call it, that we have in the war zone right now, where when you go to take the mini balloon, which is basically a drone that redeploys the drone that lifts you up, it's slow. It's not as cool, and it feels like War Zone 2.

Sorry, I think I just sneezed because you're not subscribed yet. I'm allergic to that. Hopefully you're not allergic to that sub button, though, and hopefully War Zone is not allergic to making changes and bringing back the redeploy balloon, which honestly would make War Zone feel a lot faster and also allow for your whole team to rotate.

rebirth island map

Now if you use the redeploy drone, your whole team can't use it, kind of defeating the purpose. And lastly, number 15: the change everybody is waiting for the carar 98 needs to return. I feel like this doesn't need much of an explanation. The K98 was fast, easy to use, and fluid felt so satisfying, almost like you're watching an ASMR pimple popping article while you're popping domes.

With the Kar98, it should definitely come back, even though it was broken for almost all of War Zone. It was the longest-serving meta. Just keep coming back. Stay humble, stay hungry, and have a good

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