News - Warzone: Full 1. 30 Update Patch Notes. New Gameplay Changes & Updates (warzone 2 Surprise Update)

Warzone & modern warfare 2 gameplay updates & fixes

So when we go into the patch notes page now, you can see we've got the Wednesday. November 1st, update, and there's actually a lot listed here for sure, so keep in mind that with the 1.30 title update, this does mean that we have to go through and download it. Everyone's going to have this update regardless of what platform you're playing on; you're going to have like a five- or six-gig download.

I think it was on PlayStation and PC, so initially, this update includes several fixes for known crashes. I feel like it's been a while since we've had this patch note in particular. Here, I'll zoom in a little bit, but we know that for a long time, this has been like a running joke on the channel.

1.30 patch notes

Every single patch note update included this again; they're not specific with it, so if you had crashing issues for the past little bit, you're going to have to go through and test and see if they're still persisting, but known issues and known crashes are now being combed with this stability update.

There is an issue that could cause the fetching online profile mess to hang, so you just have to restart your gamer and sit there forever and ever. And so that's now going to be a little bit quicker, ideally. Fix an issue that could kick the player to the main menu when trying to access the campaign via the new game option, so just a small one; they're nothing too crazy.

Fix an issue where the Skeletor operator staff was misaligned. This was in the patch notes a while ago, so it must not have been fully fixed there. Now they've fully fixed It seems like fix an exploit on Embassy where an area lacked collision, allowing players to hide in an unintended location during zombie infected, so obviously everyone knows about the spot if you've been playing zombie infected.

1.30 patch notes 2

There's always like the last person alive up there because it was super hard to get to, so a bit cheesy, but that's now been updated. Fixed an issue where the alien death ray weapon blueprint had an attachment combination not possible under normal customization. I didn't even realize that, but that is pretty funny how it made attachments that weren't accessible unless you had that blueprint, so definitely a bit of a broken one there, but now it has been fixed.

Fix an issue where ADS view was obscured in third person when using the Lilith operator, probably because the Lilith operator has like a crazy, not hitbox, but designed with like the torns or whatever's coming out of her head there, so that's been updated as well. They also fixed an issue where high-velocity rounds were not able to hit enemies under the surface of water.

Is this just an issue? That's been a thing all year long, and we just didn't realize it, or is it just tied? I'm not too sure what exactly is changing with this. I feel like the hit rig underwater has always been bad, and high V was supposed to help out with that. Maybe it just wasn't having any effect there.

1.30 update

I guess, ideally, that makes it a little bit more consistent there. Like, we all know that if you're shooting at somebody who is underwater, it's hard enough to hit them as is, so maybe running high vow now will actually be advantageous because of that specific instance, but even then, that's pretty Niche to want to run just that specific ammo type for those kinds of fights, so we'll see if that has any actual real impact on game play or setups.

I doubt it, though fixing an issue or previewing some gun screens would cause an incorrect menu to display, so nothing crazy. There is an issue that could cause navigating the group menu to kick players back to the main menu to be very annoying. Glad that's fixed an issue that could cause players total soul amount to display incorrectly.

1.30 update 2

After purchasing an award, I would say you have like 20 souls left, but you actually had none because you just bought something that was 20 souls, so it was just taking a while to update there. You'd have to back out, go back in, and see your correct number. Just a small visual bug there. Even if it said you had $20, you couldn't go and buy something else that was cheaper.

If it glitched like that, for what it's worth, fix an issue where confirming the language setting in the menu could cause an error, so you just couldn't change your language, which is very annoying. There is an issue that could cause an error when navigating in the battle pass. It is not really specific, but thanks to an issue with the Tempest Razer back hellspawn blueprint that had an incorrect optic displayed in the menu, it was just different on the menu versus what you actually had in the game.

It's nice to see it fixed, but not the end of the world. It fixed an issue where the sack and mg38 treat weapon blueprints were missing a visual smoke effect, so now it might actually be harder to use this blueprint. They might have actually stealthened like Nerf in a way by adding that smoke effect, so we'll have to see.

1.30 update mw2

Fix an issue that could cause a crash when rapidly entering and exiting the kill streak page within the weapons tab, so if you wanted to crash your game, you could go through and spam that that's no longer going to be a problem, an issue where rapidly entering and exiting the emblem page could kick the player out of the menu; they just don't want you doing anything rapidly on the menu.

What I'm getting here is a general summary of those issues. There is an issue with the soap operator name displayed incorrectly. An issue where an error could occur when attempting to load into a TDM private match on shipment; an issue where the player could lose control of a kill streak if eliminated while operating said kill streak an issue where players could encounter a frozen screen in the battle pass on new accounts; interesting there, but obviously they wanted to get that one fixed ASAP; an issue where juggernauts would sometimes not appear in the final fight of Raid episode 4 that'd be easier unless of course it stopped you from completing the mission, an issue where the M4 Union Guard blueprint displayed a placeholder image an issue where a number of weapon blueprints had a placeholder display in the combat detail widget, an issue with the m wrap turret, then also adjusted the brightness of the flow through camo, so that'll now be a bit different.

New warzone update patch notes & changes

New warzone update patch notes & changes

We also have some war zone adjustments and specific updates here too. They increased the total number of possible active duty operator slots for DMZ, so that's cool to see. They also reduced the number of stems dropped by the minions. When fighting the butcher, basically, if you're someone who is spamming the stems as you were taking out the zombies in the butcher boss fight, it'll be a little bit harder to gain those now that I wasn't even using those for the most part.

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