News - Warzone 2. 0: The 16 Biggest Changes From The Original Warzone

Once you've unlocked all the items in all 20 tiers, you'll then be given the final completion items at no additional cost to your battle pass tokens. As previously stated, this doesn't seem to be necessary. As for War Zone 2's final big change, moving into War Zone 2, we have the loss of war zones and revival modes.

If you're unsure of what I'm meaning, in Warzone 1, we had the Rebirth Island and Fortune's Keep maps, and these maps were available to give players more of a chance to come back throughout the match as they'd simply be given a timer rather than a gulag when they were eliminated. With Warzone 2's release, not only do we not see the addition of a revival map or mode into the game, but they've also added the first war zones.

Resurgence Maps offline: This may come as a shock to a lot of people and is likely to be very frustrating to those that chose to play that on the daily, but there are rumors that sometime next year, in 2023, we'll be seeing a brand new Resurgence experience coming to War Zone 2. And those were just some of the biggest changes you'll find in the brand new Warzone.

The long-awaited Warzone 2. 0 is here, and with it comes all kinds of quality of life improvements, a brand new map, and loads of new weapons and gameplay changes. So ride along with Youtuber Expel as they break down everything you need to know before hopping into Warzone 2. Warzone 2.
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