News - Warzone 2. 0: The 16 Biggest Changes From The Original Warzone

While all the gear has different prices according to what you're buying, it's good to note that the weapons section only allows you to buy one gun at a time for five thousand dollars a piece, and there's no option to purchase a loadout drop. Five free loadout drops do fall during the third circle, and there is a line in the middle of the circle if you're trying to get your perks and equipment from your preset classes.

warzone 2 biggest changes

Otherwise, just sticking with weapons isn't such a bad idea in Warzone 2. What is a bad idea is thinking that all that movement you learned, like slide canceling and bunny hopping, is going to work in a war zone because in Warzone, the eighth big change is the slowdown of advanced movement. There's no slide cancellation, no bunny hopping, and really nothing even close to either of those.

They actually added in a mechanic called "dolphin diving," and regular sliding still remains, even if it is pretty much useless in most scenarios. Additionally, we recommend keeping your weapon sights aimed down and ready to shoot as often as possible because it's going to take some time to aim down sights with something like an assault rifle, battle rifle, or sniper rifle due to the weight of the attachments in this game.

warzone 2 differences

This is Warzone 2's ninth big change. Swimming and most weapons don't even work, but we should honestly just be happy to have the option to swim because, well, in the original war zone, this would happen. Foreign, in War Zone 2, is actually pretty cool. Yedo has simple mechanics and is very intuitive, like just looking and moving where you want to go.

It's best to note that you still have to come up for air, and if you don't, the same thing that happened in war zone 1 will end up happening in war zone 2. It's also best to be careful when you find yourself jumping into the water. You'll jump into an area where there's no ladder, and you're forced to swim for a long time if that's the case, in the water for as long as possible because if someone sees you, then you're likely going to be shot like fish in a barrel, or hey, you could search for a boat, which brings us to war zone 2's 10th big change.

Vehicles While there may have been only four or five vehicles in the original war zone, Warzone 2 actually has 10 vehicles to traverse all of Mazura. Whether you find yourself on land or attempting to be a river pirate, the option to do either is there. You can even be a soccer mom and hop in a hatchback, but if you catch someone doing something similar, don't let that sweet facade fool you.

warzone 2 pc gameplay

There are new mechanics for those vehicles that could get you eliminated if you're not careful. Not only can you lean out of vehicles to shoot your weapon, but if you're feeling extra frisky, you can climb all the way on top of the roof and really let those bullets fly. While you're letting those bullets fly, you may as well head on over to Warzone 2's 11th big change.

the new strongholds. And similar to Fortnite War, zone 2 added AI bots that fill specific areas of the map, and after eliminating those bots and exploring that area, you'll be able to retrieve higher-tier loops at strongholds. Once you complete a bomb defusal, you'll be able to get your loadout out of the chest where the bomb defusal happened, but don't think for a second that these AI are going to be a piece of cake.

warzone 2.0

These could be your downfall as for black sights, which are unlocked by completing the strongholds and finding a key inside you, you can then use that key to unlock a black site and go for a round two of sorts against even harder AI, and once you reach the end of those AI you'll find a big bad boss called Juggernaut, that is not to be trifled with, but if you're anything like us you tend to think your abilities are a bit better than they actually are and because of that find yourself dying more often than you'd like to admit once you're dead.

If it's not closed yet, you'll find yourself in Warzone 2's 12th big change, the new Gulag. While its predecessor had a post-death Gulag that would allow you to fight an enemy in a one-versus-one battle to the death, Warzone 2 changed things entirely. To begin with, you're thrown into a gulag with either your teammate if they died with you or a random enemy, and you have to fight two other random enemies.

warzone 2.0 gameplay

Luckily, with the aforementioned proximity chat, you can speak with your newfound teammate, but that doesn't always mean the synergy is going to be there, or even if you two somehow survive a bit longer, you might end up finding yourself having to fight another Juggernaut in the gulag. Don't worry though, if the synergy isn't there or the Juggernaut has its way with you, there's still one more chance for you and your team, and that's through Warzone 2's 13th big change in-game: events, yes, in-game.

Events like jailbreaks and chest restocks are bad, but Call of Duty has now added one additional event that can change the course of any match, and that event is a circle split during one of the earlier circles. After around 10 minutes of the match, when a new circle is set to form, there's a large chance that instead of one circle, it could split into two.

If that happens, you'll be forced to go into one circle or the other to continue the match. Then, after the timer is up, the circles will converge and the match will continue as before, but it's likely you'll find a ton of action in one circle or the other if you're sure to stick with your squad and watch each other's backs.

warzone gameplay

On the other hand, if you're interested in literally watching your own back, Warzone 2 comes with an all-new third-person Battle Royale mode, which of course is Warzone 2's 14th big change. Any past Call of Duty: Black Ops III third-person mode has made its way into War Zone 2 in the form of a game mode.

To be clear, this isn't a force-feedback game type, nor is it an option that can be changed by the flip of a switch in your settings or by pressing a button on your input device instead. Be on the lookout for the mode when choosing if you're wanting to play solos, duos, trios, or quads in the pre-game menu, as it may be one of the selectable options.

As for Warzone 2's 15th big change, it comes in the form of a new battle pass system, sadly. This one's a bit confusing, and it's understandable if you can't figure it out at first. Don't worry, we couldn't either, but after a few minutes of toying with it, here's what you need to know: Unlike the simple system that Warzone 1 and many other games have chosen to implement.

Warzone 2 has a map that you can slowly fill as you unlock more and more tiers. So if you're trying to get to tier A3, first you'll need to unlock Battle Pass tokens by playing the game, then use those tokens to unlock all five items within A1, then all five items from A2, revealing A3 for more purchases.

The long-awaited Warzone 2. 0 is here, and with it comes all kinds of quality of life improvements, a brand new map, and loads of new weapons and gameplay changes. So ride along with Youtuber Expel as they break down everything you need to know before hopping into Warzone 2. Warzone 2.
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