News - Full Loadouts At Buystations Wont Revitalize This Dying Game / Call Of Duty Warzone 2. 0

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Okay so loadouts are back. I know if people remember, I sang a little song saying no more loadouts. No more loaders, but, at the same time, as much as I was singing that song. Meta: This gun is broken; they need those articles to obviously keep their YouTube channels alive. Not only that, you've got people outside.

My issue with loadouts is that, for one, they make ground loot redundant. If you can buy your loadout straight away, like when you go fishing for money and then go buy a loadout of ground loot, it is pointless, and you don't stand a chance against people if you've got ground loot because they're going to have their loadouts.

And with their loadouts, they're going to have the strongest metal, because don't listen to anybody with that disingenuous conversation. I've had a few people go back and forth with me on Twitter and try to say no, I don't want loadouts for the meta. I can play with ground loot. I play with ground loot all the time.

call of duty warzone

I just want my loadout because it's fun. Yeah, you want your loadout because you want the gun to carry you; that's where you want your loadout, but again, enough of that; let me just predict to you what I believe is going to happen with loadouts going forward. The lobbies are going to go back to being 80, the same gun yeah, which will be the metagon of the time whether that's a ppeh, a kilo, or whatever.

But at this particular time, it's not going to work the way they want it to work because, when loadouts were in wars, they were heavily supported. By people being stuck within their homes, you know what I'm talking about: the cough, cough period. I can't use the right terminology because they might strike the article down.

With the coughing period came people stuck in their houses, and a lot of people had nothing to do. A lot of people weren't interested in watching Netflix or TV, so they just sat there and played Call of Duty all day. So, when the new meta was released two weeks later—the new, I don't know, M4 is now the meta—people had time to sit there and play it, grind the gun out, level it up, and then go into a war zone.

call of duty warzone 2.0

They had time to do that because they were stuck in the house; the coughing period has now ended. People now have to get back to work; they have lives; they have jobs; they have kids to feed, so nobody's going to sit there for hours on end. Well, maybe one or two people, but the majority of the general public does not have time now to sit there and level up a gun for five or six hours just so they can go play in a war zone.

it's a it's a mechanic that only works when you're stuck in your home and the government is imposing on you to stay there; you had time to do it; people don't have time to do that now. I can give one of my friends—he's married and has two kids—and when we were stuck in the cough-cough period, yes, he would sit there and level up guns and try and compete with them.

You have to constantly keep playing to stay in the loop to compete with people because of their shady skill-based matchmaking practices and engage in optimized matchmaking, so loadouts really only benefit. Streamers and people who use pronuses don't actually benefit the normal general public, yeah, and I believe the company Activision themselves are still thinking like we live in "cough, cough" times.


No, how Warzone worked in the past is not going to be the same as how it works now that people have their lives back because, think about it, before Modern Warfare 2019. Call of Duty was dying, it wasn't doing well, there was Infinity Warfare: Advanced Warfare and games like that, and they didn't do well.

It was a dying brand because of that. In the last how many years of V6 multiplayer, things haven't evolved. The only time the game evolved was when Battle Royale came out with Black Ops 4; that's the only real improvement people really saw, and then even that game died off, you know, because the whole idea was there was no such thing as a buyback and there were no loadouts; it was just a raw battle royale, and a lot of casual players struggle with just raw battle royales because they don't like the RNG.


But my prediction is that this loadout thing you're bringing back into the game is not going to change anything; people are still going to play; it's not going to make people come back. I understand that 60 percent of the Steam player base left, but they're leaving because you have such poor quality of life decision makers.

Yeah, you wanted to take away slide-cancelling and body-hopping, fine, but did you really have to make the controls clunky? What was the necessity of that? What was the quality control analysis of that idea? You know, you've just killed off your game because you were too desperate to try and find a way to bring casuals back.

You know, yeah, we can't keep catering to just the streamers; we need casuals. But I understand that you want casuals, but one thing the company seems to struggle to understand is that most of your player retention came from the "cough, cough" era. Those two years were an extremely crazy time, with people stocking their homes.

warzone 2.0

That probably won't ever happen again, and if it does, it'll probably happen again soon. Not in our lifetime, probably not by God, knows that if they try and get that stump to hold again. I can't see people falling for that again, and this is why, regardless. My them trying to put loadouts in again, my friend is the perfect example.

Panda to Swag and all those other streamers, because they're crying that their views are down, tell them to get a bit more creative with their content, tell them to be a bit more entertaining. And actually try to find ways to create proper content rather than just spam fake loadout articles. Yeah, and trying to sell the public on the idea that you can go get a 30 bomb too, when really they can't get a 30 bomb with those loadouts because you're performing them in protected lobbies and the rest of us are performing them in skill-based matchmaking lobbies.

We're playing two different games. I've rambled on long enough, yeah, but loadouts won't change anything. The game is still going to end because people now have their lives back. They're no longer stuck at home; they're no longer stuck at home with nothing to do, and the only thing to do is play this game now that error is done.

Yeah, panicking and bringing loadouts back Nothing's Gonna Change, and let's not forget people are still having to deal with cheaters and registry manipulation. It's clearly just a bunch of ignorant old men who are not savvy with the way the world works.

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