News - Warzone 2. 0. For Noobs

The new kill streaks like the Recon drone bomb thing are annoying to die too, but fun to pilot neutral. The over-the-shoulder, spectator view is a little disorienting for me, but if you like it, so be it. So that's Warzone 2.0, in a nutshell. There are probably other subtle changes all throughout, but I really wanted to highlight the main ones.

Normally I would do a whole pros and cons list, but since I also rated each change, we got that out of the way, so the game in its 2.0 form with all its changes is in a much better As stated previously. I gave Warzone 1.0 a 7.5 out of 10, so I will be giving Warzone 2.0 an 8.5 out of 10. But what do you think?

Okay, guys, I've got to go. Halo Infinite's dying, so I think it's time to get good old Number Two to help out. So I'll catch you later.

Warzone released its sequel. sort of. Warzone 2. 0 is essentially a refresh for the battle royale, and in this video I go over the major changes and see if it's an overall improvement or not.
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