News - Warzone 2 Zombies Two Camo Unlock Glitches. Season 1 Reloaded Easy Camo Glitch Warzone 2 Zombies


This is the fastest way you can unlock your Modern Warfare 3 zombie camos when grinding for Borealis. I'm going to show you two glitches that you can use to save yourself hours when grinding for your camos after the season 1 reloaded update. Obviously, to start, you're going to need the guns that you want to use to get your camos, and I'm going to be using a tombstone to speed up the process even faster.

At the end of this article, I will tell you how to keep your tombstone while still unlocking your camos. However, right now, your only objective is to get a Tier 2 Outlast contract. Both of the methods that I will be showing you in this article use the Outlast contract, and the Tier 2 ones are by far the best to do this with.


Technically, it could be done in Tier 1, but the spawns are too slow and it wastes a lot of time, and Tier 3 takes longer to kill the zombie, so again, just not as fast. These contracts are sometimes very rare to Swan into your game so to save you the most time you need to quickly activate one before another player in your lobby takes the contract, if no Outlast contracts spawn in your game you're going to go around the map and start a bunch of escort contracts, then immediately cancel them and eventually an Outlast contract will spawn in the first glitch that I'm going to show you is going to help you get unlimited zombie spawns for camos that you need a lot of kills on and in this article I'm going to be using the Zircon camo for my HRM, to Showcase, this after you activate the p& you're going to hang out inside the contract until it is nearly done then if you want the new MW3.

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And at this point you need to get ready to cancel the contract while still inside the contract area you were going to pull up your map and cancel the contract right as it hits 98%, finish and if done correctly the contract will say that it is over but the zombies will continue to spawn in however long you stay around in this area if you are doing this with a team you need to make sure that you have another player vote to cancel it at any point during the contract then the player inside the contract area will use their vote to cancel it when it reaches 98%, you will be able to leave the contract area if needed but you cannot go too far otherwise it'll stop spawning the zombies and you will have to do this at another contract location while using a 98 Outlast: Your teammates can start other contracts, and your glitch spawns will continue as long as one player stays near the contract area at all times.

The second glitch that I'm going to show you is called 5456. Outlast contract: this is great for getting Elite to spawn in when you need to get the green serpent tonight. Camos is done fast, so again, you are going to start a Tier 2 Outlast contract and activate the PN. Now you're going to stay in the contract area until it reaches 54%, and at this point you're going to get out of the contract zone and then go back in.


It'll spawn in a disciple or mangler; you can now easily spam this to get 10 of them to spawn in very quickly and finish your camos, as you can see by doing this. I know I'm going to get a bunch of comments about how you could just use a Tier 2 XFI to do this, but when the heli flies away and you have to wait for the Xville to cool down.

I found that it is much better to use a 5456. Outlast contract I tried using a tier 2 xville to do this camo challenge, but when I was doing an 11-hour stream of only doing this serpent camo tonight, this was much better for you, so use this 5456. Outlast contract glitch: if you want to keep your Tombstone While unlocking all of your camos, you can easily do that by clicking on the article on your screen right now, which shows you how to save your gold camos and keep your Tombstone.

Also read:
This is the fastest way you can UNLOCK BOREALIS for all your weapons in MW3 Zombies AFTER Season 1 Reloaded Updates. These two glitches will help you farm unlimited zombies and get your camos very fast.
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