News - Warzone 2 Zombies Insane Loot For Beginners (no Red Zone)


YouTube Today I learned how to get good loot in Modern Warfare 3 zombies without going into any of the red zones. So your main idea of going into this is looking for contracts and looking for any infested houses. The best type of contract that you can get is probably bounty or cargo, so this right here is going to be the key to your success.

If you raid a lot of these, especially the ones in Tier 2, you will be able to get self-reces, and you will be able to get backpack plates as well. Pack-a-Punch, so as you can see. I didn't get much; I didn't get anything crazy, but that's what I suggest for Tier 2, so as you can see right here. I'm going to go do a bounty, and I got a pretty good payout with this.

Clutch. You might also be thinking that you don't really make anything from this, but you do while you farm with the zombies if you're looking for the cyst or the pimp, whatever you want to call it, because, like I say, you can't expect much when you're not going into the Red Zone. The red is where there is amazing loot; there is really op loot, and that's where you're going to want to be, but in our case right now, we're staying in tiers one and two, so in these, for me.

warzone 2

I get down a lot, but since I had all these self-restraints, they did come in. As you can see right here, I did end up getting a sulur and brain rot. Brain rot is very useful. I'd say it's probably one of the best weapon mods that you can get and pick up when you can right here. I was fighting another orb, and the orb is very good.

I'm telling you it is one of the best things you can do if you're looking for tools. Right here, we had one of these. I think it's a Mangler manic. He was chasing me down while I was trying to do this, but you can't let that get in your way. I personally don't need to pick up these tools because I already have a lot of them, but if you are a beginner and you're staying in the orange or gray, you might want to take these So right here.

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I'm doing another contract right now. This one is doing the cargo. I don't know what I was doing. I want the wrong way, but it pays out pretty well. I'd say it's one of the easiest and fastest contracts that you can do, Tool. So just like that, I made the first 10,000, only being in tier one and tier two.

warzone 2 zombies

As you can see, I pack a punch, just like I have stronger weapons to stay in here and keep doing contracts right here. I'm fighting another orb; it did take me a while to kill it. Also, my aim isn't the best, but I got it. Done for some reason right here. I just forgot how to jump, I guess, but you know I did end up getting the payout.

The payout was pretty good. Like I said, I do not need the tools, but if you're a beginner, take them. This is me just collecting all the money left over, and it dropped me quite a bit. Money, so right here this is my third or fourth order. I do suggest doing these as much as you can because of all the tools that they dropped.

You, so right here I am doing another infestation. If you're a beginner, I'd say be very careful unless you have self-restraints; in my case, I had a lot of them, and they came a clutch when I was down, like I am right. Right here, I ran for my life because one of the big guys started chasing me.


Other than that, this is a pretty easy. I'd say little side quest or whatever you want to call it, because of what you get in it, like for me. I got a lot of perks, and I did end up getting a free Pack-a-Punch. The pack-a-punch is something I would not use right now if you do have only a little bit of time left.

Just use it next. Right here, I started realizing that the storm was expanding, and I just wanted to. You know you don't want to stay too long, so right here, this is probably one of the best things you can get. I got two Pack-a-Punch and a large backpack in my case. I don't need the Pack-a-Punch anymore because I can craft them whenever I need them, but this is me X filling, and I'll just farm

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This is a quick and easy way to rack up money and loot in mw3 zombies. This may not be the best way but this is how I did it and leveled up fast.
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