News - Warzone 2: The New Meta Update. Best Weapons After Update

It's absolutely terrible now, and it's even worse now. It was already bad in a war zone. It's even worse now, so it's not moving out of its niche, but it could potentially make a run for garbage.

Other warzone 2 meta changes & adjustments

Other warzone 2 meta changes & adjustments

M4, jumping up into the top tier category, is a super easy to use rifle that is mad consistent as well as casting off 762, jumping up to the absolute meta category heavy, and hitting low recoil things like a beast. I think you can make the same argument for the rail as well, that in the RPK's top two LMGs, the power is just absolutely insane there.

I also feel like Voznev, who is jumping up into the top tier category, is the only sub outside of the lockpin that I feel is truly capable of winning a lot of close range fights consistently in this game, where close range fights are madly inconsistent. So that's one that I feel is very reliable at the moment.

So that is essentially how the war zone meta breaks down right now, and as you guys will see when we cover Modern Warfare 2 in a few days, it is very different from multiplayer. Peace and laughter.

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