News - Warzone 2: The 59 Game Changing Settings You Need To Play With (console. Pc Best Settings)

Resistance, on where you need to direct the right thumbstick in order to aim, is just more precise with the movements you make on your thumbstick; it'll directly correlate to how you end up aiming in game. I highly recommend that be the choice of all the pros out there. Where you recommend instant gradual, it allows that sensitivity multiplier to gradually be applied when you go from hip fire to fully zoomed in, and after zoom is just something where it is applied after fully zoomed in, so a slight delay on that altered sensitivity is not your base regular sensitivity, your dead zones.

cod warzone 2 best settings

This is honestly something that is definitely preference-based; it's really based on your hardware, the actual controller that you're using. If you notice any stick drift, it is something that you'll want to play around with to mitigate that increase. That value applies more maybe artificial resistance so that your controller doesn't drift in that manner; instead, it needs a little bit more pressure one way or the other to end up realizing, "Hey, there's input on this, we should probably be moving," so again, it kind of just accounts for a little bit more maybe hardware failure, and in that regard we're going to breeze through some movement.


Behavior Siri or Auto move forward off tactical Sprint Behavior double tap, but again, if you have your Sprint Behavior set to Auto tax print, it doesn't really matter, it's a bit more inconsequential. You want that off your automatic airborne mantle; you want that on partial so that it only catches you if you're going to fall, but you can also turn that off if you'd like automatic ground mantle again and you're plunging underwater.

I would bind this to your movement so you end up having to consciously go underwater. Your parachute auto-deploy is something that is a little bit more preference-based, but I'd recommend turning it off simply because you can end up Landing closer to the ground as opposed to if it auto-pulls, it's a "higher safe zone," if you will, which again could account for a couple more seconds in the air, which is more time that you're vulnerable, you don't have your weapon out, and you could get shot as a result.

So, in that regard. I'd say turn it off, but just know that you might run the risk of falling straight into the ground if you don't catch it quick enough, or other things like your sprinting door bash ledgehang or mantle behavior that's a little bit more inconsequential. Really, up to you. I just have your sprinting door bash on so that can bust through doors.

modern warfare 2

Your combat behavior is the big thing that I would recommend here; this is your weapon. Mount exit delay: make that short so you can jump right out of a mount if you are mounting your depleted ammunition weapon switch. I'd put that as "on." I know that some people may see that as "off," but at the same time, if you're in a gunfight and you run out of ammo, what good is it going to do if you can't immediately fire?

So, just taking that sort of split second that you would have to swap your weapon out, you can get right back into the action with a secondary or beside-arm C4 detonation. Put that as on, it's something that really only applies to that C4 , but it is something that can help out now.

Best graphic settings for warzone 2 (general & console)

Best graphic settings for warzone 2 (general & console)

Graphic settings This is something we'll start out talking about on the console, then jump over to a little bit of the PC settings as well, simply because the PC has a lot more that you can end up changing in regards to customization.

And, can you truly help out with some gameplay performance now for your world and weapon? motion blur, I would highly recommend turning them off. I put that down to zero again. It tries to make it a bit more cinematic, but I think it just makes the image noisy. and was not necessary. The depth of the field is perspective-based, almost to a literal degree.

For console players in the war zone experience, finally we have a field of view that you can play around with again as with Modern Warfare 2, which is absolutely preference-based, but it is something that I kind of found The Sweet Spot for beforehand. Right, around like 110, 109, or 111. If you go independent, it will go back to that 80 percent base.

modern warfare ii

And the standard much tighter perspective that you'd have at that base default FOV on console, and it can mess with your aim, and absolutely, because you're so punched in on it, you may notice the visual recoil a lot more than if it was on affected, so I highly recommend putting it on affected here.

For this one, if you want a bit more peripheral vision, you can end up changing the weapon field of view to wide, where the weapon looks a little bit smaller and you end up seeing just a bit more of your perspective, but again, that one is a little bit less important. I would change your first-person camera movement to at least something that adjusts the screen.


Shake accordingly doesn't get rid of it entirely, but it puts it on the most minimal setting here so that it allows you to know that there is something like a streak or an explosion incoming and happening there but also not really making it to the point where you might be in motion. Sick That also is something that I think gives just a little bit more of a competitive advantage, as well as the third-person default spectator cameras.

Best pc graphics settings for warzone 2

Best pc graphics settings for warzone 2

Both of those are entirely preference-based as well. Now jumping over to the PC side of things, we talked about how there's a lot more customization and options here on the PC, starting with your graphics and display settings.

Jump into the quality tab though; this is where we can jump into some really big stuff now. Your quality presets are something you can just mess around with and find what works best for your system. Personally, if you have an Nvidia RTX card, I'd highly recommend Nvidia DLSS. You can use Fidelity X Cast and end up using the image scaling, but for me, I've found the best success with the Nvidia DLSS.

Now this is something that will really help you out if you play at higher resolutions. 1440p, 4K, and if you're a maniac and you play it in 8K, these can all help you out as well. 1080p, we can kind of skip ahead a little bit because a lot of this stuff really doesn't adjust too much, but for your Nvidia DLSS presets, you have quality balanced, performance, and ultra performance.

warzone 2 best graphics settings

Now quality and balance will be the things that you can end up playing around with at, say, 1440p, while performance is something more so geared towards 4K, and ultra performance is something that's more so geared towards 8K, though as we mentioned in our Modern Warfare 2 settings, the unfortunate part is that it really doesn't specify that too much in this game and in War Zone 2.

In the prior games. Vanguard and Cold War, if I'm not mistaken, they laid that out specifically, where it gave you a bit more of a first-hand understanding of what these actually did in a gameplay environment. So again, if you have an RTX card, I'd recommend checking out these settings, details, and textures again if you're trying to get some frames back.

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