News - Warzone 2 Season 6 Roadmap, Gameplay & Download

It's the same, but features maybe a different ammo type or a different set of attachments that still make it stand out from the other weapon that's already in the game. Why not make actual new weapons? They're probably saving a lot of brand new weapons for Modern Warfare 3, and instead of using them all here for the seasonal updates of Modern Warfare 2, they're just dropping weapons that are relatively similar to the ones we already have, but still will feel and play a little bit different from the ones that we've seen before.

New universal camo revealed early.

dmz season 6 update

Now, earlier leaks throughout 2023 did suggest that the PKM LMG for Modern Warfare 19 and a bullpup rifle were also set to release for Modern Warfare 2 unless they're being saved for reloaded or at any point during a proposed year two or something these are likely weapons that are just going to be saved and reused for Modern Warfare 3 instead, since again I'm sure at one point in time it was probably decided upon to save, a lot of DLC content that was planned for this game and just drop it into the next game instead to ensure the MW3 has plenty of DLC content than they can pull from now as of about a week ago a new Universal camo which is pretty crazy looking did end up leaky now and it looks phenomenal it's a little over the top maybe a bit too flashy for your liking but this is a new camo that is supposed to be dropping at some point maybe there is a seasonal event at, the beginning of season six that is not Halloween related, allowing you to unlock this camo or this cam was unlocked through other means right it's even scary to think about the possibility of seeing a camel added to a bundle they haven't really done that in a while right not since the supply drop days so.

One final new mode for multiplayer

One final new mode for multiplayer

It's not exactly Halloween themed, so it'll be a nice surprise to see them drop this at some point as a universal unlock. Now, not much is known about any new modes coming into multiplayer.

Free blueprints & 4 more prestiges

So it looks like at the beginning of the season and towards the mid-season updates, we're set to get new daily login rewards, which will allow you to get free cosmetics, whether they're emblems or not.

Warzone 2 poi updates & ltms

Warzone 2 poi updates & ltms

So as of now, not much is known about what could be coming to the game mode itself. We know that Warzone is now essentially up to speed with where War Zone 1 was at the end of Vanguard's life cycle in terms of quality of life changes. UI improvements, game features, etc.

Dmz final updates & expansions

Dmz final updates & expansions

But no.

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