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Mw2 multiplayer quickplay needs overhaul for season 3

Mw2 multiplayer quickplay needs overhaul for season 3

Though for , as it is right now in MW2, you guys have probably seen that if you go into quick play and pick what game modes you want to filter out, you only have like the core game modes; you can't pick any of the party modes or pretty much any alternative mode for quick play. You can't specifically play that; you just have to wait for IW to give it to you in a playlist, and sometimes it's not available, like right now, when you have the party mode playlist, you can't specifically click One in the Chamber.

You can't play Infected at all right now. I'm pretty sure you have to either wait for the playlist to come out or that's it, and you know, it just doesn't really make a lot of sense there. I guess there's some type of back-end reason as to why that's the case. I guess there's some type of back-end reason as to why that's always available.

modern warfare 2

A big deal again. It's not the most game-breaking issue, and I still have fun playing the game, but it is kind of annoying to not be able to play exactly what mode you want to play on, the map on Hardcore or just Core. It's just a little weird right now, so hopefully for future updates and maybe for future games, they'll kind of fix that and go back to.

12 new 6v6 multiplayer maps could be added to mw2

12 new 6v6 multiplayer maps could be added to mw2

Etc, quarry, a lot of the maps in the area; why not give us cast from Rasika Island for 6v6? I completely agree. I'm pretty sure things like Showdown should already be in the game, as should many remade 6v6 maps.

I mean. I know it's just content that already exists in the game; it's not really new content. I understand that, but it would make playing MP a lot more interesting and just add a bit more variety because when I'm playing MP right now. I'm on Lsilo. Tarak back to Lsilo Crown Raceway back to Tarak it gets boring after a while and having let's say a terminal from Almaz or as a 6v6 map mixed into the rotation or Showdown or Quarry as a little 66 map or even just like a random location as well just a random farm sectioned off for 6v6 from Amazon Having a little map to mix things up would be very good.

modern warfare 2 gameplay

I feel like it would make the MP experience in the game a lot better. A chic island, of course, has a lot of cool locations of a Chic Island that, you know, literally look like 6v6 maps on the shores. Again, the castle could be interesting. I'm not saying those would be the best maps, and it's obviously not ideal content; we would rather see newly created MP maps, but if the content is already in the game, it's already developed and made, and all you have to do is section it off.

I don't want to act like I know how development works, and maybe it's a lot of work to bring it from War Zone to MP, but they already have the content developed there, so I feel like it can't be that hard, and again, it would just help with variety when playing MW2. Again, of course, we would rather see newly created MP maps, but if we're not going to get that and we're only going to get one to two new maps per season, we might as well bring some other locations from the war zone maps, like Amazura.

Cod ghosts maps remade for mw2 multiplayer

Cod ghosts maps remade for mw2 multiplayer

Ashiga Island, and stuff like that, so again, we'll see if we end up getting it very soon, and finally here, this is probably not going to happen, but from more gravy, you know, we were talking about the new Lighthouse map, and we were talking about how it looks like fog, a DLC map from COD Ghost, and he says MW2 would be such a great game if all the Ghost DLC maps were dropped in just saying I mean.

Ghost, DLC, and maps were low-key, super-super good. I mean, again. COD Ghost is one of those games that I was playing when I was younger, and it didn't matter what game came out back then; I would have played the hell out of it and enjoyed it, but I think Ghost is honestly an underrated game, and there are a lot of pretty iconic maps.

modern warfare 2 multiplayer

I'm not going to act like it was the best game ever, and some of the maps were bad. There were also a lot of bad maps, but there were also a lot of good maps, and in the Condo's DLC season, what's interesting is that a lot of the DLC maps were very unique, had cool locations, and had cool little things that would happen on those maps.

Again, you had a Michael Myers kill streak, and it was so sick, so I might make a separate article going through the DLC season and why some of those maps being remade would be so cool. But yeah, man, I would be completely down to see, you know, at least one ghost remake in MW2. Be sure to subscribe for more Compton articles like this.

We're going to be doing a lot for season three, which releases this week, so be sure to stay tuned for that. Peace out,

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