News - Warzone 2: New Top 10 Meta Class Setups For Season 3. Warzone 2 Meta

New top 10 best weapons & class setups in mw3 season 3

New top 10 best weapons & class setups in mw3 season 3

Ladies and gentlemen. We got a nice update with the season 3 patch itself. We saw the introduction of a couple of new weapons that will be featured here today alongside several different buffs and nerfs as well, and so today I wanted to go over the new top 10 best weapons to be running in Modern Warfare 3 multiplayer.

Modern warfare 3 best chimera class setup

Specifically, we're not going in any particular order here today just because we're bouncing all across different weapon categories, but the Chimera as an assault rifle sort of SMG hybrid build here works especially well in multiplayer. It's able to keep up with a lot of the other close- to mid-range meta options in the game, and it's nice to see an MW2 weapon in the mix.

best class setup modern warfare 3

Obviously, these did just see a nice buff across the board, and with their visual shake and their visual noise, it'll be a lot easier to aim accurately. With MW2, guns going forward and the Chimera is one of the better options in the game so initially here cast a spray compensator, going to attack that horizontal control and some firing aim stability is added on top of that just makes the weapon a lot more predictable with its recoil pattern vorpal Barrel adds in some better range some better horizontal control and a tad bit better strafe speed as well which is nice to see so you're kind of getting a lot with just one attachment out of that the angled under barrels really solid again just attacking that horizontal control and no real cons outside of slightly added vertical control, which is not a huge deal especially in like the close to mid-range.

I go for the glassless optic here; a slate would work well, and an MK3 reflector would work well. It's all about preference here; whatever you're most comfortable with, always go for that with your optics. Then I like the TRX 56 stock if you want a bit more of an accurate build, or the Ravage 10 stock if you want something that's maybe a tad bit faster either or works really well. Here, it just comes down to preference and how you want the gun to feel, but regardless of what you choose, the Chimera is absolutely capable of holding its own in MW3 and MP season 3.

Mw3 best mtz 556 class setup

Mw3 best mtz 556 class setup

Next up, I've got the MTZ, 556. This thing is really competitive across the board. It's a more aggressive rifle if you want to use it at 10 m, 20 m, or 50 m.

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You could use it at close, mid, and long range, and it's going to be efficient regardless; it's got a fast ttk and is relatively easy to use as well, so again, we're actually using the cus break once more. If you can't tell, it's a pretty competitive compensator, and it's really efficient at doing what it does well with very minimal cons. Again I've also got the angled Thunder Barrel once more too just to maintain that good control over range I do go for The Drifter heavy long barrel which focuses more on control range velocity, a little bit of aiming Idol sway there again to help out with the weapon and just make it feel a lot more predictable and consistent, across the long range then I also go for the Slate reflector a basic blue dot in this case but again whatever optic you're comfortable with always go for that then the Clos quarter stock actually helps out with control for some reason so it's going to just make it again easier to use over the mid to long range it's aggressive enough as is that you could use this as a base primary and run and Gun with this and then you know post up somewhere watch a choke point and pick off players from afar very versatile, rifle and very reliable now the new fjx.

Modern warfare 3 best fjx horus class setup

Modern warfare 3 best fjx horus class setup

Horus SMG is a ton of fun to run around with; its damage is not absolutely, crazy broken, or anything, but in terms of a speedy SMG. This thing is so good; it's actually the same setup we've been running over in War Zone as well, just because we're taking the same style of fights in multiplayer and War Zone with it, so I kind of just go all in on tack sprint speed strafe speed sprint of fire things like that z35. Compensator will keep the weapon a little bit easier to use especially because I'm using an iron sight build here they're not the cleanest sights I won't lie I don't love them but I love the mobility and I kind of need everything else on here if I want to keep that super fast light barrel for instance helps out with movement speed tack Sprint speed ads Sprint to fire dr6, hand stop movement speed strafe speed ads Sprint to fire basic 48 round extended mag taking a brief break from the movement, then we get to the Ripper light stock movement speed tack Sprint speed strafe Sprint to fire this thing flies, and it kind of fries like if you're hitting head shot with it it's not a slow ttk by any means but just the Finesse levels of this thing so much fun now because of some of the Nerfs that we saw to some of the other subs with the season 3 update for instance the Rival the Swarm sort of indirectly becomes a lot more competitive here especially in mp the Swarm is incredibly.

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Mwiii best wsp swarm class setup

Reliable, it is a fast-killing, pretty aggressive sub, and you can put a 100-round drum on it; it's not necessary by any means. But it's so fun, realistically. I think 50 would be more appropriate for multiplayer, but if you can run a 100, why not? I also go for the DR6 hand stop here yet again to speed things up when we're using 100 rounds.

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We want mobility. We want any mobility we can get out of it. In this case, the thing does sort of bounce around when you're shooting it, so anything to help out that control is going to be useful. Reckless 90-long barrel. Really, what I care about here is that the control is nice but that the effective damage range is being extended by 30%. That's huge that means you're going to be able to fry players at a slightly further distance and we're using this thing in the close range, that extra few meters can actually be very clutch then lastly just for some Mobility I've sort of been messing around with the factory stock, this does mean that I'm using iron sights I don't love them I don't hate them if you really want an optic on this I'd probably drop the factory stock and you know run a Nar or run a slate or something like that here but in terms of a good balance between control mobility and all the ammo in the world this is a pretty fun build we also have the new Moors sniper just like the Morris from Advanced Warfare this thing is so good in multiplayer, it's going to on-shot in the vast majority of engagements you're getting into with it if you're hitting upper body it's going to pretty much be putting those enemies down with that first initial shot this build here is all about quick scoping I'm trying to make the ads as good as I can I'm trying to make this as aggressive.

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