News - Warzone 2 Is Serious Trouble Right Now


I wasn't going to make a article like this because I haven't really played War Zone 2 since it launched. I played it for a few weeks when it first came out, and I realized pretty quickly that it just wasn't an experience that I was enjoying. I'm just saying the same thing that they're already saying. But the reason I changed my mind and made this article is because someone reached out to me.

It was a friend that I used to play Warzone 1 with on occasion, and they said to me that they weren't playing Warzone 2 either. We got into this conversation about why that was, and it was really interesting because this friend that I've got doesn't play games like I do. We're very different gamers.

warzone 2

I'm a content creator. I play games five days a week on stream. I create articles for people to watch on YouTube. Generally speaking, I'm much more invested in the games that I play; you might call me a hardcore gamer. Now, my friend isn't one of those gamers. The reason that I found this conversation so interesting is because, despite the fact that we sit on opposite ends of this game's spectrum, the concerns and issues that we had with Warzone 2 were largely linked together, which highlighted to me that Warzone 2 as it currently stands isn't really satisfying, either for the hardcore gamers or the more casual ones, so I thought I'd go ahead and make this article go through maybe five or six points that came up in that conversation about Warzone 2 and hopefully offer some kind of improvement to the game that might solve some of the problems that we've come up against, plus there's a little bonus point at the end that I've been thinking about recently with regards to the game and some of its competitors.

How the war zone 2 might be in some real trouble in the near future. The first thing that we've got to talk about is the meta. Now. I know that recently changes were made to the main culprits that were running Raya in war zone 2, which were the rpk and the fennec, but the general topic of the meta is something that we need to speak about because, so far for war zone 2, the balance of weapons has been handled quite strangely, and the pace at which changes are being made is causing some issues.

warzone 2 broadside

So, in terms of statistics, the RPK and the Fennec were by far the best options to run for over 100 days; those weapons remained as the top picks for over In the beginning. I thought that popularity would be noticed by the developers, and then they'd come out with a hotfix really quickly, and those guns would be brought back into line for a little while until a new meta weapon emerged or a new attachment became really well known and popular, and then the cycle would keep going.

It wasn't nerfed or changed, and because it's the most powerful option, more and more people are going to take that against anyone else that's trying to use it because if you can't beat them, you may as well join them. For someone like me, it was really easy to take those guns, get the right attachments, and, boom, you're done.

I'm winning most engagements in war zone two, but for my friend, it was a bit of a different experience. He hadn't actually ranked up the RPK or the Fennec all the way up, so they didn't have access to the right attachments to build the weapons the way that they were most powerful, so they had to spend time grinding.

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To unlock those attachments, and then after a couple of weeks of them using the weapons in Warzone 2, they started to experience the same thing that I did: they were just getting into the same gunfights against other players using exactly the same weapons, and it became boring for them now. As I said, if changes had been made much sooner than 100 days from launch, the rpg Fenix situation wouldn't have led to that stale gameplay experience, and instead players would have been looking at different weapons, trying them out, and trying to find something that worked for them and their gameplay style, but ultimately, what's happened is what's happened.

Because it's been around for so long, people have gotten bored of the game, and as was the case with me and my friend, we just stopped playing. The developers moving forward can start issuing hot fixes at a much quicker pace so they can stop these weapons from becoming real problems, or they can start degrading the gameplay experience so much that it starts to see players just dropping out of the game.

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We've had the RPK and the Fennec, which have now been fixed, sort of, but we've now got the KV broadside with its fire ammunition, which again seems to be causing similar problems to what we had before. Is now running that weapon because if you're not, you're going to lose gunfights at close range, so we'll have to see what happens, but that's one thing they need to start addressing, like metas or broken weapons, much more quickly next.

Let's mention cheating. It's on the rise in War Zone 2 at the moment. I played some resurgent solos back when it was active, and I encountered quite a few cheaters who would be using wall hacks to detect where I was, then they would just wait behind cover for me to push, and then they take me out by pre-aiming onto me so they knew where I was, or maybe they had a name bot, but I'd noticed a lot more people just using wall hacks recently and then waiting for people to push them and then killing them into it.

warzone 2 feedback

It happened enough that it stopped me playing after a while, even though I thought that the Resurgence experience was actually a lot more enjoyable than the standard Battle Royale on Almasra. The new map is pretty decent, and the changes that speed up your plating and allow you to move while you're plating made it feel a lot more fluid.

Cheating is always going to be present in online games, and having a game spoiled once in a while is something that's going to happen, but you can probably look past it. I know I've got a bit of tolerance to look past a cheetah once in a while, but during that play session. When I was playing Resurgent solos, which were about 90 minutes long.

warzone 2 fire shotgun

I experienced at least three cheaters, and this is despite Warzone 2 launching with the colonel level Ricochet, which was developed and implemented into War Zone 1, and we know it was definitely needed there because there was an insane cheating problem in War Zone 1. I actually remember speaking to my friend before War Zone 2 launched, and even they knew that the game was launching with an anti-cheat day one, and that got them excited because they knew that far fewer of their games would end up being ruined, but then speaking to that friend the other day, it's clear that the cheating issue is prevalent for them as well.

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