News - Warzone 2 Is Designed For Psychopaths


What you just saw is an average day in war zone 2. Flying boats in the sky and committing horrific crimes or wearing a Mountain Dew uniform while the enemy screams for his life and uses proximity chat is a completely normal thing in this game. Proximity chat is a new feature in War Zone 2 that lets you talk to enemies nearby you.

In the game, there are so many unique interactions that can happen with proximity. You could hustle people for money or shoot me one dollar if you want to live. Are you seriously blackmailing me with water? Drop it now. You can scream out random little kids, and it won't be a crime. your enemies while you run them over with an electric truck.

Hey, stop pushing us. Stop pushing us. Stop pushing us. The best part about prophecy is knowing you have power over your enemies. Like that time you were talking all about how I'm coming back for you, damn it, I got no ammo, anything that ain't fair, I got no ammo, you got no ammo. If you have a guy outgunned four to one, you can make him kiss your feet in the false hope that you'll let him go.

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One of the funniest things about proximity chat is hearing people argue with their teammates. Somebody's actually talking to me right now, and they're making fun of me. I said, "Shut up, why would you win because I got shot?" "Give us a track and let you live." "Give the truck to him; he's going to kill me." You're a dead man; don't crawl over here.

Why on earth would you call me? I took bucks.

Playing with a steering wheels

Playing with a steering wheels

I was a child, to a way more immersed level, when I programmed a steering wheel with foot pedals to work on Warzone 2, and I picked up people in my vehicle using proximity chat. Juju I've got your Uber waiting for you outside; come out. I need an Uber too. Can I ride?

Fun ways to play

What absolutely loved about Modern Warfare 2019's war zone was the ability to play however you wanted and still get kills and win, whether it was dual pistols, two sticks, or making your weapons look absolutely ridiculous, it would work.

Warzone 2 brings back that fun. Thankfully, in Warzone 2, you don't have to follow a stupid meta. If you want to use a shotgun as a sniper with slug rounds, you can actually do that with no problem. If you want to use this absolutely foul-looking mini-sniper, do it. My favorite build is my mini-finish.

If you feel like going short range, you can use your miniscope; if you're feeling long range, switch the scope on if you have a group of friends. You can get immersed and play as Marines in every generation. It started with the cult, learning to dig deep and push through adversity together, defending our nation and its people, awakened by the call "United by Purpose." In the heart of every Marine you'll find a promise, a promise forever kept, a promise of battles won. Overall, I think Warzone 2 is definitely different from Warzone.

New ways to play

New ways to play

When I won my first game of War Zone 1, we just straight up shot it out, and nobody had a loadout or any fancy equipment, but my first win on War Zone 2 was the most random and bizarre thing ever. I threw down an inflatable decoy, which is the most haunting thing you could ever see in a 1v1 fight for the win because you're searching for one man and the second you see something that resembles a human, you are going to unload a full magazine of tax money into it.

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We were hit on the roof, and the enemy shot the inflatable decoy, so I got up and lit him up; I threw a flashbang, and I won the game. Let's go this way. This guy was so upset that he shot my inflatable decoy and came to my stream to vent about it. Warzone 2 offers plenty of new ways to die. The bomb drone is by far the most popular one so far.

I swear, drone bombs cause PTSD in my friends. have PTSD for bomb drones; the second they see anything flying in the sky, fear strikes into them. Behind you, my favorite way to send someone to the gulag is using the freedom gun. This is what freedom looks like. What are you here on vacation for?

Cluster mines are definitely the more deadly ones; when you place them down, it shoots a bunch of little minds out so that you cannot see carefully the mines in the road. I don't know why there are two right there. Holy tactical cameras are good for strategizing against the enemy. You can blast music and use proximity chat while you charge into battle and distort the enemy.

Ultra wide monitor gameplay

Ultra wide monitor gameplay

In In a previous article, I used a 1,000-pixel, 49-inch, 120-hertz, 1440-pixel Samsung display. 1 millisecond response time curved gaming monitor Wars and one to give myself an FOV advantage over PC and console players, which made me play incredibly. There was definitely a lot of controversy around this idea, and Warzone won this monitor, which definitely helped me in close-range occasions because the enemy's side was canceling.

And using speed boost and Warzone One consoles, players would lock the ad FOV. But they are no longer locked at the added FOV on Warzone 2, and they're able to compete with PC players at a way higher level. I used this Ultra ride in Warzone 2 to see if I would get different results, and this is what Warzone 2 looks like as a Max PC and console movie, and this is what Warzone 2 looks like on an ultra-wide FOV.

ghost meme

These are my PC specs, and while I also use this as my monitor, my in-game graphics on Call of Duty: Warzone 2 were all maxed out. There's no form of slide cancellation or any kind of speed boost in Warzone 2, so this monitor did not help me out at all in close-range battles. I was still losing battles because the enemy wasn't attempting any fancy tricks.

Something didn't feel right, so I did some testing, which made me realize there's a larger FLV. The advantage of this monitor in the first war zone compared to the second war zone and the first person is the only thing it helped me with. I was centering my shots on flying players; you play like a ninja in War Zone 2's third-person battle rail mode.

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This monitor is on a whole other level compared to PCs and console players. This is what the third person looks like on Max's PC and console for me. This is what the third person looks like on an ultra-wide monitor's FOV, but her personal perspective allows you to see a lot more than the first person already would, and this ultra-wide monitor lets you see the entire area of operation.


This is where the true advantage is compared to first-person shooters. Let me just look over my left shoulder, my ultra-wide Let's figure out where he is. Okay, he's right there. One of the most helpful things about this monitor is the gulag. The gulag forces you to partner up with the enemy to be in a 2v2 battle to the death.

Call of Duty Warzone 2 is a crazy battle royale game that offers new ways to play. You can talk to enemies in game and have fun using a variety of tools and weapons! Warzone 2 goes along side DMZ and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2. I used a steering wheel to drive people around in Warzone 2, had funny interactions in proximity chat, created funny weapons, and used all the fun gadgets the game has to offer.
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