News - Warzone 2: Best Meta Weapon Every Category. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

meta loadouts warzone 2

I also go for the Dune under barrel; this will help out a lot with that recoil steadiness, which is all general recoil and control tuning, to enhance that more as well as the shred CP90. The muzzle on here is a great choice for general control as well. You are not going to be hidden on the compass, though, so keep that in mind if you want a suppressor that maybe won't help out as much with control.

You could always switch to that if you wanted better gun kick and stabilization on those tunes. I go for the Rhino Barrel on here as well, so this is going to be great. Out with velocity a little bit, then also control once, more damage range, and recoil on those tunes for what it's worth, though if you are just super comfortable with how the rail feels, you can always drop the under barrel and or the rear grip and throw in a high velocity that's also never a bad choice for mid- to long-range setups.

If you can always throw this on, I would recommend it; it just depends on your level of comfortability with any given gun in particular.

Warzone 2 best shotgun loadout

Warzone 2 best shotgun loadout

Let's try and aim for 2 000 likes on this one now, unfortunately, because it's covered. Here we are, and it's a very obvious choice here in the warzone right now. This gun desperately needs a Nerf. Broadside is by far the best shotgun. The other one is pretty well balanced. They can't get one shot up close, and they're not really crazy.

The Broadside, on the other hand, is ridiculously overpowered. I got the dragon's breath, aka fire rounds, which are super toxic and tuned for better velocity and range, and the 25 shell drums. You've got 25 rounds of fire breath, dragon's breath, or fire shots, whatever you want to be insanely overwhelming.

modern warfare 2

To any enemy that you're fighting, then lastly I go for the true attack, rear grip, better ads than Sprint to fire. Obviously, clutch on a shotgun setup that you're going to be using at close range. I tuned to enhance that even more, like. I said you won't find me using this setup in game; you'll find me complaining about it if I die to it because it's just that annoying and it's just that good.

Warzone 2 best smg loadout

Warzone 2 best smg loadout

Now getting back into some more realistic setups that I like to promote for SMGs, this is a very competitive category and probably the most competitive in the game.

You can make a case for the Voz Nev, you can make a case for the P90, or the PDSW. In my opinion, the MP5 is sort of the best of all worlds; it's got the mobility, the TTK, and the ease of use; it just really is well-rounded. Right now, we're in a very competitive category, so here we're focusing primarily on mobility, again with a little bit of control mixed in there, so I go for the TCG-10 rear grip.

The rear grip offerings kind of suck here, which is a bit of a drawback, but you can tune for better ads and Sprint to fire here, which is huge, while also getting some recoil. Control out of the attachment itself. 40-round mag for the extended mag here. You could also go 50 if you're okay with being a little bit slower.

modern warfare ii

There's no wrong answer; there are 7 milliwatts better ads than Sprint to fire as usual for the SMG setups, and we're tuning to enhance that even more. I got the drop on this; there are a couple of ways you could go about this. This is a great attachment choice in my opinion; you are getting some better stability and basically some free mobility out of the ads, along with good walking speed.

You could also try using something like Mobile Stock if you wanted to; that's a good choice for ads and crowd movement. So you can look for mobility in a handful of ways if you want to. Though here I do go for the Falcon Barrel's better 80s, movement speed yet again, which is clutch for the better ads speed, and here a little bit of recoil setting this just for some consistency if I ever find myself in like a mid-range fight overall, though a really solid SMG and probably my favorite in the category as it stands right now for the battle rifles again there's a lot of pretty solid choices.

Warzone 2 best battle rifle loadout

Warzone 2 best battle rifle loadout

Unfortunately, the attack V got nerfed into the ground right now. The SO14 is not bad, and the recon's not bad, but to me, the Lochman 762, whether you're using it in full auto or semi-auto, is the best choice. Personally, I think the full auto version is the way to go, and that's what this setup is based around when you turn it to full auto.

The recoil kind of goes insane, so that's why we have all these recoil-based attachments, but it has an insane TTK, as we've previously talked about initially, and here, I like the Chrono Mini Pro. This is your basic blue dot, really good for like close to mid-range but also even long range if you wanted to as well for this die position faster ads.


On the stock, there's a 30-round magazine when it's full auto, but you want to have that slightly larger extender magazine. 50 is a little overkill and too slow for my liking, and the 30s are that nice little middle ground, plus it looks clean with this blueprint. Velocity ammo on here has better velocity and better damage range on the tunes; there is just more consistency for the mid-to-long range lock grip.

Precision, given the insane recoil and control that it offers, is much needed on a setup like this. I tune for this slightly better hip walking speed and ADS speed; you could also go for the hip control, though, if you wanted to as well. It just depends on if you want the weapon to be a little bit more stable or a little bit more aggressive.

I do recommend going for the second shred of 40 again if you value that suppression and staying off the compass. You could use one of the suppressors here, but this is going to be really good for that control once again and really minimizing the effects of full auto on this gun to make it as consistent as possible with better gun kick control and stabilization. These Tunes definitely have a unique build and a weapon that feels very different from a lot of the other meta weapons here, but one that, once you master it, will be absolutely rewarding to use.

Warzone 2 best assault rifle loadout

Warzone 2 best assault rifle loadout

Last but not least are the rifles. This to me is a very easy answer. While the rifle category is competitive, the M4 is good, the attack 56 is good, and the cast-off 762 is good, the Hemlock is the wave right now with low recoil and great long-range TTK.

You can't get much better than that as it currently stands, so this setup in particular is very good. In my opinion, it's going to be pretty much based all around recoil and control making. It's the most laser-beam-esque rifle while maintaining that really good ttk, so here's a mod V4 for the optic again for this die position with faster ads.

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