News - Top 5 Meta Loadouts Warzone Season 6. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - Mw2

It is a fantastic overall SMG, but for me, now the iso gets the job done at close range much quicker, so that's what I'm going to stick to. So for the barrel, there's a multitude of things that you can actually use. I would probably go with an actual short barrel or something like the Freight 40 barrel just so you can actually have built-in sound suppression, but overall, you don't actually need anything that helps too much with the damage range.

This already has an insane amount of damage range, so it's completely up to you, but just for the sake of it, we'll go with the freight 40 Barrel, so we're going to throw that on there, and the next thing because it's blocking the muzzle, there's a multi-thing, like I said before, you can increase the bullet velocity.


It already has great bullet velocity, but if you want to have that, you can throw that on there for the magazine. I would highly recommend putting on the 45-round mag. For the optics that you can do, well. I am going to go with the amount V4, and then from here, there's really only a few things you can do, so you can give yourself more aim walking speed and more recoil control.

I mean, they're not really necessary; you don't have to really mess with those, and, remember, there's also a version where you can use the single tap. I don't really recommend that, at least not yet. I'm not really fully sure I haven't given it a full chance, but that's not what I would go with.

This is very easy to use, in my opinion. Pineapple, and it'll basically give it no recoil, so put it on right here, absolutely. Melt. You don't even have to really try like I'm not even I wasn't even holding my thumbstick down; that's how easy this thing is to control. In War Zone, with this soft bash, you're going to actually kill them long.


Range is going to be super easy, so give it a try if you want to. This thing is really good, but I just don't think it's meta. If you guys want to try it out, here's your setup

TOP 5 META Loadouts in Warzone Season 6! Warzone 2 Best Loadouts - MW2.
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