News - Warzone 2 Top 5 Best Loadouts After Update. Warzone 2 Best Loadouts

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Jane feeds here. I'm going to give you guys the top loadouts for competitive war zone 2. Now with this build right here, you're going to be able to kill very fast from close to mid-range; the close range is going to be exceptional, the mid-range is going to be okay, and you're most likely going to crack them very quickly.

They might be able to play it up, but by the time they try to play it up, you're going to be able to take them out by actually rushing them. So, we're putting on the ZLR, 16.5, ignition, and barrel. This helps with the damage range bullet velocity, hip fire accuracy, and recoil control at the cost of aim down sight speed, hip recoil control, and movement speed.

It wasn't a substantial imbalance; it was a minor imbalance. Moving on, we put on the VLK laser (7 mw), and this helps with the aim-down sight speed aiming, stability, and sprint to fire speed. Now, the only downside of this laser is that it's visible in ads, but you have to think about it when you're going against good players; they're most likely going to know where you are once you take the shot anyway.

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You have to keep in mind that if you don't want to actually be seen while doing this, what you can do is actually aim at a wall before taking the shot at them, so you can take some peeks while aiming at the wall, and then you'll be able to take them out without them seeing your laser. I'll give an example at this point in the firing range, but we move on to the agile assault, seven stocks.

This is the best choice. It helps with sprint speed, aim, and walking speed. Crouch movement speed is called down sight speed, so the negatives that were taken away earlier are now brought back. This reduces aiming stability and recoil control, but we've maxed out the aiming stability, and then we help with the aim down sight speed, but it's negative 2.06, and then we put on the fennec rubber grip, which helps with the sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed.

I didn't change the width, but I changed the weight and increased it by 0.42 ounces for the recoil steadiness, and last but not least, we put on the Fennec Mag 45. We're going to go into the firing range right now. It melts mid-range, it melts long-range. That's the only downside you're going to have to experience, and that's not something you really want to do.


I would recommend just using your AR, so, like I said, be careful, make sure you're aiming at this wall, then the enemy won't even see it coming, and make sure you're keeping your gun fights short to mid-range. Now we're not going to notice that recoil control with this change of build, so we're going to actually take this off, and we're going take this off we're gonna start out with the polar fire s and we're going to tune it to increase the recoil's movements by 32 inches.

32, inches now that this helps the sound expression, bullet velocity damage range, and recoil smoothness, we increase the recoil's movements by 0.32 ounces. Now remember the cost is side speed and stability. Next, we'll recoil speed, and we're going to attack 597. We're going to tune it to actually increase the damage range, but you have to only increase it until it's no longer beneficial, so that's somewhere around the 0.25 range and the Recoil steadiness.


I learned recently, after doing some research on my own, that putting on the demo X2 grip didn't change the width or increase the recoil stiffness by 0.74 ounces. And then put on high velocity, max out the bullet velocity, and increase the damage range by 0.43 g because, at that point, it no longer benefits.

Remember, that was me standing up; now crouching is going to be basically the same. Now we're moving on to the attack V, and I have two builds for you guys. It's kind of like now that we're moving on to the attack V, and I have two builds for you guys. It's going to be very similar to the RPK now that I've started out with Custovia DX 90.

Put on the 18-inch Precision Six-Barrel Max, out of the damage range, and increase the recoil by 0.39 pounds. Now I increase the aiming aisle stability by 0.23 inches in The recoil stabilization is maxed out, which helps with re-aiming idle stability, hip fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization at the cost of aim-down size speed and walking speed from the FSS combat grip for an increase in recoil control.

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I put an increase in aiming for stability at 0.35 inches, with the recoil indicating this by 0.65 ounces, and, last but not least, I put on the 50-round drum. This is the tag V that is absolutely cracked. Now we're going to change the VLK from the VLK to the AMOOP4, so we're putting this on here, maxing out the FAR, and just to make sure there are no other things we can actually tune.

Aiming for stability is good. Recoil stabilization is good. This site just does so much magic that I don't know how it does it. I think it's the visual recoil that makes it so amazing, so if you want a site and you don't want to use the iron sight, please use this site. You're going to have a fantastic time, and you're going to absolutely melt people.

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Next, we're moving on to a no-recoil machine because some people just don't want to risk, you know, having to control the recoil. They just want to have an easy road and have no recoil whatsoever, so this is something that I recommend just for people that aren't as competitive yet can't really handle the recoil, but still, once you actually compete, it isn't going to take any skill whatsoever to use a Harbinger D20, max out the bullet velocity, and increase recoil smoothness by 0.99 ounces.

This helps with sound suppression, bullet velocity damage range, and recoil smoothness, but on the 15.9 lochman wrap barrel max, the damage range is out by point 40 recoil. Cheval chevalcontrol next, put on the Broom Warrior grip. I did not tune this at all. Put on high velocity. Max out the bullet velocity and damage range.

The only downside is that this doesn't have an optic; you're going to be using an iron sight. But, to be honest, the iron sight is pretty clear, and you don't really have a hard time using this gun in the first place, so I would really suggest using this if you want to actually do really well but you're not as competitive yet.

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Alright, now this build is going to be for the hardcore players—the people that can actually handle recoil at the cost of amazing damage. Now, this rivals attack V but with not as many penalties, so we're going to start out with the polar fire, which helps with the sound suppression below velocity damage range and restore smoothness at the cost of sight speed and aiming stability.

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