News - Top 10 Weapons Warzone 2 Right Now. Best Classes/loaoduts To Get More Kills

best guns for warzone 2.0

We've got the demo H40, stock right here, tuned towards idle aim and down sight speed, and we've got the SZ optic as usual, tuned toward far and aim and down sight speed.

Ebr - best sniper/marksman rifle

Ebr - best sniper/marksman rifle

I promise you, it's a great gun. Next up, we go to our only rifle sniper; snipers aren't that good in this game, so we're going to go with the EBR ABR, which is very tactical. Gun It's a quick pop-up, shot-wise, which allows you to get that down. We've got the 20-round mag right here, which we don't need to tune, and we've got the husher silencer right here.

Smoothness and bullet velocity once again just showing the importance of how good bullet velocity actually is, the 22-inch barrel here for recoil steadiness as well as our damage range, so we're kind of right in that area with our recoil setting, this aim walking speed is an important aim down sight speed of course, and we want to keep that in mind, but in that case we're going to go ahead and tune this towards damage range.

best guns in warzone 2

SC See Vortex once again towards ads speed, and we've got you know our position is going to be far. Hey, wash your hands at me and invite, we're going to position this towards far, and then we got FTEC Valor right here. You want to be more controlled, "pop pop," let it reset right, "pop pop," let it reset right, "pop pop," and that's how you really make sure that you're capitalizing on that right there.

So the EBR is a really, really good option overall, and you can two-tap guys pretty quickly.

Fennec class & tuning

Fennec class & tuning

Next , let's go ahead and jump into the next SMG. Ignore the lethal in the perk package here that should be Vanguard. I'm going to go ahead and update this and change that you can run frag grenades, by the way, but I think Centex are a little bit easier to use, so we are going to go ahead and jump over here to the Fennec.

You know the one downside of the Fennec is the same thing we saw in the war zone: it's just too small of a magazine, and it's got an insane price. Ttk right here but the 45-round nag makes it a little bit tougher to use; great in solos, it's okay in duos, trios, and quads, it's a little bit tougher to use although, with how strategic you are in this game and how much slower the pace can be, sometimes you know it might not be a bad option to actually use this, but you are going to have to be very smart about your AML X10 RR40.

best guns warzone 2

muzzle tuned to ads speed and bullet velocity, giving us a little bit more range and continuing to give us that ads speed for an SMG. Now we've got recoil steadiness and are once again going towards added speed. I don't need a ton of damage range; this is my SMG, so I do have to keep that in mind, but, overall, you know, my goal here is to aim down sight and use this in close quarters, which is why the recoil is interesting on this one MW quick fire laser; again, aim down sight speed.

no cons, and then we go to the Agile Assault 7 stock right here, once again showing you why you should aim for down sight speed and aim for walking speed. Once again showing that your aim and walking speed are very important in this game, let's go and jump into the firing range here overall. Once again, don't worry about that guy as much.

best guns warzone 2.0

We're going to fry that guy right there. You know that close guy, and a lot of your engagements with SMGs are probably in the middle of these two right here in terms of that distance, so right there it's definitely usable at close range, and you can see just how easy it is to use. Finally, we're going to go ahead; actually, that might have been the last one.

is that it that might be it; we got the M4 rpk Lachman, sub lockman, 556 Tech 56 Vasnav, bass P Rawl.

Let's go over the top 10 weapons to use in Warzone 2 right now. Loadouts are definitely not AS IMPORTANT but they are still really helpful so make sure to setup these 10 classes.
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