News - Top 10 Weapons Warzone 2 Right Now. Best Classes/loaoduts To Get More Kills

M4 class & tuning

M4 class & tuning

Today I'm giving you the top 10 loadouts right now for Warzone 2, starting off here with the M4. For each of the 10 guns today, I'm just going to give you the attachments. I'm going to put them on the screen just like you see right here. While you get that set up, I'll quickly go over the pros and cons of the gun, and then we'll jump into weapon tuning and really learn how to tune each attachment.

You know the M4 is just a good all-around option; it's got good TTK, it's versatile, and look, it's a Call of Duty classic; it's always on the easier side to use recoil eyes. Now let's go ahead and start off here with the Harbinger muzzle. We're going to go to Optiglass. Let's start with the muzzle.

Right here, we're going to tune the recoil smoothness as well as the bullet velocity. Bullet velocity is one of the most important things in this game because your long-range option allows the bullet to get to the enemy a little bit quicker but also allows for less damage drop-off or bullet drop-off.

best class warzone 2

Aiming for idle stability is basically when you're aiming down your sights and you're not shooting or anything. How much is that scope moving now? Let's talk about the optics here. A lot of people are running without optics, which I personally don't love if you're running 1080p, which is what a lot of console and PC players are doing.

I, too, don't love this 4X scope right here. This 4X scope, which a lot of people are using, and even this 3.4X right here have a ton of visual recoil, even if we tune this thing. I'll show you how much it has, especially. At longer ranges, I mean, that's like, I don't know how far it is, but that's got a ton of visual recoils, so what I'm doing is I'm actually going with this scope right here.

I absolutely love this SZ, scope right here. We're going to tune this for far and we're going to tune this for ads speeding. You're going to see how much cleaner it is; it's not as much zoom, but you still get a little bit of zoom right there, and you can see just how much easier this thing is to use. So I've been using that scope on all of my ARs and LMGs.

Perks, lethal, & tactical

Perks, lethal, & tactical

Let's bring them up now. Close lethals are in the perk package tactical; I'm running stim, and you can also run flashbangs; flashbangs are, of course, available right here. You know, in terms of lethal. I'm not running around throwing knives; I'm running Centex, which allows us to grenade buildings, especially if we know somebody somewhere who gives us that initial advantage, and in terms of our perk package.

I'm running Vanguard, and I don't think there's a ton of stuff here that we can choose from, especially since we can't customize it. This gives me double time and allows me to keep my tactical sprint a little bit longer. This is Bomb Squad, which protects me from, you know, semtex and frag grenades and things like that.

best class warzone 2.0

I've got Resupply, which gives me additional lethal as well as recharge equipment, and I've got High Alert. Now that I don't fully know if the perks are actually working, I'm going ahead and running this perks package right here. I don't think there are any questions on my end about whether that's the best perk package.

Rpk class & tuning

Next up, let's go to ARB, or we have the LMG right here, which is the RPK. The RPK is very good, guys; once again, you see that SZ, the scope right here, it's got it. It's just once again a really good option. It's a little bit slower than the 80s, wise, but it definitely packs a punch, and it is really good at range.

Starting off with you here with the muzzle, we got the 490 bore, kind of just slightly, a little bit, towards ad speed. I don't want to lose too much recoil stabilization, and we, of course, have gun kick control. With high velocity, which you're going to see on a lot of these guns once again, that just gives us an increase in bullet velocity.

I don't want to tune this too much because of the damage range and recoil smoothness; I don't want to lose or gain any of that too much. same thing with recoil steadiness. But I have this tuned just a little bit towards bullet velocity, and then we go to the demo X2 grip right here for recoil, steadiness, and aiming idle stability once again, making sure that when I'm aimed down sight.

I'm not swaying too much. We've got the heavy support stock if we can tune this thing; we've got ads, speed, and aiming idle stability; and finally, we go to that s-z scope right here, which should be this right here, but it should be far right. I think I took it off at one point; it should be that right there far and aim down sight speed when you go to the firing range you see just how I mean this thing is just it. Nails people; it's very easy to use and has very limited recoil.

Lachmann sub - favorite smg

Lachmann sub - favorite smg

Next up, let's go ahead and run with the Lochman sub, one of my favorite submachines. Guns—you see them right here—are another very versatile option. This is actually the MP5, which is good all-around, has a decent range, and has good mobility.

TTK, starting off here with the X10 RR40 muzzle, we're going to go over recoil smoothness and bullet velocity. Next up, we jump down here to the 40-round mag. 50, which is a little bit too slow ad wise; 15 isn't going to do enough for us, so we've got to be running that 40-round bag right there, then we go ahead and jump to the mobile stock right here that gives us a little bit of mobility if we go back a little bit of aiming stability.

Crouch movement speed as well as ad speed, so we're going to tune this to ads speed as well as aim walking movement speed now, one thing to keep in mind with your submachine gun is that this is a much slower game, so actually aim walking, isn't it that uncommon if you're in a building and you're just ad-hoc walking up the stairs or turning a corner that's not that uncommon to do so in a war zone?

One aim is to walk; movement speed is not important at all. We never did that; we were always sliding around corners. War Zone 2's aim-walking movement speed is actually very beneficial. Next up, we go to the Lockman TCGEN. TC, G10 rear grip right here towards recoil steadiness and sprint fire speed, and then we've got the 1 mW quickfire laser.

I was running the vok for a while, but once again this laser is visible in ads, which kind of takes away that aimwalking, movement speed, or that aimwalking component. Because they're going to see your laser, I actually switched to the 1 mW quick fire; it does not show up right here, so we're going to go ahead and quickly go to the firing range.

I'll just show you what this looks like right here. Good ads speed, very easy to use, a very good gun overall; probably my favorite submachine gun; but there are a few in here that are absolutely incredible.

Let's go over the top 10 weapons to use in Warzone 2 right now. Loadouts are definitely not AS IMPORTANT but they are still really helpful so make sure to setup these 10 classes.
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