News - This Kastov Build Was So Broken It Was Banned By The Pros. 4 (warzone 2 Ranked Play)

What that's going to do is give me an opportunity to sound all my opponents, basically. Kind of balancing between ranks, man. It's just a small margin. I wrapped it. If I had made that bet, I would have saved 25 seconds. That's okay we redeem ourselves, we push through, we get a massive two-piece, and the last 12 seconds are going to go to us.

We gave the guy one shot now, if I just sat on this corner. I wouldn't be able to do that, so again, just a small play, and it's all about those small margins, so me playing on the edge there just Allowing myself to get those few shots off. I'm getting the scrap time I'm still being as impactful as possible gonna slide across we've got the Dead Silence now while the Dead Silence was activated I was all right let me push through let me try to help I'm just going to jump through it's going to full challenge it we take out one that's okay I don't mind dying there as long as we take him off the hill because that's giving my teammates a bit more breathing room to, get there and just stop the opponent from getting the time up so 146 to 116 we spot one again getting the assist and, it's all about putting damage off if you see somebody out in the open right you don't be afraid to shoot get some damage off even if your teammate gets a kill that's absolutely fine because, it's a team game it's not about your individual score line it's about getting the kills as a team it's going to push through we spot one there's a guy around and if that's going to go through try to take him out.

Stuff here so I'm gonna watch the left lane and shut the doors as I did earlier and just make sure nobody's pushing us now I looked at the minimum and I noticed the right side was clear so you push the right we get one kill we're gonna constantly be pre-aming we go to the back here we can see another guy let him go around the open great, shots we make him one shot we're gonna leave him now the reason why I left him there is because I don't mind my opponent spawning there the, reason I don't mind them spawning this because there's only 25 seconds left so if they want that spawn I'm actually more than happy with that because if my teammates can rotate here we'll be good to go on one shot we push through we get the first guy the second Gap pushes me again I'm.

It's literally just a distraction now. I think right there, what we did was a perfect play. We gave them the scrap time even though my teammate pushed them. We essentially gave them the old setup, and now we're rotating for the money here, so I mean, just a really good play, really good heads up from the team pushing.

Through now i did my little famous dolphin dime off; it didn't quite work out this time because somebody was behind me now. To be honest if I waited an extra second my teammate would have got the kill and the play would have been perfect but that's okay we, learned from the from our mistakes we're gonna push through my teammates on the hill we're gonna jump across I know somebody's there and I don't want to give them too much time so we're just going to jump across and at this point I'm gonna sacrifice myself as long as we get a kill which is exactly what happened so we actually went to plan I didn't mind dying there as long as my teammates can get the trades which is exactly what happened so plan went to Perfection the execution was exactly, what we wanted he's going to go through the middle here we spot one we're gonna take him out Jump Around the Corner we predict the second we take him out just a great play we're gonna watch for the third and of course we, take him out this is where the AK is so deadly in situation like this we have close combat and you know this gun.

Is an absolute unit. As long as you can get a few bullets off, you're going to get the kill because this gun is so strong, so we're going to push through. My teammates can be sitting right here, so we're just going to constantly jump around. As soon as my teammate dies on my ride, let me turn around and get the other weapon out.

We go through. We take out one jump around the corner just in case somebody pushes me, and that's exactly what happens. We jump across Chaka, stand there, spot him; we're going to push through; we're going to reposition; and this guy's just on top, man. I don't know where he came from, but yeah, mean such, a good Hero on 30 kills and honestly I think in terms of gameplay one of my best gameplays with fundamentals I feel like we rotated really well there only one or two times I feel like I didn't rotate effectively but the rest of the time I haven't played it really well we jump across my teammates there he makes us one shot that's fine 44, seconds left what can we do in this situation we don't want to give them too much time here but at the same time we don't want to panic and over commit and lose spawns for P2 so you have to find the fine balance right between pushing the hill and holding spawns and I think we're gonna go to the right just make sure we're locking down this side of the map and, yeah let's just see how this one goes we're gonna push through the middle and slowly but surely they get back into the game which is more ideal we take out one my teammates with me we spot.

The trophy system right there and at this point right although we're, you know, the game's even when I'm more worried about Pichu than anything so I'm looking at the mini map and I'm just hoping that we've got spawns right here there you go we've got spawns okay this is good now I'm gonna back off and I really need to rotate through this side of the map okay this is perfect this is what I didn't do the last time and what I've learned from so If I'm making the same mistakes twice and I have no one to blame but myself, we will push through using this as cover, and I'm aware that I don't have a trophy system, so what I'm going to do is if I need comedy.

I'm going to make sure to dolphin dive away now. I think one thing I need to do is maybe switch trophies with you. Know during the match there and I don't know how he's talking but that's a proper Kobe right there what a need to stick in but yeah maybe switch trophies, like certain Hills of the matter then switch the dead side I think that might be the best play We're Going Through we're constantly snaking this watching over my teammate gonna jump across 35.

In this video I am playing some more Mercado Hardpoint using the broken Kastov Build and going over how to improve when playing Solo Queue in MW2 Ranked Play. I will be going over how I play situations and going through plays live with live commentary to see what I think in the moment.
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