News - Warzone 2 Ranked Play : Using Aydan's Broken Taq-56 Build


Lowdown he's been using for the attack 56. In, my opinion this load that's really good it was a lot of fun to use it's a bit more of a slow build definitely. I mentioned this is a bit of a slower build so we're going to be playing a bit of a different play style here sometimes. You see me play aggressive, on the channel the hair's gonna be a bit more of a slower build and you can see the start is quite difficult for me I'm getting trying to get me into the momentum, here into the swings of things but we're not starting off too great but I managed to get some really good spawns going into P2, just gonna go up the ladder I mean they can hear me from a mile away especially.

Straight away I kind of know where my opinion's, gonna be get some nice single fire Taps off to take out that first guy because we made him we're gonna chop the Tomato over and I'm just gonna sit and Karma some good shots onto the second game we managed to take out that first opponent, and just like that we started to get a bit more control of the map here and now looking at the mini map what's open so I know the back right is open and I know that the left is covered so straight.

ranked play

Away where I can assume they're going to be spawning, it's probably the tennis court area around. The P1 area, so I'm just going to kind of watch the front here and I can notice that nobody's coming from the right now what I want you to pay attention to is where I'm sitting in the area. Can see I'm not sitting on the right I'm not sitting in the back I'm actually sitting on the left side of this truck and now this, isn't a coincidence it's actually on purpose the reason why I sat on the left side is because I knew where my teammates were coming from I knew that the only sound my opponents can come from was the right so me standing on the left has gave me as much cover as possible right here what I did as I sat behind the car once again you can see I'm really used as in my cover and, it shows in that early gameplay we really locked down a lot of time in that P2, so yeah just a small tip there made sure foreign.

I i really like this spot, especially for this P3 hardpoint, because it's not one they really expect. They expect you to be all in their face, but what I like to do is kind of sit here and watch over my team, and sometimes that just allows me to get rotated for P4. Me to have the spawn set up and I can basically view them across the map so we take out the first guy another woman, do is back off I can actually hear someone come out on top of the stairs so instead of looking out the window I'm gonna look to behind me and just like that we managed to take him out make to you slasher.


Movement we get the jump shot off and we see the third guy now right here I'm in such a good spot because if you just think about it it's on the bird's eye view here they, can't really Rush the Hill from the front side because they know that I'm sitting on the top building so, rather all I had to do was play my life unfortunately.

I did die but our team does manage to get a lot of the time there what I'm gonna do here just switch to a trophy system because I did have dead silence on by accident I'm just gonna make sure I get that switch off for the next hardpoint, and now we're in a really good position I've got the spawns for the next hardware and you can see I'm not too worried about kills, are mainly playing for rotations and right here I'm making my job for my teammates so much easier gonna, go to this little okay see if I can take them out I really enjoy this lead chair it's a very good spot especially for this hard point just to lock down the hole of the right lane really.

warzone 2

Good head glitch and now what I'm going to do is go between the back of the hill and on the right so. I'm kind of hoping my teammates wins the gun fights in the hill I'm very much relying on my teammates to do so I'm just kind of watching surroundings, and making sure nobody else can come to the hill we, do manage to get too down now and.

I'm looking at the minimum I can see my team start to close in so we're gonna go in we get one week we managed to take him out and I'm waiting, for my opponent, you can see my teammates coming through the left just gonna use my tactical, see, if I can take them out set, them out there don't manage to get him go around really good timing to take up a second we.

For me, this is the biggest power spot on the map. Side on p2 side sorry so. One shot, my teammate goes for the trade. Now, straight to it with 20 seconds left, what are we going to do? We're going for the trade. We're going for the spawns. With 15 seconds left, my teammates got the hill, so for me, this is the best case scenario, the perfect scenario.

Here is my team actually getting broken, the spawns flipping, and we're ready for P2. Just like that. I've got spawns. Ready for P1, now I'm going to sit on top and have a trophy system on top. You know you might get broken here and there but overall as long as your initial setup is good can, you keep on rotating you should always win the game you get some shots off we managed to make him weak there some not bad shots right there but we don't get the kill and what I'm gonna do is take my time here I like to use my equipment for information so I'm gonna stop the left and, you see just like that it just allowed us to check two three quarters at once we go around we take out the second guy Army, disco I mean come on like what do I even say about that I don't really know what to say left.

Speech just after that, we're absolutely frightened that they managed to get the three pieces now with 15 seconds that we go through and we just take out another guy like this is just unbelievable, right now really gonna play, and they managed to get the four pieces just like that with eight seconds left.

The only thing that I could take out is my own trophy system, you know. I want you to notice how I didn't shoot straight to it I played it very patiently now, the reason why I didn't shoot straight away is because I realized that movie was watching the back angle so you. To it this is exactly, what you don't want to be doing if you're my opponent you don't want to be stuck in the old Hill there there's no need to do so they could have really got the rotation and made this a lot more difficult, for us you, can see I'm sporting, the tennis court area now I know they're going to be rotating, from P1 so now what I don't want to do is I don't want to climb the ladder here and get some bad timing because if I die on the ladder there it's just going to make my teammates into a 3v4.

In this video I am going to show you a new AR Class to help you win more gunfights in Ranked Play.
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