News - This Is Just Disgusting. Embarrassing - Warzone 2 Season 1 Reloaded

cod rage rant

All right YouTube, let's do this. So Call of Duty dropped a little update and a little hot fix in the middle of the night last night, fixing well a lot of the main issues we're having with the launch of season one reloaded, and I just want to get this out of the way real quick before I say anything else.

I appreciate that they stayed up and fixed that. I appreciate that they worked at these ungodly hours to get that done. I appreciate them cleaning up their own mess. I appreciate them fixing an update that should have never been released in the state that it was in the first place. I appreciate them doing that.

I am not going to pat them on the back for that. Man, they don't deserve any praise for that. I appreciate it, but I'm definitely not going to praise it. Are you kidding me? You have to be like that. That is wild to me. There are people out here praising and defending it. I'm going to show you guys a post real quick.

mw3 cheater exposed

This is from a voice in the community. It's a female. I'm not going to show you guys her name because it's just that I'm not trying to throw shade at any females like that man. I just ain't built that way. If this were the case, I wouldn't care. I like we would just be ripping him a whole new butthole over here, like I wouldn't even care, but it's this is a female; she is like she's got a bigger following than me.

I don't really know who she is and didn't really know who she was until I saw this pose, but she's got a following, and this is something that she had to say to the community. Earlier today, she said the development team has been working around the clock to fix their mistakes. key word there, mistakes, and some of you have the audacity to still, Complain; if they had stuck to regular working hours to fix these issues, this wouldn't have been resolved for days.

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Show a little appreciation and thank you, developers, with a purple heart. I feel like I can't, man. I just want to know how you process that, you know, like, yeah, okay, they fixed the pro I mean. I saw a lot of people in the replies roasting this person, and they were using analogies that would have come to mind right away as soon as I heard this [__] too.

mw3 eomm sucks rant

They were talking like, you know, imagine a fireman showing up to a house, starting a fire, putting out that fire, and then expecting praise for doing so, like[__] like that, right? It just doesn't make any sense, like, yeah, you can appreciate them. Getting to work and fixing it I'm just trying to imagine: if I did something like this at my job, how would that go?

I'm thinking about all the overtime I've worked over the years just through my life at different jobs. But let's say I go to a job and I just blow up a unit, or let's say I get a service call and I go over there and I'm servicing a unit. Pause, right actually, that doesn't sound as good as what I'm saying, but anyway, I'm doing a service call.

And I charged the unit with the wrong refrigerant, and I actually expect to stay overtime to fix that mistake, and I expect my boss to be happy about that and appreciate it to come out here and defend me on it. No, man, he's going to be pissed. He's going to be pissed because that's money and that's time, and time is also money.

mw3 is embarrassing

He's going to be mad as [__] and he's going to expect me to work whatever overtime I'm going to need to work to make sure that the job is done, but I tell you what we'll come back to in a minute. Let me show you another post here from Thomas Finn. Never heard of this person before, but this post has been making the rounds all over Twitter today; it's been making the rounds big time over there on Tik Tok, and this was a post from, after the update for the few people that can actually get on the game and get on war zone, and check this [__] out, he goes on to say this is the state Call of Duty is in man.

Anti-che is not working; I haven't been able to access Call of Duty since 6:00 in the day yesterday, and Tik Toks is just full of cheaters; they're not even trying to hide it either. This is sad, man. Infinity Wards Sledgehammer Games, fix your game. This is terrible, and he attaches a tight little article to it.

mw3 new map rio

I'm going to let you guys check that out. Real, Skies, The I'm. Do you see this? [__] beta-rage hacking You know this nerd gets picked on every single day at school and gets his lunch money stolen. Every single day he comes home, cheating on the game makes him feel better about himself. He got walls.

He's got the best aimbot you can think of; he's got it all, man, and he's just spinning around in the lobbies out here doing everybody, and he's able to do that. I'll tell you why he's able to do that. Did you see the [__] skin that he's wearing? He's got his little train bundle, right? He went and bought one of those expensive bundles.

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What are they up to now? It's like 28 bucks or something. I don't remember, like, 2,800 cops. I don't know. I don't really pay attention to the [__] because it's all toxic cheese. I ain't trying to hear it. I don't want to see it. I get the [__] out of my face every time I sign up for this game.

mw3 new update sucks

They're trying to sell me something, and I already bought the game, so I don't really pay attention to the [__]. Unless I'm calling it out, I did not look at the price of the A train bundle, but you know it's expensive as [__] especially for a full-priced game like this. He ain't going to get banned because he's giving them more money; he's buying their bundles.

Why is Call of Duty going to ban him? see this girl in the beginning that I spoke about, she's talking about how we need to appreciate it and thank you, developers, and they worked at these ungodly hours and they worked through the night to fix their game. Listen to me, sweetheart, and listen very carefully.

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They stayed up and fixed the game because people couldn't get into the game. All right, people were stuck at the fetching profile loop, and [__] they couldn't even get on the game to play it, and if they could get on the game to play it, they were lagging all over the place; basically, it was unplayable.

mw3 new update sucks rant

They fix it when people are not playing the game because they can't get on, or when they get on, it's a disaster; it's literally unplayable. They're less likely to go to the store and buy bundles when these little 40-year-old beta male virgin nerds. They can get on the game very easily, or when they're on the game and they're playing it, they're running into very few problems, so they're more likely to go over to the store.

Look at their bundles, and buy an expensive as hell cringe bundle to get a skin for a [__] first-person shooter, a skin that they'll barely ever see, a skin that their enemies see, and a couple of blueprints for a gun, but if you switch around the attachments on that gun to make the gun better for you, it doesn't look like that blueprint anymore; it makes it look uglier.

Call of Duty worked some overtime and fixed some of the problems we had with the launch of season 1 reloaded. There's some people that think this deserves to be praised defended. While there's still a ton of problems with MW3, we got rage hackers going crazy in Warzone without consequence.
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