News - This Fennec 45 Class Is Unstoppable. Best Fennec 45 Class Setup" Warzone 2



The Fennec 45 is the number one SMG for aggressive players, and with this best-in-class FedEx-class setup, it is actually so hard to lose a close-range engagement.

Fennec best class

The reason I like this stock is because it gives you a lot of mobility without too many cons. It's pretty much like a no-stock, but with fewer cons.

The no-stock is very good for mobility, but it just removes all the recoil and control, so it's really hard to use the weapon outside of point-blank range. For example, here's the gun with no attachments. It is pretty easy to beam; there is a little bit of vertical, but other than that, it's very easy to use.

When you add the no-stock, there is going to be so much recoil. Look at that like, "What the shit is that?" and then when you add attachments, that's going to mitigate that recoil, but it just hurts the mobility so much that I found that the best stock is for sure going to be the agile assault stock for the tuning on it, which is usually when I see aim walking steadiness.

best fennec 45 class

Most of the guns are pretty steady, but the ads' speed is more valuable than the aim's walking steadiness. So I usually always play in favor of the ad speed, and if you want the most amount of ad speed, increase it by -2.51. For the bottom bar, there really isn't much sway on the weapon, and you're going to be using it at like close range, which you really shouldn't be using the Fennekin medium, but you shouldn't.

That being said, you're not going to really notice the sway on the weapon, so we're going to increase the aim walking speed, and if you want the most of that, lower the bar by -1.03. For the next attachment, we are going to increase the range of the weapon a little bit, and a great way to do so is to add the second guard MKV.

best fennec 45 class mw2

We are going to lose a little bit of our adp, but the stock is bringing that up, and then overall, the fennec is just naturally a very high mobility weapon, for the tuning on the muzzle. The Recoil smoothness actually doesn't do anything in the game, so we're going to max out the ad speed by a negative 0.94, just so you know this isn't based on your linear scale, and that's why the most amount of ad speed is at 0.94.

For the Bottom bar as the same reasons as before, you don't really need as much stability for the close-range weapon, so we're going to increase the ball's velocity. You're going to have less recoil, and we'll still have a decent amount of mobility. This is that long range, so yes. I did miss a lot of the shots, but this is that long range when you really shouldn't be using it there, so if you can control it at that close range, it should be so easy since we did lower the stability a lot; there really isn't any stability on the weapon; it is swaying a lot, and that's a little bit too much for my preference, so a great way to reduce that.

best fennec class setup mw2

You see, vlk, this can increase the overall mobility of the weapon, which is great, but then it gives you so much aiming stability that. That sway, although the enemies are going to be able to see the laser, just look at this way now that there is literally nothing on the weapon; this makes it so stable, and you can literally use it at medium range like super easily.

My God, next, to increase the mobility a little bit more, we are going to go over to the rear grip, and I like to run the rubber grip. At first. I was running a Flinch resistance or a Recoil control one, but then I noticed that since I'm going to be so aggressive, the Recoil really doesn't hinder me at all, so I just ran the rubber grip, which gives you a lot of mobility, making it a little bit better for Rush.

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Fennec texture is honestly another great option. I would say they're equally good. That being said, it's just going to be personal preference, and then I would tune them in the same way. Whichever stay-tune I'm going to give on the stay-tune. I'm going to increase the recoil and steadiness so there's a little less horizontal.

cod modern warfare 2

Honestly. I could increase the ads' speed, but it's nice to have less horizontal recoil, which is the stabilization recoil. Those are the horizontal recoil items for the bottom bar. You want to get the maximum amount of sprint fire speed, which is going to be very crucial on this weapon, so I would increase it by -0.13.

For the last attachment, this is going to be a personal preference. So if you do not want to run a laser, we are running the laser, but if you don't want to run it, put on the shark fin 90 and tune in for the added speed, aiming, and stability. But if you are running the laser, I recommend you guys add the Cronin Groove side grip or the Brew and Tilt grip.

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This is actually my first time running these grips, but the reason I like them is because there are pretty much no cons. The only thing we are losing is the hip walking speed, which honestly doesn't matter, and then we get a lot of hits by Raxi, for which the Merc forgot to make the weapon very stable, and it gives a hit to Rexy, but it hurts the attack speed so much that I don't really like to run it for the tuning on the groove side.

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We're just going to increase the hip walking speed because that's what we're losing with the attachment, so we're going to increase that by 0.28. For the bottom bar, the ads speed already feels pretty good on the weapon, so we're just going to increase the hit by axis by 0.31; here is one of my favorite setups for the fennec, and just remember if you do not want to run a laser.

I would take off the underbarrel and I would add the shark fin 90, so your class should look pretty similar to this, and then honestly. I'll just go over to the ammo, and then I would add the armor-piercing rounds and tune them for the damage range and bull velocity, and then, This thing is scary when you don't have the extent of mags, but it's actually worth trying to use this weapon.

Fast mgb w/ fennecd setup

Fast mgb w/ fennecd setup

What the shit is that? And honestly, the battle rage actually just saved me.

I'm so lucky. This is a terrible, scary reload. It's like I've got hyperfocus right now. Okay, we're going to go over here, and then we're going to come up behind them. We should be able to use this Hydra. Why are you just looking at that? What are you doing, my brother? Okay, I don't have ammo.

We're about to get into battle rage again. I would like to use battle rage if I kind of need ammo. Are your kills spawn shopping, which is perfect? That's like exactly what you're supposed to do in multiplayer Call of Duty; that's like the part that takes skill; that's pretty much how you get nukes; you gotta know where they're spawning, and then you just gotta hit your shots.

fennec 45

Okay, now we need, like, one more kill. My MGB, leave a like for that; let's go. All my kills are from behind, and a big part of that is positioning. You do need to position yourself a lot. Let's freaking go here. I will put this up on screen if you want to be in the article; just put a "w" or something easy.

UPDATED "FENNEC 45" CLASS SETUP is NOW META in MW2! Best FENNEC 45 Class Setup Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Season 1 Multiplayer.
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