News - The "fennec 45" Got A Massive Nerf Warzone 2. Best Fennec 45 Class Setup -warzone 2 Season 2

Fennec 45 class setup

Fennec 45 class setup

all right So we're going to be taking a look at the nerfed Fennec 45 here in Modern Warfare 2. It also received a nerf in Warzone, but, as you guys know, I'm a multiplayer guy now. Before, I was not running a barrel on this thing, but what they decided to do was nerf the base damage. Nerf the headshot damage and the damage range of the weapon; this thing is kind of chalked now, but with the right attachments and aggressive play in hand, it's still pretty good, but by no means as good as it once was.

It's no longer overpowered, which I guess is the best word. Let's get into these attachments, so I'm going to start with a barrel, as I just stated. I wasn't running a barrel before because it had a decent effective damage range without even a barrel, but now that it has that damage range, Nerf, you're going to need this thing.

best fennec 45 class

I'm going with the Fennec covert force. It gives damage range, sound suppression, hip-fire accuracy, and bullet velocity. There are some barrels that give you more damage range, I suppose, but at the end of the day, I don't think you should be using those barrels. Overall, this weapon is most effective against aggressive players and players who play extremely aggressively on small maps.

The tuning on that is going to be set at one, or. I'm sorry, 0.26, toward a recoil steadiness negative 0.25, toward that aim down sight speed for the underground, the Bruin Warrior grip that's for hipfire, accuracy, hip recoil control, and walking steadiness and recoil steadiness. The tuning is negative 0.15 toward your hip walking speed and negative 0.40 toward your downhill side speed.

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Down here to the magazine, the Fennec Mag 45, aka the 45-round mag. This is something that I've always stuck to because this weapon shoots so fast that you're going to need a bigger magazine in order to pick up more than one or two kills. Here's the rear grip, the fennec rubber grip, for sprint to fire speed and aim down sight speed to help the aggressive tendencies.

The tuning is going to be set at plus 0.61 for your recoil steadiness and negative 0.16 for your sprint to fire speed. Our last attachment is a VLK laser sound milliwatt, which is going to give you aim down sight speed, aim stability, and sprint to fire speed, where the tuning is going to be set negative 0.29 toward your sprint to fire speed and negative 51 towards your aim downside speed now.

I personally didn't think it was all that overpowered; I thought there were better options for an example. I wanted the cast to have the 74U and the mini box because I thought there were a lot of options that were better for multiplayer's sake. Without further ado, let's get over to Shoe House and hope you guys enjoy.

Fennec 45 gameplay

Fennec 45 gameplay

Still, the Fennec received a nerf in both multiplayer and war zones. I'm going to be honest; this is the first weapon I've used that actually feels much weaker. The damage all around the damage range just doesn't feel as strong, but it's still not, you know, 100 percent usable.

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He said I was just saying it's not completely unusable, but you may find some struggles. If you're not extremely aggressive, you're definitely going to want to be as aggressive as you possibly can be with it because of the fire rate, of

The "FENNEC 45" got a MASSIVE NERF in Modern Warfare 2! Best Fennec 45 Class Setup -MW2 Season 2. Timecodes.
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