News - The Ultimate Guide To Mastering Call Of Duty Warzone 2/warzone 2

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Welcome back to another article. It feels like with every article we're gaining about 2 to 3, so thank you guys so much. We're growing so fast. I'm very grateful for it, so on one of my articles, user FP, I will not read the rest. I'm sorry, but this person commented basically saying I don't know how people get that good, and I replied saying that I'm making articles teaching you guys exactly how to do that.

So for those of you that have known me for a long time, you know that I've been playing Call of Duty for the majority of my life, and I've always been pretty good at it. Go back to the old streams. You can always watch the old articles on Twitch, but in the meantime, we're focusing on right now, so I quit for a few years, and I came back now because the new Call of Duty has been a lot of fun.

I've been enjoying my time on it. I could play solo. I could play with friends, and it's always been a good time, so I'm enjoying that a lot right now, and I want to teach you guys exactly how I could drop 100+ game plays, get all these high streaks, go on nuke streaks, and everything like that, so today that's exactly what I'm going to be teaching you.

cod wz3

I'm going to be teaching you guys all the things I know on how to become a good player. At the same time, I'm going to keep entertaining you guys with different voices. Trolling articles and things like that, so get ready for that because that's coming soon. But with all that being said, the first tip is to utilize your radar.

Okay, a lot of people don't look at their radar enough, and I find it's the biggest thing about your UAV. Your radar will tell you everything that you need to know. Yes, sometimes people are ghosted; sometimes people throw decoys or whatever it might be, but nine times out of 10. The reason I get so many kills is because I'm constantly checking; it's a reflex.

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After each kill, I'm looking at the radar, and I'm seeing who's there who's around what Intel do I have, and this way I know how I'm going to proceed. I know how I'm going to turn the corner, and I know what I'm going to be doing. So a lot of this time in the game, you're going to see that I'm peing the corner already scoped in because I'm expecting an enemy to be there nine times out of 10.

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The person who's going to get the kill is whoever is more prepared to get it. Whoever has the best advantage, if I'm looking for them and they peak and I'm already shooting by the time that they scope in, then obviously I have the advantage there, but also, the one time out of 10 could be a load-out difference.

Now, this is something that's really big, and that's going to bring me to the second tip: make sure you're utilizing the best load out for whatever gun you're using. Make sure you have the fastest time to kill possible. Make sure you have the lowest recoil possible. Anything that could give you an advantage to get these kills you want to be using, So that's exactly what I do in my game plays if you see that my class setups are always, typically, very low recoil.

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They're always very fast to kill. I don't really waste my time with guns that are tough to use, I find that's a waste of time for everybody. Unless I'm going for a camo challenge for the gun, you will not catch me using it, so with that being said, as War Zone 3 drops, I'm going to be giving you guys the meta classes.


Typically, I run an AR SMG sniper SMG. But I'm going to be giving you guys all the meta class setups so you can get your kills as fast as humanly possible and you won't be stuck getting killed even if you have the full ad advantage. So the first two things are looking at your radar as much as possible and making sure you have the best class setup.

Now the third part is very important. I find that if you don't do this, then you will not be getting your kills. You have to learn your map rotations. On every map you're doing, including the war zone and the big ass map, you're going to basically want to know the hot spots. You're going to want to know where to expect people, where they'll be hiding, and where they'll be staying.

So let's say you're playing multiplayer. You want to learn where people are spawning and where they're coming from, and this way, as you're pushing, you know, okay, if I move this far, it's going to rotate the spawns. If I don't move this far, they could keep spawning here, and I could just hold the spawn trap down.

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You learn these things as you play, but pay attention to all the spawn points along the map so that you can know where they might be, and at the same time. Pay attention to where your team is in relation to the map, or if you're playing war zone, then pay attention to where your team is so that you're not rotating alone or pushing squads by yourself.

If anything, you will have help; that's always nice. I agree that sometimes it's okay to challenge a full squad if you feel confident. But you also have to play it smart. You don't want to overexpose yourself, because if you get three people shooting at you at the same time, then it's over. You want to be able to push properly.

high kill games warzone

Try to get each gunfight one by one, and you might be able to kill all three, but again, if you have your team there, you're going to win more and you're going to do a lot better, so pay attention to where your team is in the war zone and in multiplayer. Pay attention to where your team might be pushing and how the spawns might be rotating where your team is spawning, and that way it could tell you as well as where the enemy team is spawning, so that's going to help a lot to learn your map rotations.

It's very important that it comes with time. It's a lot of game sense for sure, but it's something that's going to make a huge difference, so once you know your spawns, you have a good load out, and you're looking at radar, there's no chance you're not going to be dropping High Kill. If you guys are new, then join the Discord server to join the community.

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I'm dropping advice for any questions you guys might have. We're trying to build a community of the most awesome people, so be sure to join that as well as check out the streams if you haven't already.

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