News - The Rpk Is The Best Lmg Warzone 2. Gun Guide Ep. 28

Damage & multipliers

And in today's episode we're going to be moving on to the RPK and starting it off as always, let's have a look at our damage profile. With this gun, it's actually a very consistent three- to four-shot kill, and in the maximum damage range, it's a guaranteed three-shot kill even if you shoot him in the foot.

Anything beyond that, you just have to make sure you're mixing in some upper torso or even just regular torso shots, and you can still maintain a decent three-shot kill potential. As for headshots, we can actually kill in two shots within the maximum damage range if both bullets hit the head, which is excellent.

However, beyond that, headshots are pretty much useless aside from the last damage range, where mixing one single headshot will allow you to maintain a three-shot kill when mixed with body shots.

Rate of fire & ttk

As for our rate of fire, this is 600 rounds per minute, just like the cast-off 762 assault rifle, and what this means for our time to kill potential is that with a three-shot kill, our time to kill is quite fast at 200 milliseconds.

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Whereas with a four-shot kill, it's now going to drop off to 300 milliseconds, and that's honestly not a bad time to kill at all for really long ranges.

Bullet velocity

Bullet velocity

It's also worth noting that if we manage to get that two-shot kill by hitting both bullets to the head up close, our time to kill is literally 100 milliseconds, which is nearly instant ; but then let's move on to our bullet velocity, which is standard for LMGs and very good at 700 meters per second ; and then let's get into our ranges, and as you can see here, our maximum damage range extends out to about 34 meters.


That's a great maximum damage range; you're going to get a guaranteed three-shot kill there, and I just love the consistency we see there with this gun; and then our second damage range is just that tiny little sliver between 34 and 36. And about 37 meters. I'm not too sure why they decided to include such a small damage range, but then beyond that, our third damage range will extend out to 49 meters, which is an excellent range, and this is where we can still get a three-shot kill potential, but you really have to be hitting your upper torso shots to maintain that three-shot kill, and then anything beyond that will be a four-shot kill unless you mix in a headshot.

Hipfire & sway

As for hipfire, there are no surprises here; it's just standard for an LMG. Generally speaking, you don't want to be hipfiring unless you're right up close and personal. Then let's have a look at our idle sway, and this gun's quite interesting. There is a lot of idle sway with this; it's going to be moving around quite a bit, and this will definitely affect your power at longer ranges, so you may want to get this under control with an attachment or two.



It's going to kick basically straight up for you; other times it's going to cut a little bit hard to the right, and you can't really tell when it's going to do that overall.

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Though the total magnitude is not that bad, the spacing between bullets is also not bad at all, and therefore, while there definitely is some inconsistency to be aware of, it's not an inaccurate gun by any means. It's not the most accurate LMG, but I wouldn't call it inaccurate either.


But then let's move on to our handling stats, and our aim down sight speed is actually pretty solid for an LMG at 413 milliseconds; this is the second fastest out of the LMG category.

Our sprint-out time is pretty standard for an LMG at 250 milliseconds. This is a bit on the slow side; however, our reload time is the fastest in the LMG category at 3.08 seconds, and that's great, especially considering the fact we have a 75-round magazine. This is an excellent reload time for that, but of course it is still very slow when you compare it to something like an assault rifle or an SMG.



For the base stats of this gun, let's have a look at our movement speeds. Our base movement speeds are a little bit above average, but nothing too crazy; our sprint movement speed is basically bang on average for an LMG; and finally, our aim walking movement speed is actually noticeably better than average for an LMG.

Barrel ranges

Still quite slow, and you're probably not really going to be able to take advantage of this unless you boost this with attachments ; and, that right there wraps it up for the base stats of this gun, but now let's get into some attachments, and we're going to start this off with barrels and how they impact our ranges, and as you can see here, we have three barrels available for this.

The first barrel will boost our range values by 12 percent, the second barrel has no impact on our ranges, and the third barrel harms our range values by 14 percent.

Barrel recoil

After , that being said, let's get into how these barrels impact our recoil, and as we can see there, the first barrel does seem to help a little bit with our recoil, the second barrel not so much at all; it basically looks the same as the base recoil pattern, and then finally, the third barrel definitely seems to increase the amount of horizontal deviation you experience, and therefore, that one really could throw you off target at longer ranges.

Barrel ads speeds

Barrel ads speeds

After , finally, for these barrel attachments, let's see how they impact our aim down sight speeds. As we can see, the first barrel will noticeably harm our aim down sight speed by 30 milliseconds; honestly, that's not bad compared to a lot of the other barrels in this game, whereas the other two barrels will both improve our aim down sight speed, especially that final barrel, which will give us about a 395 millisecond aim down sight time, which is pretty great for an LMG.

Magazine ads speeds

Next, let's move on to the magazine attachments. We've actually got three unique magazines for this. We've got a 30-round magazine that improves our aim downrange speed by quite a noticeable margin. a 40-round magazine that gives us a 20-millisecond boost to our aim-down sight speed, and then finally we could use a 100-round drum magazine, but this will slow our aim-down sight time down to about 470 milliseconds overall.

All around build

modern warfare 2

We're using the SA leveler muzzle, which helps with horizontal as well as vertical recoil control, the OLED laser, the Slimline Pro optic, and the Pro Light TL3. Stock and, finally, and probably most importantly, here is the 40-round mag. With this combination of attachments, we get a nice improvement to our aim down sight speed.

It's now right around 400 milliseconds, which is an excellent aim down sight speed for an lmg. It would be a bit on the slow side for an assault rifle, but this is still a very decent aim down sight speed that allows you to get around the map at least reasonably aggressively. Our sprint out time is also slightly improved now that it's right around where an assault rifle would typically be.

Welcome to Modern Warfare II Gun Guides! This is the series where I dive deep into the stats and best attachments for every gun in the game. In today's episode, we're breaking down the RPK in great detail.
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